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Survivor self entitlement

OH BOI i cannot wait for these changes and now survivors are really showing their true colours. Please all survivor mains complain right here i want to see more of it. To all survivor mains with some decency thank you truly


  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    I'm glad you don't generalize survivor mains to be entitled because I do know some survivor mains who are very appreciative of the developers.

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    Lets be honest here. Both are as bad as each other. If the survivors had just been given a couple of good QOL buff and killers got buffs to perks to accommodate the survivor buffs, killers would be losing their s**t to.

    Now personally I am not bothered about the changes, I'll adapt as I always do. I do look at problems from both sides and do my best to remain unbiased. But i could go back on many pages of the forums and run out of fingers when it comes to killer outrage posts.

  • obamagaming99
    obamagaming99 Member Posts: 216

    I'm rank 4 survivor and killer and I'm one of the appreciative survivors. Can't say i was appreciative of some of their previous changes but definitely this one

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    As a survivor and a killer player, I think you have the right to complain as you've experienced both sides to know for a fact what you're criticising.

  • obamagaming99
    obamagaming99 Member Posts: 216

    Nah survivors are definitely more self entitled than killers but not by much. I've tried my best to understand survivors' point of view but i can't get around it. and i'm rank 4 survivor btw

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    I think the first step to understanding is noting that 'survivors' aren't a single entity. There are always different opinions and some of them even unbiased. Unfortunately its always the efforts of the blatantly biased that are adopted as the entire population's point of view. It makes a decent dialogue about things like balance, really hard when generalisations such as "Babies" "Entitled" and "Dev bias" get thrown around, even when a differing point of view is well articulated and not full of whining.

  • Enlyne
    Enlyne Member Posts: 429

    These kinda posts are the reason everyone believes this is filled with killer mains, seriously.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Whats scary is after the past year realising just how much influence a few salty players on the forums have over the developers.

  • obamagaming99
    obamagaming99 Member Posts: 216

    not really cause these changes were needed and i want to see these survivor mains (only some of them) complain about how "killers are op now" and please link some of these forums about killers wanting more nerfs cause can't see anything :(

  • Jakojo
    Jakojo Member Posts: 214

    As a survivor main this game is RUINED! I can't loop op killers like Wraith, Legion, and Jason at three jungle gyms and killershack anymore. AND OH OH MY GOD. The doors that are there now, you're telling me the killer can just WALK through that? OP

    Not really 😉. These changes are really exciting and it's showing that not only are they listening to their players but they're really improving as game devs. Kudos BHVR. Can't wait to learn more mind games!

  • Calisto_667
    Calisto_667 Member Posts: 137

    I am glad bad killers like yourself will get a chance to win now. But everytime something on survivors side gets nerfed you still do bad and still complain about stuff. So well see.

  • Calisto_667
    Calisto_667 Member Posts: 137

    Right right. And I bet you are the type of killer who DC's when things arent going your way right?

  • obamagaming99
    obamagaming99 Member Posts: 216

    I only dc when it's just bs and quite frankly there's a lot going around rn but not anymore with these changes ;)

  • Calisto_667
    Calisto_667 Member Posts: 137

    Thank you for proving my point dude. You are just not a good killer.

  • Jakojo
    Jakojo Member Posts: 214

    I think bloodlust won't be looked at until they're (mostly) satisfied with how map design is. Then again, bloodlust isn't something that I see as a huge deal as survivor. I definitely think there are killers that can abuse bloodlust (snare Freddy) that make it an unfun mechanic. Usually I don't mind going down to a machspeed killer, if they got BL3 and are still chasing me, that's an entire gen (hopefully).

  • obamagaming99
    obamagaming99 Member Posts: 216

    You're very welcome. believe what you want I know what's true and what's not :)

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    Im sure we all remeber the fourms when ruin was nerfed.

    When survivors get a buff killers whine

    When killers get a buff survivors whine

    This community is just full of entitled people

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    Have you seen the fourms? Its all killers complaing. "Ive tried my best to understand survivors point of view but i cant get around it" same can be said about killers, saw a post about how chases shouldnt last longer then 20 seconds so killers can apply pressure also saw a post about how a 2k should be guaranteed. Both sides are filled with entitled people if you think one side is worse then the other then your bias

  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131

    Yep. There are NO entitled killers at all. 😂

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    Admittedly the majority of both sides have their flaws, and it's not just survivor mains who complain too.

    Every day I see thread after thread of killer mains who complain about survivors, examples ranging from specific perks, gen speeds, map sizes, keys, loops etc. I think more killer mains complain more than survivors mains do.

    However I'm not suggesting that survivors do not complain at all. I've seen threads of survivors who complain about NOED, tunnelling, camping and moris. There is no winning with some of this community; some people in life act entitled and are really ungrateful for the things they get.

    Disclaimer: I am not generalizing that all survivor/killer mains complain about this stuff. It's just a really popular complaint in the majority of those categories.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    "Entitled survivor mains" - Please please please tell me why we shouldn't complain.. This is just a quick overview of everything that's happened to Survivors since the Stranger Things update. Not a single Survivor buff shown.. Yet every patch has something to help Killers in some way shape or form.

    Survivor Nerfs

    Patch 3.3.1 - Insta Heals nerfed, Green Medkit charges nerfed from 24 to 16 charges.

    Patch 3.4.0 - Balance Landing Nerfed to remove staggert reduction while exhausted.

    Patch 3.5.0/3.5.2 - Lery's Rework (Survivor Nerf to hide totems, remove windows and add more unsafe pallet)

    February 10 - Disconnect Penalties - Forces Survivors to have to play through matches, no matter how toxic the killer wants to be.

    Patch 3.6.0 - Survivor Nerfs

    1) Survivors can no longer sabotage Bear Traps

    2) Dropped survivor wiggle progression reduced from 33% to 25%

    3) Toolboxes severely nerfed to reduce charges and repair speed progress.

    4) Saboteur nerfed (cooldown added) & Hooks respawn faster

    5) Survivor addons nerfed to disappear at the end of each match

    6) Autohaven Wreckers: Fixed an issue that allowed Survivors to use Dead Hard to get onto tires near a crane (Yet killers can still do it with Lunge)z

    7) Breakable Walls added

    Dev Update April 2020 - Survivor Nerf - Reduced repair speeds when working with other survivors, maps reworked to prevent survivors from being able to actually escape from a killer. Breakable walls being added to more maps.

  • obamagaming99
    obamagaming99 Member Posts: 216

    so balanced landing was op because on haddonfield you could go to the myres house and there would be a literal infinite

    lery's was a poorly designed map that's why they reworked it and imo it's worse for killers too

    for dc penalties if a survivor dc's then they're letting the whole team down whereas if a killer left they would only be letting themselves down

    sabotaging bear traps is literally making their power useless making win odds for the killer severely lower

    idk why they lowered wiggle progression who knows who cares it makes no difference anyway

    yet again toolboxes lasted way too long and provided way too much progression within the amount of time it lasted

    imo saboteur was buffed and if someone was getting hooked and it was 99'd they could just tap it and if you 99'd every hook t would be essentially impossible to hook someone

    survivor add ons were made to disappear because it was the same for killers

    ok survivors can't get onto tires anymore who cares

    breakable walls don't do anything apart from make a couple of doorways for both survivor AND kller

    welp without ruin gens flew by and everyone noticed how messed up gens were so that change was extremely justified. for windows and loops being reduced idk about that imo

    I'm not a developer so i can't fully justify all of them but if you're that desperate ask a real dev