behavior, you did your maths wrong!

80/1 = 80
2 = 90%
80/1.8 = 44.444
3 = 80%
80/2.4 = 33.333
4 = 70%
80/2.8 = 28.571
New change:
80/1 = 80
2 = 85%
80/1.7 = 47.058 = 2.614 extra seconds
3 = 70%
80/2.1 = 38.095 = 4.762 extra seconds
4 = 55%
80/2.2 = 36.363 = 7.792 extra seconds
Tell me how this will help us out??????
2.6 and 4.7 seconds??? how is this actually helpful????
The time increase is so minimal i doubt it will be helpful in anyway for the killers.
If you'd change it to 20% instead
With 20%:
80/1 = 80
2 = 80%
80/1.6 = 50 = 5.556 extra compared to the live version or 2.942 extra seconds from the ptb
3 = 60%
80/1.8 = 44.444 = 11.111 seconds extra compared to the live version, 3 person is required instead of 2 to finish a gen on that time
4 = 40%
80/1.6 = "same as above" so need more change
wouldn't this make more sense if you want to slow down the gen speed when working together?
I'm failing to see where the math was actually done wrong. It seems as though you came up with the same numbers we provided.
In any case, please wait until you try it on the PTB before making any conclusions. It's a little to early to say that it won't be enough. It's not meant to stop gens from going off period, it's meant to stop them from going off before you can possibly get there.
It's also worth noting that with a 20% reduction, it would actually be faster to repair a generator with three survivors than it would be with four.
28 -
5 seconds makes a difference. In that time the Killer can walk 23 meters or about 1/4th the length of the map.
9 -
you are right about the 15% on 4 that's my bad.
but 2.6 and 4.7 seconds is so small, how can this actually help us?
1 -
It is never going to be enough for you. Let's be honest they had said 20%, you would have run the numbers and then said, that isn't enough you should have done 25%. It will never be enough for people who moan constantly about gen times until it takes 20mins per generator with survivors.
Manage your time better. Get better. Stop asking the devs to do all the work for you. There are plenty of people out there who 4k with any of the killers in red ranks against SWF with toolboxes etc and whatever other excuses you come up with as to why you lost. Just because YOU can't do it, doesn't mean it isn't possible or that the game needs to be balanced around your lack of ability.
13 -
Every second counts.
6 -
your point is git gud baby killer,
i am rank 1 and if you are even tiny bit close to that rank as well you would be slightly less butthurt,
get more than 100 hours in the game and then we'll talk about it mister butthurt
1 -
Completely agree with you, just like 5 seconds of stun instead of 3 still counts.
3 -
Well, the thread title is bait. That’s clear.
The problem being addressed is gens being completed in less than twenty seconds. Which is demoralizing for a killer at the start of the game.
Gens being done in 45~ seconds with two survivors wasn’t how gens were getting done in 20~ seconds.
0 -
I wouldn't call stupid gen times a killer lack of ability. I guarantee Survivors will easily be able to complete a full gen before the killer can get there. When you say "it'll never be enough for you" I can't help but think that you're just sick of complaining in general that being in disagreement with this guy's point.
1 -
Yes I am sick of hearing complaints about gen times. I'm sick of hearing complaints about every single perk a survivor/killer uses. Constant whining for the devs to make things easier for whatever side they play.
1 -
You do realize making coop repair too punishing would push survivors to work each on different gens, which is worse for the killer?
0 -
Another no skill killer crying again. As much as the devs are helping you all out, you still find something to whine about. It's so bad that you're doing math problems, lol. But survivors are the entitled group, ok.
0 -
Nope. Your math is wrong:
Repair Speed =
80 / ( n * ( 1 - ( (n-1) * efficiency ) )
80 / 4 * ( 1 - ( ( 4-1 ) * .15 )
80 / 4 * ( 1 - ( 3*.15) )
80 / 4 * ( 1 - .45 )
= 36 seconds
1 -
Factor in the map changes and loop changes. Balanced fair. I like it (From a killer main)
2 -
Hate to tell you then but the forums are designed for exactly these topics, while it would be nice for people to not bicker and argue I fail to see how the OP was arguing with anyone.
The OP provided his math and a concern, the devs replied as well as others with insight on what X amount of seconds can translate to in game. The OP did not attack anyone or act in a "toxic" manner. While I understand your frustration I do not believe this thread fits the narrative of your complaint.
4 -
Couldn't you get around this by making the first additional survivor add 20% and every following one adds a decreasing additional debuff (for instance 2=20% additional, 3=15% on top of previous 20%, and 4=10% debuff on top of previous 35%)? This would mean 4 people on a gen would be done in the same time as right now on PTB but 2 people would be slower as that is the most common pairing. I cannot do the math at the moment but that may offset it enough while punishing two man gens (most common occurrence when a team stacks on gens). Also, there are very few generators that allow 4 people on them and most high rank teams would never stack that many survivors. I am not going to complain about the change being to 15% though as I have to see how big of a difference it makes first.
1 -
i love this
1 -
you are
0 -
finally someone who has education
1 -
Funny, I've never seen a survivor post where they did math problems to validate their ability to whine.
0 -
Except he does his mathematics and then follows it up with complaining how it isn't enough because like I said, it never will be enough. The PTB wasnt even live and he was complaining about the number of extra seconds it gave and how they should be given more. It wasn't a concern it was another complaint.
0 -
because since it's speed time changes, math is required(?)
other changes doesn't require maths
you point is invalid
0 -
Stop complaining and appreciate what you get for once.
0 -
3 survivor would only be faster than 4 when you have a >25% reduction, just saying.
0 -
The point is that he did math problems to whine, you can't make excuses for that. You killers are so whiny.
0 -
No idea why you are quoting me? I'm saying the killers need to stop moaning about everything. I'm definitely not in support of whiny killers.
0 -
Respectfully, I will be trying PTB.
But let's assume I start on the furthest side of the map from survivors. I have around 3 gens on average to guess where they are (in groups of 2 or more). So while yes you can plausibly get to gens before they pop. I think the OP is just making the point that unless we guess the right gen immediately, they could still plausibly pop a gen before you get there.
0 -
Use discordance. The guess work is gone.
0 -
True, and this is where killers should decide what they find important for perks. I haven't used Discordance before so I'll try it out and see how it goes :P
But if a killer uses discordance when I play survivor, I wait until it's gone and work on that gen. Because I know the killer isn't going to check that gen until a bit after, because he'll likely find another survivor by than.
0 -
Sorry man, that was a misfire, I meant to quote someone else.
0 -
I have corrupt intervention and discordance on all the killers I use regularly. Corrupt limits the number of gens available at the start so they usually pair up on a gen that isn't blocked, which alerts me with discordance and then I head there.