Survivors can tell when the killer has Stridor

miotas Member Posts: 42

I noticed today when playing survivor that I could faintly hear my injured sounds, even though I was running Iron Will. I also noticed in post-game that the killer had Stridor. I went and tested it in KYF and confirmed that I could hear myself when injured if the killer ran Stridor, even if I ran Iron Will. (I'm not sure if this is intended or an audio glitch.)

The thing is, after noticing this I changed my game plan immediately, as I knew the killer would be able to hear me. However, I don't think I should have had that information as early as I did.

Compare the following two scenarios:

  1. I run Iron Will, get hit, and during chase I can hear my injured sounds, so I know the killer has Stridor. I don't make any attempts to juke because I know it won't work.
  2. I run Iron Will, get hit, and during chase I cannot hear my injured sounds. I try to juke the killer, and they find me because they have Stridor. I can then deduce that the killer is running Stridor, and I can alter my play-style after being unhooked to not juke anymore.

The difference here is that, in example 2., I need to actually experience Stridor countering my Iron Will before I change my play-style to deal with it. The killer actually gets value out of using Stridor to counter me. In example 1., however, because of what I assume is an audio glitch, I can alter my game-play early before being punished at all.

I think survivors should not be able to notice the increase in sounds they make when the killer runs Stridor.
