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Penalize facecamp/tunneling killers



  • Member Posts: 3,482

    If you play survivor you can't tall the killer how to play. That is none of your business. Just focus on yourself and your team.

  • Member Posts: 23

    I mean, that's what most of my argument is about. Fine, if a survivor gets unhooked then spams a locker notification and gets hooked immediately, cool. No, you shouldn't be able to farm people like that, so a bit of a bp nerf would help everyone there. It would discourage the killer from tunneling for a higher value target. If you choose to tunnel, so be it. But a killer shouldn't get 3-4 times the points that a survivor gets because he camped a hook, and then tunneled the survivor. It's happened, I've seen more matches than I can remember where the killer just acted like a train. Hooked and killed 2 people, and had an insane amount of points compared to the survivors who did gens, got chased and escaped, or whatever other objectives. That's ridiculous. Why do killers get THAT many points compared to survivors who do all of their objectives?

  • Member Posts: 23

    And thanks for reading any of the content of the threads. For example, the amount of points and pips survivors get. I got the 2nd most points in a game with a low lvl nurse. A whopping 16k, with the number one survivor at 19k because he had one more rescue and was chased more after I escaped. I did 3 gens and got some heals. Only 1 person got hooked. So because the killer was bad, I BARELY got enough points to not lose any pips. The nurse hooked 1 person, and got 11k points. That's one spot on the bloodweb less than I get, and she did nothing.

  • Member Posts: 97

    Yeah. BP nerfs are okay with me if the devs deem it necessary. I really don't care one way or the other.

  • Member Posts: 987

    The same killers who do this want DS nerfed too... LOL. Just started using it today because of the insane camping and tunneling going on

  • Member Posts: 253

    And yet everyone complains about those perkssaying their too strong and dont have a counter. But they do , bt dont camp, ds dont tunnle, ub dont slug.

    So these are the counters yet they should be nerfed because it ruins camping tunneling and slugging or so most killer mains say on the forums.

  • Member Posts: 21

    Fr, its annoying when your trying to rank up and you get a tunneling or camping killer and get punished for it by de-pipping.

  • Member Posts: 493

    Survivor Main here.

    Lets not do that.

    If a killer wants to camp or tunnel. They can. They’re called killers for a reason.

    And a way to counter both those things. Do gens.

  • Member Posts: 66

    Whats the problem in camping?, if the killer camp, just do gens, or use ds, or use bt, you can also use umbreakble to combo if ds, theres no reason to complain about camping, you have everything to get away of this situation

  • Member Posts: 1,737

    Penalize gen repairing/pallet using survivors. :D

  • Member Posts: 1,117

    You are penalized for repairing generators, by having to play the most boring version of Dead By Daylight.

  • Member Posts: 10

    The problem is, that most killers doesn't care about that. They just hit through bt and ds. Sure, it gives you some more time to survive, but you'll still end up being hooked. So it's not exactly a counter, just some postponement (if that's the right word, lol). And it's just frustrating to get tunneled like 70% of all matches. Or to see a mate get tunneled.

    So no, you don't have everything to get out of this situation.

  • Member Posts: 66

    I can undertand you point, but the main issue with that, is that killers would get pissed.

    Imagine having a bad game, and cant do nothing about it, survivors cant be so imortal at the point that the killer cant kill him because he is ""tunneling", ds and bt exist to HELP survivors and not making they impossible to get tunneled, if the killer hit you with borewed time and also get ds, this alredy give time for the teammates do 3 gens, and with the survivor is good he can make the killer chases him for a long time, in most of the times camp can be the only way of winning a match, for example you hook someone and slug someone next to the hook, this can make you get a lot of pressure, theres no problem in camping,survivors can easily counter that, c'mon ds, borewed and umbreakble are meta perks right now, everyone is using it

  • Member Posts: 383

    Tunneling is a lazy killers bread and butter. Every low level killer I see will tunnel immediately off hook. Higher level killers can win without tunneling most of the time. Tunneling killers will probably stay in low ranks, doomed to never improve. Oh well.

  • Member Posts: 331

    Isn't that what DS and BT are for, as for camping the killer gets penalized. You'd know that if you ever played killer since the game depips you for it...

  • Member Posts: 789

    boring players are boring players devs cant control the way people play. thats why bt exists

  • Member Posts: 195

    No, you need to actually reward killers for not tunneling and camping. Like or not camping and tunneling very often is necessary to win as you need to make the game 3v1 to have chance its ######### but you do not wanna lose either. Just give killers actual gameplay insetives to win like 12 hooks would actually be very good way to win instead of ill do it if the survivours are bad and i dont want to stomp. Devs might introduce bloodpoint incentives but that wont do anything aslong as removing one person from the game early raises your chances of winning as much as they currently do.

  • Member Posts: 1,209

    Ok so yeah the facecamping isn’t necessary (though make sure it’s not your team causing the killer to stick around) but proxy camping, slugging, and tunneling are valid strats as you can’t win a game with 12 hooks against good players. So when the killer does do these things you have to have your team help counter it

    Proxying: Wait until the killer turns their back and grab real fast with bt or if it’s just a proxy for a few seconds wait it out then save

    Tunneling: if you don’t have bt body block that survivor

    Slugging: let them 99 pick them up and body block if possible

  • Member Posts: 59

    Does rank really matter anymore when they introduce mmr seem kind of point less to penalize killer when rank don't matter and can bring offering for bp

  • Member Posts: 475

    Killers nerfs + Infinite loop + Keys + Flashlight + boddyblock + Tbag = camp, tunneling..

    You want penalize the camp and tunnel ? You want play without killer continue !🤣

  • They tried to punish killers for camping before. Using a radius to judge when the killer was too close to the hook.

    Survivors would bait the killer into the radius so much it was removed. Seeing as that is the only way to judge camping there is no punishment beyond what we already have in place.

    How would the game judge tunneling? I hooked someone, chased someone else, and got run into the hooked person self caring in a corner nearby. I saw them with Nurse’s. The person I just started chasing had Sprint Burst so got such a head start I switched targets and went for the optimal target: the self caring person. They used Dead Hard and extended the chase for about ten seconds before going down

    I decided to eat the DS to get it out of the way because no gens were done so it was a good trade. They missed their DS and rage quit by killing themselves on hook.

    In their mind I’m sure I was tunneling, so how would you punish that situation?

    From a logical perspective I did nothing wrong. I went after another survivor who ran me by an injured survivor that backed themselves into a corner while using Sprint Burst to get a huge head start.

    However, the person in the corner came off the hook about twenty seconds before this.

    To many players I’d be tunneling.

  • Member Posts: 1,972

    Thanks for the necro-quote from five months ago. Typically you don't do that even if an old topic resurfaces unless the person is currently and actively participating in the thread.

    I never defined what any tunnel determent would look like and pointed out I didn't know of an equivalent option when referencing that other game. Whether the tunnel is incidental or deliberate is unimportant. I only stated that it should always be a free choice to tunnel. My point was about discouragement not hard punishment so there's no right or wrong action. Discouraging is about telling the player, this behavior isn't ideal for the health of the game and you shouldn't engage in it. It still gives the freedom and discretion to do it but comes at a cost that the player has to weigh against other factors.

  • Member Posts: 974

    You punish the camping by doing gens as fast as you can. It will take consistent effort to force the killers that do it to change but if they can't do very well by camping they'll have to not.

  • Member Posts: 1,972

    It's an internet "rule," mainly because over many months people's opinions may have evolved or the points are moot. I did reply, was just giving you a heads up about quoting from months before.

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