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Basement hook rising and unhookable

Hooked a Jeff in the basement as Oni on Father Campbell's Chapel (basement in the chapel) and he rose above the ground and was not able to be unhooked.
When he was hooked, in the basement he fell out of the world with his audio in the right place, but back above the basement he was floating, the survivors could see his aura but could not interact with him, I could hit him and get the blade wipe but it would do nothing else, and I could not absorb blood orbs at all. The Feng came over, I downed her, the Claudette blinded me and I was able to absorb blood orbs again but Jeff remained stuck. Finishing the gens did nothing, starting the endgame timer did nothing, even the endgame timer coming to an end did nothing, it gave me bloodpoints but the only thing that fixed it was the survivor disconnecting, nothing I could do did anything to fix the Jeff.
Steps to Reproduce (not tested, so more like steps that led to this occurring):
- Down Jeff with Oni's blood fury weapon, I believe it was the insta-down variant of the swing
- Pick up the Jeff before blood fury ends
- Take him to the front hook in the basement in Father Campbell's Chapel and hook him
Occured on:
PC, Father Campbell's Chapel
Attached: Jeff floating above where the front hook in the basement was, picture taken after the two other survivors left, during a new blood fury after regaining the ability to absorb blood orbs. He can be hit, but it does nothing but give me blade wipe, no audio plays for Jeff except for his moaning on hook, hook progression stayed at full the whole time.
this happened today on PS4 on the new map but my Jake was floating in the air in the basement. Once he "hooks" me in the basement, my camera spectates him the whole match and I can't do anything at all. End game didn't fix it and this time he was able to close the hatch. Clip and screenshot attached. He disconnected to end.