Like/dislike system.

After a game if you wanna give props or report someone for trolling/being an #########/cheating/etc., what does it do? I'm gonna remove cheating from the discussion here, since you can report that and they'll mostly get banned.

Just had a match where all the survivors teabagged the whole time, clicked flashlights at the gate, ######### talked me in post, and then i checked one of their streams cause they had it in their name. a full minute after they leave the post game, they're still making fun of me as they do their bloodweb. During the game, i whiffed a lot of easy hits and 3 of them made it out, which is why they kept taunting.

People will be #########, im not trying to start any flame wars to anyone or crying that someone hurt my feelings. I just feel the situation is important, because that checks every box, to me, of an unsportsmanlike person who i feel should be reprimanded for bad behavior. I feel that about all multiplayer games i play, but DBD specifically i feel should have a penalty system in place, as there's already a full button to report someone for it.

Since i've literally never seen any effect for reporting anything other than cheating, I would like to ask what those things actually do? At this point it feels like a candy on a piece of string to tide over anyone who got ######### talked in the post.

Please don't hit me with those "Ignore them," "Don't read post" "Move on" Etc. Yes, thats all good advice, and most of the time it works. But it's less about me getting ticked off that someone said i sucked and more i feel its unfair that they should go completely unpunished for unsportsmanlike when, in theory, theres a whole report system for that exact purpose.


  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited April 2020

    Reports do get looked at, and people do get punished for them, but there is a line when it comes to abuse and harassment. They'll ban for death threats, but they won't ban for "gg ez baby killer".

    If it makes you feel any better, they do get punished for it, just not directly and not by the game developers. Behaviour like that is destructive to a person's character. You reap what you sow. If you tell yourself that it's okay to be unkind to someone because they're bad at a game, and pat yourself on the back for it, and keep doing it, you will turn into (if you aren't already) a habitually unloving person who no one worthwhile really wants to be around - which, in my opinion, is a far worse punishment than a ban. Basically, people like that are playing themselves, they just don't know it yet.

  • ThePetDetective
    ThePetDetective Member Posts: 28

    It's reassuring to hear that. Both things, i mean. Like, i already pretty much knew the second bit, which is why most of the time i let things be, but its nice to know that the extreme people are at least dealt with.