Which side is actually stronger?


I can always tell which side someones plays more by reading their comment, and nearly everything I see in these discussions is heavily biased towards whichever side someone plays more. I think that makes sense, because you will find more of the flaws of that side while playing, and the strengths of the other, but I feel like people don't take into consideration the other side when they complain about "balancing". I play killer and survivor just about equally (both rank 1 ps4), and while I'm only about devotion 3, from my experience I think that survivors are the stronger side overall.

Map size is one big issue. Obviously this is being worked on, but some maps (ormond, red forest) are so big that if survivors split up, the only way a killer can win is through snowballing and taking advantage of altruism to force people off gens. I think this upcoming patch is really going to make many maps much more fair, but looking at a list of all maps right now, the majority of them I would much rather play as survivor than killer.

Another problem is Survive With Friends. I feel that not much can be done about this, because playing with friends is a core part of survivor for a lot of people, but like I said before, if survivors split up and do gens, the killer is at their mercy and has to count on them to make a mistake. Splitting up as a SWF is so much easier, as on person can just realize what needs to be done, and tell everyone else just to split apart and do gens. Again, I think map size is really the core issue that allows this.

I'm not even going to get into moris and keys, but I really want to hear what people have to say about the balance of DBD in its current state, and please try and be as unbiased as possible. :)


  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    As someone who plays 50/50, currently survivors have it better, but not by as much as many claim they do.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Killers are, were and will be always be stronger.

  • tomas11403
    tomas11403 Member Posts: 121

    Exactly. Many survivors downfall is their overconfidence

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 8,597

    Survivors by a landslide. You have to be up against absolute potatoes to have a chill game as killer.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    Unless the killer is running a BS build, which plenty of people do. "Make no mistakes" against a stridor spirit lmao. You can't run because she will hear your footsteps and see the scratch marks, you can't walk because she hears your groans of pain, and she instantly finds you at the gens because she can run monitor and have a 16m terror radius.

    The game is killer favored against solo Q, survivor sided with SWF, and killer sided with any number of broken characters/builds/add-ons.

  • realoboma
    realoboma Member Posts: 26

    Survivors are pretty weak in solo queue and killers are weak in SWF. It's the dilemma devs face.

  • Kolossoni
    Kolossoni Member Posts: 371

    I would say killer on average.

    They don't need skill checks.

    They don't have dumb teammates.

    They can camp.

    They don't pause when landing.

    But at the same time, survivors can:

    Heal each other or themselves

    Get three chances to technically revive.

    Distract killers.

    But all in all, against average survivors and killer, killers usually get an upper hand...

  • Danky
    Danky Member Posts: 217

    when a survivor can loop a killer for all 5 gens, clearly the better is survivor.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,096
    edited April 2020

    Killers are much stronger than suboptimal survivors, comms or solo. Good solo survivors are stronger than most of the killer roster on the current maps. Good SWF with comms are extremely strong. I would categorize 50-60% of the survivor playerbase as "suboptimal". This is from my 1500 hrs as killer and survivor. I should never be hitting anyone at cow tree with an M1 killer, yet I do almost every day.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Depends. If a killer runs into 4 solos, the killer. If he is up against a super tryhard SWF team, the survivors. If the killer is called "Nurse" then the killer.

  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    Survivor, while alot of games may not seem that way (killing everyone before one gen even gets done) if there is a full team (doesnt need to be swf) but a good team filled with people that do gens and have good tile knowledge and looping capability then the killer will have an extremely hard time just because the min required time to down some etc. can take awhile and if 3 people are on gens then yeah survivor have the advantage, going in solo then with just one other person makes a huge difference then you can add the stronger meta perks in which makes more hassle for the killer and wastes more time

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Killer easily. People forget what killers are capable of. Run a top tier killer with their best add ons, strongest perks and an ebony and its not even close.

    When most people speak of survivors being OP they probably had an average build against optimal survivors. E.g. took a mid tier killer, good but not the best perks and yellow or green add ons.

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    Obviously 1 vs 1 it's the killer. But as a four man team the survivors seem to be more powerful. But when you read other peoples posts it's hard to tell. I'm just going on my knowledge. I've always played more killer. But for the last 3-4 days I've been playing a ton of survivor. And every game the killer gets 1 hook before the generators are repaired. All killers are running NOED so sometimes they might get 1-2 kills because of NOED perk. But most games all 4 of us survive. But I think the matchmaking being broken is making it hard to tell as well. I do face some red ranks. But I'm at rank 1 playing against rank 10 killers a lot too.

  • xTalon32
    xTalon32 Member Posts: 413
    edited April 2020

    I play survivor so just want that out of the way first.

    Yes killers can be strong. With their strongest addons they can ALL be formidable. But, the chances you use those addons more than once in every 5-10 games is low (estimating that, so I could be wrong). With the same killer player.

    What would happen if a killer could use their strongest perks every game? Well honestly survivors would be complaining that killers are OP and unbalanced. However, the same can be said for killers. A good survivor doesn't need god loops and in many cases doesn't need loops to mind game the killer. If a killer is unprepared for that, they'll say survivors are too OP.

    I could give more examples but the point is that there will always be polarized opinions. All that being said, with the new map changes I'm going to wait for the results to decide which side has the edge now.

    Obviously I'm not considering SWF in any of this, because that system is survivor sided without question.