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Can you hear from which direction the Killer is coming?

SadCyclops Member Posts: 118

Hey all,

the question sounds weird but here is why and what i ask:

Recently I needed to reinstall Windows 10 and ofc all my software was gone. I use Kraken gaming headphones and I cannot notice if the sound of the Terror Radius comes from a specific direction.

I can remember that earlier and with different headphones I was able to detect the direction of the Killer by its Terror Radius sound (Stereo or 5.1, I cant remember).

I would be glad if you can answer me if I need to change the setting of my headset or download my older software again or if you also cannot hear the direction anymore due to an update of dbd.


Best Answer


  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited April 2020


    It comes from the Killer themselves, that's where the Terror Radius is tied to. You can't exactly tell which direction it's coming from, but you can get a general idea of where the Killer is from knowing how big the Terror Radius is for that specific Killer.

    That's why it's hard to really tell where a Killer is if you're in an in-doors map (for example). It doesn't really give you a direction to look, it's just a general idea of where they could be from inside the Terror Radius itself. The Gideon Meat Plant (aka The Game) is a good example, you can't tell which floor the Killer is on off of the Terror Radius alone because the Terror Radius itself has no directional sound. That's why most Survivors leave the area, despite the Killer not even being on that floor.

    You can't tell if a Killer is above or below you, simply because there's no directional sound with the Terror Radius, it's just a general noise that emits itself when you're in its radius. Hopefully that's not as confusing as it sounds (no pun intended).

  • SadCyclops
    SadCyclops Member Posts: 118

    are you sure its not directional? i know it intensifies with distance and i could swear it was directional when i started playing dbd

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited April 2020

    Nope, it's for sure not directional from personal experience.

    As said before, this is why you can't tell which floor the Killer is on when playing on a map like The Game, the Terror Radius just emits a non-directional sound that gives a vague idea of where the Killer is, it isn't determined by where you're looking and/or where you're listening. If it was directional, than you'd hear it a lot more in certain directions... But you don't.

    You can determine how close the Killer is from prior knowledge of their base-kit Terror Radius, but besides that... There's no way to for-sure know what direction they're in, unless you look around for them of course.

  • Oicimau
    Oicimau Member Posts: 897

    You cant know using TR, but other noises from the killer. F.e., Spirit is quite noisy with those broken glasses sounds. A Blink and fatigue is direccional. And some of that.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    Some noises are directional, some are not.

    The Terror Radius, as said above, is not one of these noises. It's hard to really know where a Killer is unless they're about 10 meters from you (or maybe less). In the Spirits case, she does have a directional noise with the broken glass, but most Killers don't unfortunately. Well, besides breathing and other directional noises like pallet breaking, but i'm talking about Killer specific noises.