most fun killer/easiest killer to play

to all killer mains, whos the most fun killer to play, and the easiest one to get bloodpoints? just asking for all of u guys who play killer
The answer you'll get is entirely subjective and up to multiple interpretations. I'm going to alter my answer to address the question as "Who's the most fun/easiest Killer to play in your opinion?" rather than asking a question that could get you multiple different answers.
With that out of the way, i'll give you my opinion on it. For me personally, I think Michael Myers and Ghostface are the easiest and "funnest" Killers in the game. Allow me to elaborate more below in a bulleted list.
- [Reason 1] (I PERSONALLY believe they're the "funnest" Killers because of their passive stealth powers. While Ghostfaces stealth power is more intimate than passive, they're both still fun to use in every scenario you face. A lot of Survivors will lose track of you or become paranoid because they're afraid of being grabbed off a Generator, hit, or snuck up on. It really does instill fear and/or paranoia in a lot of Survivors.)
- [Reason 2] (They're the easiest to understand due to how both their powers work. Both Michael Myers and Ghostfaces powers ARE similar, but they're not exactly the same. Michael Myers can apply the exposed status effect (a one hit down effect) on every Survivor when he's fully charged into his Tier lll state, while Ghostface can "mark" individual or multiple Survivors to one hit down them WITHOUT a penalty to multiple Survivors being on the screen. Without going too in-depth, their powers have the same end result BUT they're easy to understand have a short video/explanation.)
- [Reason 3] (Disregarding their powers for a second, they're also basic M1 Killers... So it's not really that hard to understand your priorities and limitations with both Michael Myers and Ghostface. This doesn't mean they're terrible Killers, but it does mean they're easy to understand and easy to learn with their powers as well. The passive/semi-passive stealth abilities they both posses really do help in a lot of scenarios, even though they're just M1 Killers at heart. You'll find yourself getting a lot of easy downs and hits off of unsuspecting Survivors in-game.)
- [Reason 4] (Michael Myers and Ghostface are A LOT of fun to play with when you're on an in-doors map. Even if it's an outdoors map, the idea of sneaking up on unsuspecting Survivors to give them a heart-attack is sadistically fun in my opinion. Stealth abilities in-general are fun to use, but Michael Myers and Ghostface have the best stealth abilities in the game. You don't need to uncloak to hit someone like The Wraith or uncrouch like The Pig, it's pretty easy to use without little draw backs. The only one of the two with some draw backs is Ghostface, since he can be knocked out of his power "Nightshroud", but besides that it's pretty easy to understand.)
I'll link below some videos that might be useful to you
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Freddy and deathslinger are probably some of the funnest but for the wrong reasons. Brain dead gameplay pretty much. Spirit is fun, strong and not too hard to learn. Pig is great for people who want a chill game without having to worry too much about applying pressure. Stealth killers are generally a blast to play. Hunters, oni, billy and nurse are fun once mastered, however quite difficult. The rest have their pros and cons. I would recommend starting off with a stealth killer if that’s what you are looking for.
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Legion, doc and wraith are probably the easiest to get bloodpoints. Who's the most fun? That is completely opinionated. I personally find billy, gf, oni and freddy fun to play as, while I know some others would despise their play styles
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The plague is the funniest to play for beginners☺️
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The easiest to play for a strong pay off is Freddy. He is the definition of low risk-high reward.
Most killers don’t take long to learn though. Most you can pick up and play fine with on your first match.
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Shape, Ghostface, and Wraith are good for beginners, they're all easy to understand and are all effective at the low ranks. Ghostface in particular is very easy to understand and is quite effective at most ranks in the game.
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Ive gotten many points with the Clown (or Bubba) + BBQ + BP Offerings. A normal game gives me 40-60k, a good game gives me 90-100k :)
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I was about to say demo demo, but then I remembered how hard his shred is to use.
Wraith would be my answer, his power is pretty simple to use and you can pull out some fun plays with him each now and then