Noob teammate


Playing on hawkins against a clown with only 1 david left with me. I have plunderer's instinct which gave me a red key from one of the chests, so I find David and show him the key. He swaps it for his flashlight (I thought that was kinda weird but maybe he wanted to open the hatch so I thought okay why not?). He follows me around and I find the hatch and start teabagging and pointing to it.

This guy just starts teabagging as well and doesn't realise that you can use the key to open the hatch. So I'm dropping the flashlight for him to trade so that I can open it, but he just keeps the key until the clown comes and finds us and kills both of us. I have never been more frustrated as survivor while playing this game. Turns out he was a rank 3 as well


  • Pigforever
    Pigforever Member Posts: 72

    When I play survivor I will not use a key to escape unless the killer has ebony Mori. Maybe that’s why he wouldn’t use it

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    I would assume he was just trying to be annoying but I see more & more red rank survivors that don't understand basic game mechanics so maybe not.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Not even if you find one in a chest? I would never bring one in. But if I find it in a chest. And things are going badly, I will use it then.

  • Danky
    Danky Member Posts: 217

    sounds like the noob here was u. u gave another survivor the ability to control if u live or die. u should have taken it then had him follow u. simple

  • Pigforever
    Pigforever Member Posts: 72

    To be honest I’ve never found a key in a chest but guess I’d use it if the killer was tunneling ppl. Not saying it’s right or wrong using a key just me personally I don’t use them or as killer a mori.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    No I am the same. I never bring in either one myself.

    But if I find one and come across the hatch I'll take it. But I won't change my gameplay to do it. Just happens by accident.

    I did find a pink key and a purple key in the same match once running plounderers. Showed my teammate the purple and kept the pink. Didn't need em tho. We got out the exit gates at the end. Just put it back in my inventory

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    I have so many keys sitting in my characters at the moment because I just don't bring them in. If I find one in a chest and stumble on the hatch then groovy. But I won't go looking for a hatch unless I'm last in game, and even then I'll do my damn best to rescue the next to last survivor. I don't think keys are either bad or great, but I just treat them like a circumstantial tool that might come in handy, rather than positioning my entire strategy of the game around it.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    You mean to tell me you dropped your red key close enough for a random player to pick it up and still expected to get out through the hatch?

    Literally the only reason I'll ever hand a key over to some random person is if I'm either going to prestige a character (thus the item will go to waste) or I'm 99% sure I'm going to die and want to pass on the gift. Otherwise, always expect that. Survivors can be just as dangerous to each other as the killer.

    Sucks that it happened, but hopefully you'll learn and remember next time.

  • wichael_wyers
    wichael_wyers Member Posts: 202

    Lmao reminds me of this one time I randomly found a key with Plunderer's and an aura reading addon along with it. This was during the Rift where you had to do a challenge to open hatch twice with a key. So this Yui had been a good faithful teammate it seemed. Just cute, y'know. I find Yui and I drop the key just to show her and then she swaps her medkit for the key and depletes the whole friggin key. I see her pick up her medkit and just leisurely walks away aimlessly from me. She basically saw the Huntress with the key and I turn around and the Huntress is actually right there. Thankfully the Huntress thought I was trolling (which honestly wasn't my intent), but she gave me hatch cuz Quentins are ugly as hell and are cherished. Sadly it didn't help my challenge, but bless that Huntress anyway. Killed the Yui for me.

    Back to topic. Yes, I've seen very unaware survivors complain about things teammates do because they have no game sense and are deep down like green/yellow ranks, so wouldn't be a surprise a genuinely noob surv didn't know better. That or the guy is a troll lmao.

  • GreenStar
    GreenStar Member Posts: 20

    I mean I only dropped it for him to see that I had it, not for him to take, and since I'm a red rank survivor, I reckoned that he knew that we could open the hatch with the key. Plus if he opens the hatch then the key would be used and I could keep his flashlight

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,176

    Its hard to notice another Survivor has a key. Best way to let them know u have a key is dropping the key.

    The second best button 2 real hard

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I know but my point is people do completely idiotic things constantly, especially in online games. I know it's not exactly fun but you just have to expect that stuff to happen. Even if it's not exactly what would make sense. I with you though, I wouldn't think he would just randomly pick up the key and teabag on hatch without opening it if I was you in that situation.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,214

    it happens. I think i stole some keys when i started playing the game. i didnt even know what they are for, just that someone was giving one to me...

    But i would never put down my key. i think a few games ago, someone wanted to trick me into putting it down, because she kept puting items in front of me, like a toolbox when i was doing a gen.

    Otherwise, i try to rescue all survivor. Yesterday, one was dead, one generator left, i had found a key and the hatch. One was hooked quite near it, the killer was on the other side of the map, and the third survivor came to unhook. I gesture them both to follow me several times, and they just run away. When the killer came, i took the hatch. One of them managed to come too, because she run into my direction when the killer came back to the hook, the last one died because we were gone. I will gesture you, and its your decision. But i wont put down my key.