Just a killer idea - The Fear

A killer idea I've been thinking on for a while. Not really got too much lore on her yet, barring some basic idea stuff. And the balance is completely conceptual atm, but any ideas or feedback would be great
Misaki Rhosyn – The Fear
“A quiet, calculating, but oddly jumpy predator has appeared, always looking around every corner, as if she’s nervous, as if she knows something we don’t. But there’s something else there, deeper in those eyes. She instils me with a fear worse than any other I've felt, like she’s always watching me, even when I can’t see her, like my friends are watching me, like they are all planning something. I hide, but this feeling only ever gets worse… and then she finds me…”
Base Speed: 95%
Base Terror Radius: 22m
Height: Average
Weapon: Vicious Scissors are The Fear’s primary weapon. She enjoys the resistance of whatever she cuts.
Misaki has a similar audio alert to The Huntress’ humming, “Cutting Anticipation”, repeated opening and closing of her scissors. This can be heard at 32m, and will get progressively louder the closer Misaki is. However, this is not a directional sound cue and radius/volume is always unaffected by perks.
She is just as terrified as the survivors she stalks, but knows how to inflict that fear on others… calming and focusing herself in the process…
Hidden Focus
For every second unseen by survivors, or in view of survivors outside the killer’s terror radius, movement speed increases by 1% per second while moving (caps at 150%). Decays at 1% per second when in survivor view for 2+ seconds (the survivor camera can see the killer), and the survivor is in the killer’s terror radius. Decays by 20% after hitting a survivor or breaking a Pallet. There is a small indicator on the killer’s HUD showing how high or low your speed is.
Haunting Paranoia
Hitting a healthy survivor will inflict Deep Wounds and will increase their Paranoia tier by 100%. If the survivor cannot see the killer, their Paranoia will increase (Tiers take 50 seconds to increase when survivors are sprinting or repairing/healing, take 70 seconds when walking/staying still and not performing actions and take 20 extra seconds when in the killer’s terror radius, or when in 15m to another survivor). Reaching a new tier of Paranoia delays the progress of the next tier by 10 seconds. Healing to the healthy state will decrease the Paranoia tier by 100%. Paranoia can also be decreased by looking at the killer in their terror radius (30 seconds to decrease 1 full tier when walking/staying still and not performing actions and 50 seconds when sprinting or repairing/healing). At Paranoia tier 4 or higher, the survivor can “Cling to Sanity”, an action that reduces Paranoia. This Strongly Exhausts the survivor, and takes 40 seconds to reduce 1 tier, and increases the Strong Exhaustion timer by an equal amount of time spent reducing Paranoia. This takes 20 seconds longer when in 20m of another survivor. Strong Exhaustion can only have a maximum timer of 30 seconds before requiring 10 seconds to decrease. Strong Exhaustion prevents the usage of Exhaustion perks. Paranoia cannot regress any less than tier 1 if they are inflicted with tier 1 and no higher, cannot regress any less than tier 2 if they are inflicted with tier 2 and no higher, cannot regress any less than tier 3 if they are inflicted with tier 3 or higher.
Tier 1: The survivor will always hear Cutting Anticipation (equivalent to 32m), and their view will have slight visual distortion.
Tier 2: The survivor will always hear Cutting Anticipation (equivalent to 26m), and their view will have noticeable visual distortion. Altruistic actions (Unhooking a survivor, healing another survivor, coop actions) the survivor performs progress 5% slower.
Tier 3: The survivor will always hear Cutting Anticipation (equivalent to 18m), and their view will have moderate visual distortion. Altruistic actions the survivor performs progress 9% slower. Performing fast actions and dropping pallets will hinder the survivor (7% movement speed decrease) for 2 seconds.
Tier 4: The survivor will always hear Cutting Anticipation (equivalent to 12m), and their view will have major visual distortion. Altruistic actions the survivor performs progress 13% slower. Performing fast actions and dropping pallets will hinder the survivor (10% movement speed decrease) for 2 seconds and will inflict Panic Attack for 3 seconds (Panic Attack inverts movement and camera controls.)
Tier 5 (Max): The survivor will always hear Cutting Anticipation (equivalent to 6m), and their view will have massive visual distortion. Altruistic actions the survivor performs progress 17% slower. Performing fast actions and dropping pallets will hinder the survivor (13% movement speed decrease) for 2 seconds and will inflict Panic Attack for 4 seconds (Panic Attack inverts movement and camera controls.) When performing healing or repairs, survivors have a chance to have a Panic Seizure (3 rapid Skill checks that will only have very small Skill Check zones. Failure will trigger 15% progress loss and a notification for the killer).
Paranoid Rage: Triggered ability (takes 2 seconds to activate, reduces killer movement speed by 20% while activating) that instantly causes a Panic Attack on any survivor the killer can see for 2 seconds, and their Paranoia tier progress increases by 50%. Cooldown of 30 seconds.
Anxious Paranoia: Triggered ability (takes 5 seconds to activate, reduces killer movement speed by 40%) that instantly causes any survivor performing repairs or healing to have a Panic Seizure, and increases all survivors’ Paranoia tier by 70%. Cooldown of 75 seconds.
Hex: Leadening Panic
A Hex rooting its power on fear. Delaying the inevitable weighs down your prey’s limbs.
While in a chase, each time a survivor performs a vault or drops a pallet Leadening Panic receives a Token. Vaulting speed and dropping pallet speed in a chase is decreased by 0.4/0.5/0.6% for each Token.
The Hex persists as long as the related Hex Totem is standing.
“No matter what you try, I’ll always catch you.” – The Fear
Voracious Strike
You’ll do anything to see your prey’s blood.
Increases attack range (+0.6/0.7/0.8m) and attack speed (30/40/50%).
“My scissors love the taste of blood.” – The Fear
Baa Baa Blacksheep
You become obsessed with one survivor.
Your Obsession cannot unhook survivors or heal other survivors, suffer a 12/16/20% penalty when performing coop actions, and is healed 9/12/15% slower . Unhooking or healing a health state of the Obsession will make the survivor performing this action the new Obsession
“I don’t know why, but they always shunned me. Now you will feel the same.” – The Fear
Tattered Bracelet – “An old gift from a lost friend. It helps Misaki stay calm.”
Slightly reduces the killer’s speed decay when seen (0.2% per second).
Small Whetstone – “A cheap tool for sharpening deadly blades.”
Hitting a healthy survivor inflicts Blindness for 60 seconds. Deep Wounds takes slightly longer (5 seconds) to mend.
Worn Running Shoes – “A thoroughly used pair of shoes, surprisingly comfy.”
Slightly increases the killer’s maximum movement speed (10%).
Unsettling Drawing – “A basic drawing of otherworldly monsters, oddly makes one nervous.”
Decreases the cooldown of Anxious Paranoia (10 seconds).
Pretty Bracelet – “A sweet birthday present from a lost friend. It instils peace in Misaki’s frenzied mind.”
Reduces the killer’s speed decay when seen (0.3% per second).
Expensive Whetstone – “A pricy tool, perfect for honing blades to maximum sharpness.”
Hitting a healthy survivor reduces healing and repair speeds for 80 seconds (10%). Deep Wounds takes longer (10 seconds) to mend.
School Track Shoes – “Awarded for exemplary performance in the running team.”
Considerately increases the killer’s maximum movement speed (20%).
Concerning Drawing – “A drawing of a vicious fiend, instils an aura of malice somehow.”
Survivors inflicted with Panic Attack have a considerable chance to drop their carried item (60%).
Plastic Keyring – “A cheap keyring attached to Misaki’s trusty scissors.”
Skill checks become harder the higher a survivor’s Paranoia tier.
Handmade Bracelet – “A symbol of eternal friendship, a friendship Misaki still holds dear.”
Considerably reduces the killer’s speed decay when seen (0.4% per second).
Electric Sharpener – “Fast and efficient, it really creates that razor edge.”
Hitting a survivor considerably increases Paranoia (50%).
Hiking Shoes – “Nice, comfy shoes for many hours of walking.”
Decreases the time taken for speed to increase while the killer is unseen (0.3% per second). Reduces movement speed penalty when casting abilities (10%).
Intimidating Drawing – “A detailed sketch that emanates terror and fury.”
Anxious Paranoia decreases heal and repair speeds by 10% for 20 seconds
Cute Keyring – “A keyring of a cute character, somehow completely terrifying.”
Increases attack range (+1m) and attack speed (+50%).
Very Rare
Jewelled Bracelet – “A lovely bracelet once worn by Misaki’s dearest friend, valued above all else.”
Tremendously reduces the killer’s speed decay when seen (0.5% per second).
Bespoke Trainers – “Made-to-fit shoes, perfect for chasing down the helpless.”
Considerately increases the killer’s maximum movement speed (15%). Decreases the time taken for speed to increase while the killer is unseen (0.3% per second). Reduces movement speed penalty when casting abilities (15%).
Terrifying Drawing – “A masterpiece that is physically painful to lay eyes upon.”
Paranoid Rage and Anxious Paranoia cause affected survivors to scream, and decreases their movement speed for 2 seconds (10%).
Spooky Keyring – “An ominous keyring of a of a spooky character, chills the viewer to the bone.”
Survivors that use Cling to Sanity to reduce a Paranoia tier scream, are Exposed for 30 seconds.
Crimson Necklace – “Dipped in the blood of her victims, it shines with The Entity’s power. The fog seems to twist around it, hiding Misaki from her prey.”
A survivor must be in a chase to decrease the killer’s movement speed. Survivors in Paranoia tier 4 or higher are Exposed.
Crimson Keyring – “A glass keyring, formed from the fog itself, hangs from Misaki’s terrifying scissors. Even the softest touch of the blades brings unimaginable agony”
Tremendously increases the sound of the Cutting Anticipation while a survivor is Paranoia and the visual distortion (6m increase equivalent for each tier). Survivors repair speed, healing speed, mending speed, vaulting speed, opening Exit Gates speed and Cling to Sanity action progress 4% slower for each tier of Paranoia.
Thats the basic idea of her atm. Nothing too solid. But ya, thoughts n feedback would be appreciated.