Chapter 17 tears of the ungrateful (revised)

Stealthbomb95 Member Posts: 37

The new killer the Mistress. A killer who once had a perfect life before it was shattered to pieces by one fellow partner in whom she trusted.

speed: 4.6m/s

terror radius: 34

Height: average

Power: Choral for the dead

The Mistress pulls out a music box which takes 5s to activate. once activated she breaks the box which replaces her terror radius with a tune that brought here death. this will last for 90s. When activated any survivor that stays in the terror radius for 30s will be put into the 1 out of 2 states.

The first state: Your vision goes blurry for 3s and any actions speed is reduced by 2%

Second state: you now begin to cry. Scratch marks will be replaced with a faint aura that the Mistress will be able to track. Only the Mistress will be able to hear your sobs but any survivor who is near you may attempt to break you free from the curse. this process will take 15s. while crying you are very vulnerable to attacks as the Mistress will be able to track you sorrow down. (you will be permanently in state unless you break out)


3 new perks are added to help the Mistress catch survivors off guard.

Suppressed terror

your terror radius warning (heart beat) is reduced by 5% / 10% / 15%. this perk does affect terror radius perks.

" you won't hear me coming... but it's too late" -Malina Withrow

Silenced Suffering

Hooking a survivor will not alert other unless they are with 15 ft/ 10 ft/ 5 ft from the hooked survivor

"Don't worry it does not hurt if you don't .... see it happen" - Malina Withrow

Pains power

At the start of the trial you have 0 tokens. every time you hit a survivor you gain a token up to 4 max. Each token will increase the efficiency of your power and add-ons by 2% each. this will be divided equally for each add-on, and your power.

"For every sound of pain, for every injured or hurt I grow stronger" - Malina withrow

Survivor: Lucia was a very extroverted person always going to parties hosted by her friends and would never miss one of her friends ballet plays. One day she fell asleep to wake up in a auditorium hearing a familiar tune.

1st perk: Rock on

When safely unhooking or healing a survivor you will receive a token (3 max). Each token will give you a 1.5% speed in any action. each token effect is removed after 1 min.

" Helping others motivates me to get the hell out of here" - Lucia

2nd perk: epic exit

when the killer successfully hits you, you leave no scratch marks for 4 seconds. This perk has a 30 second cool down.

"Good luck trying to find me... damn did that hurt" - Lucia

3rd perk: Hot wire

When the killer regreses a generator, working on that generator for 6/4/2 seconds will give you a 2/5/7% speed increase for 30s.

"You tried and props for that but that won't be enough to stop me" - Lucia

Feedback on this would be appreciated please specify on what should be tweaked and changed, provide a reason and thank you.


  • LegitLegendary0
    LegitLegendary0 Member Posts: 18


  • Stealthbomb95
    Stealthbomb95 Member Posts: 37


  • TheMythicalCat
    TheMythicalCat Member Posts: 175

    Since no one else wants to leave feedback, I will

    The Power is really, really weak. Neither state is very good, and I'm assuming it's like Doctor, where you have to go into Tier 1 to get into Tier 2. 30 seconds in a terror radius is too long. It does seem to work in chases, which is nice, but 2% is nothing. On a Gen, that's an extra 1.6 seconds. Healing will take 0.3 more seconds. And Blurry Vision will either be extremely annoying, or not a factor at all. For the blurriness to be effective, it has to be strong. But if it's strong, it makes the game hell for Survivors (And not in a good way). So for 30 seconds in the terror radius, you get a slight annoyance/rage-quit inducing effect, and very, very, very small slowdown.

    The second tier is alright. If she can see the aura through walls it's really good, otherwise it's eh. It's only scratch marks, so if people don't run you can't track them. If you can see through walls it would be a nice tracking tool in a chase, but that's about it.

    She can't slow the game down, she can slightly track, she can't pressure gens, and she isn't good in a chase. For this killer to be good, she should be able to do at least two of these well, or one thing very well.

    Also, Terror Radius would be 32. That's the standard, and the Devs are trying to normalize Terror Radius ranges.

    Killer Perks:

    Suppressed Terror is a worse Monitor and Abuse. It would only be about 4.5 meters on most killers, compared to Monitor's 8. Not to mention that it doesn't have the other two effects Monitor has, which is increasing it in a chase (which is good) and increasing FOV. This perk needs to be completely different, it shouldn't effect Terror Radius's.

    Silenced Suffering is actually really cool. The game uses Meters and not Feet, by the way, so it should be 15/10/5 Meters. Though I do feel it should be a bit bigger. Maybe 60/40/20. 5 meters is way too small. Really good idea on this one.

    Pains Power sounds very similar to how Tinkerer used to be. Tinkerer used to increase effectiveness of add-ons that effected your power charge time. They removed it because it was too situational, as a large majority of Killers couldn't use it. The same can be said here. What does efficiency mean? For Nurse, would it effect the recharge rate of her power? How long it takes to charge a blink? How fast you go? What about Freddy? Trap placement, trap slowdown, gen teleport speed, gen teleport cooldown? This one would be too confusing for new players.

    Survivor Perks:

    Rock On feels odd. The idea is nice, but 1 minute? You won't be healing multiple people in 1 minute. And 1.5 really isn't much, 4.5 isn't much better. 4/8/12 would be better, and make it so it's not on a timer. Maybe after starting an action, leaving that action removes a Token, with the exception of Healing. So if you have 2 tokens and work on a Gen, leaving that Gen for any reason (Killer comes or it gets completed) removes a token. This gives you the power to preserve the tokens and get use out of it.

    Epic Exit would be useful, but it overlaps on Dance With Me a lot, which does the same when you vault a Window. It shouldn't be so similar to it.

    Hot Wire is really nice. Good effect, easy to pull off, but not OP.