
So excited! Saved up 20 Ebony Mori's and 6 Ivory. The Plan: Hook Survivor #1, Facecamp with Insidious, Survivor #2 comes to the rescue, Chaisaw #1 & #2, Hook #2, Mori #1 repeat process until all 26 (Ebony & Ivory) are gone. Bringing Insidious (Must have for Leather-Face-Camp build), Iron Grasp (Extra Basement Insurance), Franklin's Demise (Just to be a pain), & NOED.
That sounds really boring to me, but whatever floats your boat I guess...
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No one cares
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What is the point of this, after repeating this plan for 26 games you will have amassed like 20k. It is not a very good strat. Also it is not playing the game, where is the fun in that? I don't get this at all.
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Expect a lot of justified hate. Don't complain when people bag you out for your obviously scummy tactics.
Also, Agitation is better than Iron grasp for hook transportation, and you'll want CTG and Primer Bulb as add-ons.
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LOL @ this guy standing around while gens pop. #kindered
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I sometimes bring in Facecamping Bubba when I want to derank from red ranks. It's not fun but deranking works 😀
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for everyone that says "its not playing the game" are super super dumb i dont hate you at all but where is the "perfect right way to play" i mean you can be survivor with a key and i told you thats not the right way to play the game i genuiely want to understand what people mean
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Dude you killed my positive vibe!
Srsly how do you have fun in facecamping im seriously interested.
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you should now how to beat this build...do gens...
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Ah, good man. Doing what god put Bubba on this Earth to do. Keep the faith!
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Why create a killer perk like Insidious if not for this strat? The devs are practically begging some killers to play this way. Anyway, I’ve never put in the time and Bp to be able to recreate this Basement Bubba build but I sure would like to one day.
Go, Go and give Bubba Justice~
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That's the whole point, I play for the "justified hate" in the post game lobbies.
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You would think so, and sometimes yea it does happen, but most of the time "Survivor #2" shows up, tea bags a couple times, I shake bubba "no" at them, they go for the rescue, and that's that. I always get 2k (1 beginning hook, 1 noed) and get 3/4 quite often.
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Do you know the point of a "discussion"? Yeah it needs to be discussed, not showing off something that no one cares.
And there's no point on using bubba if you're using m1 perks, one for instadown too, it's just a brainless tactic.
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She means that killers have 4 objectives according to the BP / Rank system (as do Survivors) which is the primary currency of the game, and doing these objectives is what allows everyone to get points. Ie: Devout is the emblem for hooking/sacrificing/killing survivors. There are THREE OTHER Emblems: chaser, malicious, and gatekeeper that encompass all the other objectives killers get pts for...gen pressure, destruction, finding survivors, chases, etc. A lot of those things are tied to Survivor Emblems too. For example without a killer participating in Chaser, a survivor will not get points in Evader. If a killer makes it impossible to off hook, so they can rehook someone... Survivors won't get points in Benevolent and killers won't get as many in Devout. This system helps bring balance to matches by encouraging killers to hunt, chase, pressure, damage, etc. And survivors to do gens, save, heal, give chase, etc. You want to maximize your reward, you focus on meeting all of these objectives, which is also how you effeciently gain Rank. When killers decide to focus on only one objective and refuse to engage in any of the others that tie into the objectives of survivors, everyone gets ######### points and rank because this is not the optimal or necessarily intended way to play.
Survivors have to do their objectives in order to use a key. If everyone is alive, all the gens have to be completed. And this is not really a good comparison. A killer can camp every single match without losing a perk slot or an expensive add on. Keys are not that common, cost blood points, and require more work to be able to use.
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I don't really care about rank, I've been Purple/Red before playing legit (doesnt really mean anything other than the number next to my name is Purple/Red), I seem to have the most fun at others expense. So I will file this in the Idc department.
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You seem to care, hence the response.
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some of it is blocked and wdym by telling me the emblem system and if youre talking about bps no one will facecamp for bps dont be dumb and think because someone will facecamp means they want bp and camping/facecamping is a viable startgey just as having dc and going in a locker now you didnt make your point clear the thing i got from it is how the emblem system works idk
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Secretly Insidious was a killer, but its stand was Bubba
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Well im glad you're such a fine refreshing gentleman (or woman, idk) who plays in a lovely way and definitely doesn't justify the existance of the 4man death squads to ensure you get no fun out of the game either. So glad you're not the one ruining the game for everyone else.
I hope I don't see you in the fog.
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In that case, I feel obliged to recommend playing Friday the 13th: The Game instead of the more competitively focused Dead by Daylight.
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Yawn. What a boring and toxic way to play.
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Yeah I had to comment because my life totally depends on this discussion
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You are just doing Bubba's God given job. Keep it up
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Either this is amazing bait, in which case well done, or a complete idiot that doesn't realise they are literally everything about killers that people hate.
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yesterday I played against a genius trying this exact build but the survivor #1 had kindred. it was so boring and pathetic.
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I think you'll find, from his responses, he wants to be everything that people hate about killers. Engaging him in conversation, especially salt-laden retorts (not aiming that at you specifically, just people in general around here) only fuels his enjoyment. This is how he gets his kicks and lots of players obligingly feed him daily.
LOL. GG everyone.
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I assume your point in making this is to show how ridiculous/OP/toxic this is and honestly, it doesn't make sense. If you're going for a face-camping bubba, why would you do Ebony Mori? Do you not know how his chainsaw works? Are you unaware of what the perk Insidious actually does when your whole build is centered around the basement?
If you're going to point out this build, at least be as smart as the killers who actually use Face-camping bubba.
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This is the classic low skill rank 11 LF. NOED, Franklins, Camping. Nothing new here.
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Friday the 13th is Hot Garbage, and Dead. 892 Currently playing at the time of writing this, compared to 45K currently playing DBD. On top of that the "Competitive focus" you speak of is what fuels the Salt I crave in post game lobbies.
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I am everything survivors hate, it did work as bait for salty responses as well tho huh?
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Its ironic, but out of all the campers (ghostface, wraith, deathslinger etc), Insidious Bubba is the only one that doesn’t make me want to uninstall the game.
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Who tf camps as Ghostface or Deathslinger lol
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This is the first persons reaction to being saved.
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swap out franklins for agitation and you got a build
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I keep getting that a lot, considering it.
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Oooo, I should do this tonight too. Have fun!!
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I mean its a valid tactic just expect a lot of hate going your way
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Currently getting said hate, and I love it!
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Oh, I see now. This post was because you are an out and proud Ahole, who thrills in ruining other people's game experience. Got it, we can all leave now nothing to see here.
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Thank you for reminding me why I looked into 'family share' through steam and why D/C isn't an issue for me.
See you in the fog!
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You're getting it...
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Rank 11 camper....nothing to see here.
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24 games 988K bp, you were close tho
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You realize both of these addons do pretty much nothing, don't you?
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I was burning up all add ons, going to Prestige. Also why I am burning all Mori's. Better dumb add on's then none.
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If you crave seeking negative attention from other people on the internet, get a life. I can stress this enough.