Matchmaking Still Broken

Anybody got any idea what's up with matchmaking these days? I'm hovering between rank 12-13 killer, just had a match with a 2, 4, 5, and 6. That's not uncommon for me lately.
There are lots of threads about it, but ito put it simple: they nerfed killers so much a lot of high-ranking killers dont play killer anymore. So in order for high-ranking survivors to get a match, they are paired against low ranking killers.
Thats do to a mechanic to shorten lobby times. Usually, you search in a certain rank range. But if you dont find a match within it, your rank range is extended, and then extended again. For Red rank swfs that means they wait till they get a killer in red ranks (within 6 ranks i belive, so if the highest survivor is rank 2, its to rank 8), and if none is found they extend to rank 10 or 12 for killers, and then take the first one availible. That might be a red rank killer who just joined, but is more likly a low rank killer.
Its a known issue and they say they fix it in a secret way with no information provided to an undiscloed time somewhen in the futere.