Won't you look at this, I enjoy this game so much

I have the same issue with Dwight lol. Jumped off the tractor on coldwind and still somehow got hit by the Demo's shred.
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Judging by the top left of the screen (The lag icon) that's due to your connection. If you were lagging without that icon that it wouldve been the killer or dedicated servers, but with it, it's you.
15 -
My ping is always 55 though and my connection is 300M down 100M Up
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Most likely an unlucky game, or more likely, the servers decided to briefly go poor, causing the stabability of your connection with the servers to decline.
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your connection xD
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lol get rekt nerd
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I've been having that happen to me a little more recently too, or maybe I'm just noticing it more.
Honestly, I'm not even somebody to blame other things like lag or whatever for my shortcomings usually. I'll just say I suck and accept that I messed up. But there's been sometimes specifically as survivor that I've noticed where I'll jump through a window, complete the animation and everything, and start getting momentum running before the killer finally comes over and swings at the window and still somehow manages to hit me through it. Kind of like what happened in the video, except if the survivor didn't literally get teleported back.
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Unrelated, am i the only one who feels this FoV is different?
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It is different, and so is the red stain. Is this "legal"?
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Tell us about your modified FOV and Giant Red Stain :D
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Fov looks like it because the person is using stretched res. When recording it outputs the video with the maintained aspect ratio. The red stain is completely normal size and isn't going through walls which means it isn't modded either.
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Stretched res
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Oh okay.
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I had no idea the red stain was so wide or stretched so far - Maybe it's because of the resolution, but that looks like several meters.
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It seems like it because of the res,wait a sec,i'll send a pic comparison of modded/normal, also you can't mod the stain to go further,only to be wider.
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Also to add to this topic,they removed the lagback in the ptb. Wouldn't have hit ya in 3.7.0 luckily.
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Thanks for the info!
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This is no longer possible in the next game update. You cannot change anything from the engine.ini file anymore (which means you also can't disable anti aliasing anymore which is stupid).
As for the topic, vaults and hit detections are significantly improved on the PTB so hopefully stuff like this will happen a lot less soon.
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I play in 1280 x 1024, thats why the video looks weird after recording / editing ... As for the red stain it is normal...
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The red stain in that video is normal.
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You actually can,but i don't want to talk about it here. It involves pak files,lets leave it at that
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Isn't changing those files bannable? I don't think many people would want to mess with that stuff.
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You also turned back to the window just before the hit. That combined with lag is the most likely culprit.
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Depends,what you change.
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I didn't run back to the window, I got pulled back (this is the whole problem)... The game itself pulls you back to the window even if you're running away from it.
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Seems this was solved in the PTB. We can only hope though.
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This was your connection. That is what the symbol on the top left of the screen indicates, that you're connection isn't stable. This will persist in the game for as long as it exists, as if everyone's clients were absolute, the game just wouldn't function.
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So when I have a wired connection that is streaming in perfect quality, why does it happen to me?
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The majority of players at that time would most likely have a lower ping than you & the server would look at them first before you as their clients have a more reliable state of the game. This is how VPNing ######### things over, as you can tell the server that you're right next to it & thus, even if you have a bad connection, still have a large part in the final say.
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The Hit looks fine.
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Honestly you got outplayed. /s But seriously this is just DbD being itself, and things like this should be 100% expected at this point, although apparently window vaults are better in the latest PTB? We'll have to see if those changes make it to live (And then we'll have to see what killers or survivor mechanics get broken because of it and decide if it was worth it lmao)
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That there is the famous case of RUBBERING back into the window after a vault.
This won't happen next update.
Good luck in your future plays!
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His gaming chair was clearly better than yours.
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You lagged, thats all. Nothing seems here to be problematic, killers can reach out of windows if the survivour is there, and you were right on the window cuz the lag spike.
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Whats that nea head piece? I havent seen it before