Dbd cinematic universe


Before I start off, No this won’t be like the marvel cinematic universe where the killers eat shwarma after they get a 4K with an ebony.

I always thought that dbd could do more with there characters, and one idea I sprouted were animated shorts for backstories instead of just the read up. Sure we get the tomes but those aren’t nearly as lively animated as chapter trailers. Imagine how cool it would be to see the story of the Doctor unfold, and it could be made into a suspenseful thriller where you second guess what you’re seeing in the short, and it (pun intended) gives you madness. Or a dark comedy Legion short? Showing how each member is different but an avid killer in their own right. Or the lives of survivors such as Adam being a teacher far away from his friends and family? Or what happened to the bike race after Yui disappeared from it? And then once every killer and survivor are done as like an anniversary gift, we could get a full length animated film of a dbd game like the intro to the game with trapper and all of that.

I feel like this could get some traction, seeing as though the animators working behind new chapter trailers are extremely talented and tomes becoming more and more expanding with story just kind of lines up with making more animated stories for characters. Maybe I’m wrong but, I’d love to hear more ideas about animated shorts and what all the shorts could be like based off the person it’s about.