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General Discussions

Which killer should I buy?

Member Posts: 2
edited April 2020 in General Discussions

I am a Huntress main and I want to buy a new killer I was thinking about Oni,Spirit and Deathslinger what is your recommendation?

Ps: Dont limit yourself with this three

Edit:Thanks everyone for answers

Post edited by SlyFox on

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  • Member Posts: 227

    I would choose Spirit out of those three. Other than that, I like Demigorgon.

  • Member Posts: 186

    If you’re playing for fun; Ghostface is great since it makes the game more about jumpscares if you play it right.

    I main Oni at the moment and have a lot of fun, usually stomping 4Ks every game at rank 1. He’s enjoyable but takes some getting used to.

    That being said, it’s become almost mandatory for BBQ & Chili on most killers according to popular belief. So Bubba is worth investing if you want to be competitive, but you might as well just wait for it to appear on the SoS.

  • Member Posts: 1,893

    Plagues a good one.

  • Member Posts: 1,433

    Slinger is really really ######### fun,i'd buy him if i were you.

  • Member Posts: 2,135

    If killing is your goal, Spirit is the strongest DLC character and has some amazing perks too. She does take some practice though.

    You are a Huntress player so you may enjoy Deathslinger's playstyle, but be warned that his perks are god-awful.

  • Member Posts: 1,123


  • Member Posts: 4,883

    Oni is is pretty fun

  • Member Posts: 4,033

    Of the three you list, Oni is my favorite. Deathslinger for sure is the closest to Huntress’s playstyle.

    My main recommendation for you on picking your next killer would be base it on perks you would like to have (on Huntress) if you’re uncertain.

  • Member Posts: 5,211
    edited April 2020

    I have the cell point thingys for a new killer but I'm waiting for the next Archive thingy to show up before I decide who to get. I was super bummed that I couldn't get all the challenges done last time because I didn't own Spirit :(

  • Member Posts: 563

    Pig is a great one, I actually think she has such a high skill ceiling which is something you want in a killer because you can do different things than other killers

  • Member Posts: 520


  • Member Posts: 429

    Oni is the most fun out of the three

  • Member Posts: 97

    Depends. From your 3 choices it sounds like you will unlock them with shards, so that rules out licensed killers.

    If you want a new playstyle go Spirit or Oni. Spirit will be my next shard purchase. I just got Oni and Deathslinger. Played a little Oni and he's fun. Deathslinger I have yet to try out.

    If you were to buy one with real money, I'd say Ghost Face or Pig. I stupidly missed my chance for Ghost Face DLC when it was 50% off the other week.

  • Member Posts: 7,162

    Michael Myers for sure.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    Pig! But out of those three then Spirit is fun, and very good killer.

  • Member Posts: 594

    Well spirit is a strong killer, if you are looking for that. Oni power relays on him injuring survivors. So if they are good at looping or see you coming, can make you take awhile to get your ability up and running. Which is why monitor and abuse can be useful on oni, to help get in that first sneaky hit. If you like hunting rabbits or something that is sort of like huntress, Deathslinger.

    Of course if you are looking into other killers. Well leatherface is really just there for bbq if you ask me or you are a really big leatherface fan. So could always just wait for bbq to show up on the shrine to buy with shards. Ghostface and Myers are great to have, if you like sneaking up on survivors or jump scaring them. That or you like one shots. Of course if you are looking at things in terms of perks. Myers has save the best for last, play with your food. Which can be useful on a number of different killers, for a nice speed boost and faster recovery time after hitting a survivor.

  • Member Posts: 2

    You got me buddy thanks for youe answer now I made my choice and its Oni thanks again

  • Member Posts: 417

    Doctor + Hag were my first purchased ages ago. I like them both, but Hag is pretty comical if you're low rank.

  • Member Posts: 4,105

    Hard to give any advise without any clues on what you want.

    Do you want to have easy games? Then go for Spirit

    Do you want to have a killer that is kinda like huntress? Probably Deathslinger then.

    Do you enjoy snowballing the game and you dont mind slugging? Oni it is.

    For other killers.. i dont know what you have so far.

    Personally i would go for Oni, but thats just me.

  • Member Posts: 1,122

    Of the three you mentioned? Probably Deathslinger. His playstyle is the most similar to Huntress', and his perks could be more useful on her than Spirit's or Oni's. In terms of whose the most fun, its subjective but I prefer Spirit.

    Of all the Killers besides Huntress? If you don't have the perks, get Bubba for BBQ- a staple for Huntresses, and great for farming BP. Funwise, I love Pig and Doc.

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