Plague is perfect (not bait)

maximizer12 Member Posts: 75
edited April 2020 in General Discussions

Since there was a sale on ps4 where every dlc was half off i said sure why not and got them all. After experiencing every killer in red rank (rip clown), ive gotta say plague is a monster. Swf dont do anything against corrupt so they either risk being found or waste time hiding. Her addons all have some impact and none feel like they're worthless. Her power is very random in effectiveness but regardless of whether survivors clense or not they are always at risk against downing. Oh they arent cleansing and just gen rush? Black incense for free corrupt. They keep cleansing and running? Incensed oitment and rubbing oil for increased charge speed. If they even vault or drop a pallet they're already infected. They start crouching and loop behind rocks? Aim high and start purging because its bound to hit em. I absolutely love this killer alongside legion and im honestly surprised i dont see more of her.


  • Kyari
    Kyari Member Posts: 95

    I wouldn't say perfect, but on the strong side. She's in that area where high level survivors find her an on off killer to play against, for example sometimes the ranged down can be strong but other than that she doesn't have anything that helps in the overall chase, more like intel and map pressure so that she can play the gens more effectively. But also in that sense, aslong as survivors are careful about infected objects and are able to fake out the plague effectively in jungle gyms, but shes strong no doubt. Just enjoy her while you can, some would rather rip her down and have her nerfed into oblivion.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    (secretly it is bait)

  • SpiritLover1133
    SpiritLover1133 Member Posts: 214

    Play in Korean or AR server then talk about any killer being OP. NA and some in EU are a bunch of potato survivors who are giving the devs wrong data of killers being overpowered.

    if you run against survivors who hide from the killer, its a slap in the forhead.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    The Plague is literally a plague to the game... Why would you create a killer that completely removes an entire function of the game? Plague gives survivors no reason to cleanse and no reason to heal. So what does this mean? It completely destroys the Altruism category for a survivor; but on the plus side, there's nothing stopping them from gen rushing you. Even if you do "cleanse", you're immediately put back into being sick by touching a gen or unhooking a survivor.. so there's literally no point to it.