Least Fun Killer to Play

Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687
edited April 2020 in Polls

This is largely so the devs can get more info on which killers could use changes, not because of balance but because of how fun they are to play as.

Note: Killers listed are the ones I hear complains about the most.

Least Fun Killer to Play 107 votes

BossGHERBEARRULESDelsKibaranimesulideZackaryFreemanZaPePulvoriserRoseyDevlinhmeekinsSpookyStalin 10 votes
RullisipichumudkipZackSaxcaitlintenchmitkoboyCherrySoda 6 votes
SnakeSound222mistar_zNescauShrimpTwiggsMiriamGMegaWafflemusstang62UistreelHrakofMysteriousPersonGothicPrincessnoname11223345Player35magicmaster2020AnnoyedAtTheGame4chinsOLDGAMERNUGGETDanZBR123illiumrednwilson999 22 votes
Dr_TrautsBoosted_DwightSebaOutbreakTingly4TrapperBassTramIamDwightFuzionn 7 votes
IhatelifeCrtKazzF60_31SexyMoneyArashiNoHantaEnderloganYTPlantCollectorSplitsecond27LumionestyCitrusfruitManyAchievables 11 votes
kodiakyNeonAlienTrulyfostDisneyLostGirl 4 votes
FatelanceJetTheWaffleCatSlaughterhouse3VolantConch1719arslaNshreament[Deleted User]seirDetailedDetrimentAzgarthusRothlonAwkward_FiendOwlzeygoatslingerToxicAsfChampagneoh_salutationsInsaneNurseMainPior_MorteJuicyPuffers 20 votes
RainbowPatooieWalker_of_the_fog_96AvilgusGravnosmatchmakingworksfineAONovaDavidSmithMetalhead1738LunaWaterAzxx93 10 votes
Seiko300goatkiieLx_maliceMattie_MayhemOGPigforeverKolonitePiantoGodLikeTerror 8 votes
icemancatCheersAhoyWolfPrettyFaceKateOBXamberulmCephalon_LebronflyfrydaFobbo 9 votes


  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    Really suprised Freddy isn't here.

    Hate playing against him, and my god if I get him for a daily I want to kill myself because he is so boring. Really, I wish he wasn't a killer in the game.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    Nurse. She moves so slow and missing a blink can be really punishing.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited April 2020

    Plague sucks. She's garbage. I hate her playing as her, and I hate going against her even more she is easily by far the most poorly designed killer in the entire game. Keep in mind, I never said "poorly balanced" I said "poorly designed", which is honestly far worse a problem.

    She rewards you for doing nothing regardless of what you do if you get a little bit of sickness on anybody they are going to be broken one way or another, nobody is going to cleanse so you won't ever get to use the only fun (but completely broken) part of your ability aside from the one corrupted purge you're provided at the beginning because the devs felt it necessary (I disagree, because that's very clearly a bandaid fix that doesn't solve her core issues but ok). Without her corrupt purge (which is most of the time) your ability does nothing at pallets and you are absolutely forced to run them as a legitimate M1 killer which there are very few of these days but Plague is one of them. Trapper can trap different loops, The Pig can use her ambush at certain loops, and as ineffective as The Clown's ability is (please give him a buff) it still changes up the pace of your chases and is something interesting. The Plague. Has. Nothing.

    It's dumb, it's boring, and the fact that a killer like this even exists at all makes me wonder how TF is anybody voting Freddy K is even less fun to play, or The Clown, or Nurse. Freddy can literally bleed through generators giving him insane map mobility, he's invisible like half the time, he doesn't really have a terror radius since survivors are constantly under the oblivious status effect, his power has insane variability since you can choose between either snares or fake pallets and while I do use snares more because I find they're more consistent, I think the fake pallets are so much more fun watching the internal turmoil of a survivor trying to figure out what's real and what's not, hitting a survivor after they slam a fake pallet is so freakin satisfying.

    and you're telling me this dumba** b*tch called the PLAGUE is more FUN???? You do NOTHING!! Except Throw UP!! Your power is useless, in all the ways that are actually important like having an interesting effect on chases, or map pressure, or map mobility, Like BRUH!

    I already went over the Clown, and the Nurse, I can understand that one a little bit because I actually suck as the Nurse my Clown is better than my Nurse (and that speaks volumes, either how terrible my Nurse is or how GOD my Clown is, who knows [I do, but I refuse to tell]). But even when losing I still have fun playing the Nurse because she's can still freakin teleport anywhere and everywhere.

    and I get that people aren't directly saying Plague is fun to play here, but by not voting Plague you are indirectly telling me that the Plague is more fun to play than X, Y, or Z killer, whoever you voted for. And I cannot believe that, I refuse to believe it. She sucks, she's dumb, Grrrrrrr.

  • Cephalon_Lebron
    Cephalon_Lebron Member Posts: 60

    Where's freddy? Why is pig here but not freddy? He's the most unfun killer to play against and really boring to play as.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    Hag, Freddy, Spirit, Snoozeslinger.

  • goatslinger
    goatslinger Member Posts: 522

    I ultimately chose clown but it is a toss up for me between clown and freddy. Clown is so boring because he is extremely week. Freddy is the opposite. He is boring to play as because you just dominate almost anyone and he has zero skill cap.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited April 2020

    Because the Pig is boring? You're telling me crouching with your face a foot off the ground and moving at 90% movement speed just to get access to the undetectable status effect is fun?? The RBT's are completely RNG related so they can either help you immensely in slowing down the pace of the game, or they can be completely worthless. Either way, you yourself are not doing anything to slow the survivors down that's entirely up to the RBT and the survivor themselves, you yourself are not taking part in that process. It's completely passive and as the doctor rework has proven - passive is not fun, and the only helpful part of her ability, the ambush suffers from it's own problems (a noise notification letting survivors know to book it, obstructed FOV, and slower movement speed) she is not only the worst Stealth killer, but yes the most boring and least fun by miles.

    She's only second on this list to the Plague, for reasons I have already detailed previously.

  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687

    I've heard more complaints about playing the killers on this list, Freddy was definitely the runner up but I mostly just hear things bad about playing against him, not as him. If this was about least fun to play against Freddy would be at the top of my list.

    Pig is here because of the reasons why Seiko mentioned, the majority of the complaints I see about her is that she's boring. Same with Clown and Plague. I do agree that Freddy is somewhat boring, he's not as much so as those other killers since his power at least allows for mobility and lethality.

  • Cephalon_Lebron
    Cephalon_Lebron Member Posts: 60

    I don't really have a problem with freddy himself. What I do have a problem with is freddies who run thana, dying light, sloppy and pop and both slowdown addons

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172


    1: PS4 frame rate

    2: Easy to dodge on console/hard to spin when someone dodges

    3: Feels GREAT when you put the time and effort to become truly a terror! ......but don't play for 3 days and forget all the timings...

    4: Constantly staring at the ground gets boring

    5: Riddled with new and extremely old bugs...and somehow more crop up.

    I could list more but I think this is enough.

  • KurtKobainFreak01
    KurtKobainFreak01 Member Posts: 38

    I just never had much fun with him in high ranks. Hes sort of a killer with no power.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Strategists love this guy.

    And well, okay, i also like using strategies, but not by having to go around and placing Bear Traps.

  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    It's either nurse or trapper. Nurse power isn't very good and the only thing I can manage to trap is myself.

  • MysteriousPerson
    MysteriousPerson Member Posts: 12

    i probably would have fun playing as her but i cant do it successfully to save my life which is why i respect all the good nurses out there especially those console ones

  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687

    Console Nurses are gods among men. I think Nurse is fun to play, mostly because she's so different, but on Console she'd be actual hell.

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    Sorry Hag fans but she's just so obnoxiously boring for me.

  • mistar_z
    mistar_z Member Posts: 857
    edited April 2020
    1. Clown. Garbage and boring kit, meh addons.
    2. Nurse. Blinking is so powerful that everything else about her needs to be miserable to compensate for the power. Only reason why I consider her my second pick is because she's got fun addons at least.
    3. Plague. Vomiting, sickness and broken status are garbage and half baked set of ideas that should've been in development for longer or at least gotten feedback from people. Corrupt is the only good thing about her kit and thats only when the survivor want to give it to you. Which is a shame because she really is my favorite designed killer in the game, her lore and her costume is just SICKENINGLY good. Too bad her cosmetics outside of her base outfit are all also garbage.
    4. Freddy. There's really no skill needed to play him, just put down snares and you'll eventually reverse bloodlust the survivors. its like clown, but hes actually stupidly powerful with great map pressure due to his secondary power.
  • Pulvoriser
    Pulvoriser Member Posts: 48

    I personally dislike Trapper, but it's funny how much hate I see on Clown because he's second best Killer, I average 3k to 4k games with him. I'm just now playing as The Plague and so far I'm greatly enjoying her throw up perk, it's just so funny to puke on people and water gun it around left to right, or go around turning them Gens green. My second and highest level killer is Freddy, I maxed him out long before he ever got his rework, I loved his old design, I do appreciate the rework though, them blood snares are solid! Cant speak for the rest on this list as I've not yet played them

    I do feel Spirit should be on this list though, she's incredibly basic and extremely boring to play. I've never lost a round against her and I've never completely won a round using her.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I can play Hag, I can play Spirit, I can even play a bit of Legion.

    But I cannot play Trapper. My traps are always in obvious spots that they end up being disarmed before I could even do anything.

  • Champagne
    Champagne Member Posts: 110

    I feel bad for both Clown and Nurse.

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    I personally can’t stand death slinger playing as and against. It was a close call between him and hag.

  • Fobbo
    Fobbo Member Posts: 452

    I hate spirit i dont like to play as her or against her

  • Gravnos
    Gravnos Member Posts: 105

    My vote goes for playing as AND against Legion as the least fun. It's just really really boring. Plague would be a close second. Though I love playing as her, I don't think she's actually very fun.

  • ManyAchievables
    ManyAchievables Member Posts: 667

    Super clunky. Unbearably annoying when the Survivor can loop around a single ######### TREE and get away with it.

  • shreament
    shreament Member Posts: 13

    I completely agree with you, plauge isnt fun to play, nor is she fun to go against

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

    Thank you, it was an older comment but no less completely valid and relevant than when I wrote it.

  • Pepegaming
    Pepegaming Member Posts: 1

    The nurses base kit is too weak. No one asked for that to be nerfed just the omega blink.