NOED is....



  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    I don't run noED on a regular basis but I will say that the times I do run it are when I know survivors are going to be complacent and have tunnel vision on gens. Or if I feel like being an ass and doing a complacency check on survivors to see where they're at.

    90% of the time they fail the check. And never do bones. The 10% that do actually pass the check....make me feel all silly. Like I look around, the gens are done, I've killed maybe 2 by this point or 1 considering they aren't playing like complacent idiots if they've managed to do bones by this point. I look up....noED doesn't even trigger. I am then standing there baffled and bewildered as to how I've been outplayed and outdone by such wise methods and altruism. It really is an amazing thing to see.....and everytime I see 3 to 4 survivors leave the match after successfully getting past my jigsaw traps, dying light and thano stacks, and noED.....I take a moment of commemorate survivors.....

    Who actually have a really is a beautiful sight to behold...truly.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    If the Killer that uses NoEd is bad for using it, then the Survivors who fall for it, time and time again, must be much worse than the killer.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    NOED is fine, but there are better perks that help to win all game long. I prefer Brutal Strength, Sloppy Butcher, or Corrupt Intervention over NOEd for example.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,696

    *gets 4k with 2 gens left*

    "Oh you're bad - you brought NOED"

    *asks how NOED helped when 2 gens were left up*

    "NOED is for baby killers."

    *asks why I won with 3 perks*

    "We just played bad."

    -DBD Logic 101

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    ...I don't particularly disagree with either perspective and don't have an issue with NOED, but as a survivor main, I can tell you that it has a 'type' and that type is usually pretty bad at the game. I can almost always call when a killer has NOED - aside from general perk deduction through experiencing the Killer, their play style and in-game behavior is usually a dead giveaway.

    Also, totems are a complicated subject in some matches. A lot of killers are of the "hard face camp" mindset these days. When it's a particularly spicy killer, like an insta-down killer, the only recourse survivors have is to try and use that person's life expectancy to their advantage by focusing on gens - because even with full focus it's unlikely to finish them all before the person dies. That leaves no time to hunt down five randomly placed totems. In a SWF this probably not a huge issue, as someone can run a totem-finding perk and sweep pretty quickly. In random matches it's hard to get teammates to do them even when there's balanced pressure and no camping.

    So, again, I have no issue with NOED. I dont mind that its a surprise. I agree that it's counter is not difficult. But getting down totems is not always as easy as it seems.

  • sairen
    sairen Member Posts: 7

    Theres no need to "git gud" break totems its easy as that but if you forget or your team doesn't help it's a heres atleast 1 free kill for the killer. Its the DS perk for killers except you can play against NOED alot easier than DS.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    NOED: Find 5 randomly placed totems around the entire map while doing generators/getting chased/off-hooking/healing/etc.

    DS: Hit survivor 1 extra time; leave survivor alone for 60 seconds; slug them

    I mean... 🤷

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    What do you mean “can’t have”? The perk exists and you’re free to use it, and the devs obviously have no plans to change it. Some people in this game will moan at you for using it, but there are people who will moan about almost every single perk.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    👉👉👉 per not_Queen

    "As it was mentioned in the thread by different people, NOED isn't rewarding poor gameplay from Killers:

    Killer has to play the trial with only 3 perks before the doors are activated.

    The perk can be fully deactivated by survivors

    If the killer has no luck in hooking many survivors before the doors are activated, then the survivors should have been able to cleanse totems without feeling pressure, thus, not giving the NOED edge to the killer. It's on them if it activates.

    If survivors allow the killer to get a 4K with NOED in the end game, I would argue that survivors made mistakes during their end game plays or didn't prepare for the potential NOED activation.

    Finally, if you don't want to play NOED, it's your prerogative. In my opinion, building a build that is strong in end game isn't rewarding failure, it is using perks for their intended purposes. The purpose of NOED is to give a killer a burst of strength in end game. Since it's effectively strong, survivors have the power to deactivate it, if they focus secondary objectives.

    The killer players choosing to play NOED are banking on a burst of strength at the end for the downside of playing with 3 perks the rest of the game and having a chance to have their perk deactivated. It's a high risk, high reward scenario.

    Do bones."

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241

    "If the killer has no luck in hooking many survivors"

    Funny line.

    No luck or you're just bad.

  • Schmierbach
    Schmierbach Member Posts: 468

    This topic is....

    Beaten harder than a dead horse. Cleanse the totems.

  • tortrader
    tortrader Member Posts: 539
  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    Is it really that hard to break 5 piles of bones?

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Yeah, totally.

    Perks that stop a killer from playing in the most infuriating ways possible require no skill.

    I'm still going to go with a hidden one-shot is worse than an easily counterable ONE USE ONLY perk.

    The only one of these perks I use is DS to stop people from tunnelling me, or at least try to. Tried DH to avoid attacks. Not a fan. I run Self-Care and Botany Knowledge on my main build lately, and I seem to do just fine.

    If someone can't win a chase without using the Exposed status effect, then they either need to practice more or go and play Plague/GF/Myers/Hillbilly/Bubba and quit complaining about survivors doing well then or that they're punished by the emblem system for only using one-shot killers and abilities.

    If I can't get anyone, then I can't get anyone. I'm not going to rely on a perk like NoED to bail me out and compensate for a lack of skill in a chase.

  • Thatsmartguy
    Thatsmartguy Member Posts: 188

    Not really they could be doing pretty good in a game but not have anyone on dead hook or do have someone on dead hook but they full hp When all the gens r done no ed is basically the killer second chance perk cuz killers really don't have second chance perks.

  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789

    Ruin go wrecked, so now you have an end game perk to deal with instead of an early game perk. Pick your battles or should just everything killer continue to be nerfed?

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877

    It’s a Perk that just needs reworking in general.

    From a Survivor’s perspective, it can feel cheap, unfair and overkill;

    • Cheap - Requiring little effort on the Killer’s part to use
    • Unfair - Punishes Survivors who performed well and cleansed 3/4 totems
    • Overkill - Excessively punishes the remaining 1/2 Survivors during Late Game

    From a Killer’s perspective, it can feel useless, dirty and short-lived;

    • Useless - Provides nothing until Late Game
    • Dirty - You punish Survivors who you may acknowledge played better than you
    • Short-lived - It gets activated but you are too late to use it or it gets cleansed

    Statistically, it may be balanced, but from both sides it is mentally horrible to play with and against.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Ruin is FINE. You just have to use it differently. Or run Pop Goes the Weasel.

    It's now more of a mid-game stall perk than a free hook or two at the start. You have Corrupt Intervention for THAT old use now too.

    I've always had my objections to NoED, ever since I started playing this game. It is also now what I find to be the perk that killers can lean into because they doubt their own abilities. I did it with old Ruin, I'll admit it freely. I now just see more killers using NoED.

    And don't get me started on killer nerfs. I'm a Pig main ffs, probably the most nerfed character in the game. And I have an old thread literally saying to stop asking for nerfs everywhere and get more buffs to weaker things.

  • Feiten
    Feiten Member Posts: 204

    Why? So you jackasses can rush back in like the military and save your friends? Yeah complete crutch.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    I am so happy to see that others agree noed isnt a bad perk.

  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789

    Fair enough, Ruin itself wasn't wrecked, but changed. It is a good hex how it is now, I should have specified that early game was wrecked with the Ruin change.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Why what? I think you have the wrong comment.

    I pointed out how it is a fundamentally flawed perk in that comment, and if I even suspect that I'm not going to be able to get the unhook, I'll ditch. It's just that simple.

  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789

    That's it. Break bones, crisis averted. Get with it, survivors, it's just that simple.

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858
  • raulblideran
    raulblideran Member Posts: 225

    When survivors do all the totems and i find out at the end of the game that my noed is ruined (no pun) i'm like "you cheeky #########" but somehow I'm having a good laugh, I'm maybe a psycho though.

    Asked once the survivors in the post game chat: "what made you do the totems since most survivors dont like to do them?" One said for points and the other had the coolest response which i can't say it's true but he said: "i have a short period of time to talk with my gf" and to me that was funny as hell.

    Fr though, the best counter to this is doing 5 totems, but again, i can understand the survivor perspective so I'm not that oppose to a rework, but a good one, not a ruin type of rework

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    Say whatever you gonna say, Decisive Strike is always an indicator that the survivor bad/low skill cap. Always was

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Noed for life! Noed rebellion! No no noed!

    There we go, with the memes out of the way. Since i seen some go with the idea, that noed rewards failure. Well what about Rancor, the spirit perk? Since each time a gen gets done, it rewards you with information as to where the survivors are, while giving one of them the power to see you for a short time as well. While at the end of the game, one special lucky survivor gets their own mini noed and mori. Is it the same as noed rewards for failure or does the downside of giving a survivor information make it a double edge sword? That or does the lesser effect, one target rather than the whole team, make it different from noed in terms of it being say more acceptable or is it just as bad as noed?

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I would argue that Rancor is a different Bitter Murmur and is actually balanced since there are effects for both sides. Yes, you can delete ONE person, but they'll know it's them and you may not exactly remember who they are to hunt them down. If I see that I'm the Rancor target, then you can bet that I'll have yeeted myself out of a gate ASAP.

    It's also more under the classification of a tracking perk, since you get a small notification of where everyone is, as opposed to NoED which is just free exposed. NoED also works when you close hatch, where as Rancor relies on having 5 generators done for the ability to execute the Obsession.

  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789

    Rancor doesn't read auras, it just makes survivors scream for a second. You don't see where they're running to, only where they were. It's the same notification that Infectious Fright, Spies, or Doctor's blast gives; a scream. Meanwhile, there's a perk survivors have that reads the killer's aura whenever they kick something.... Rancor is just fine.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Fair enough.

    Yeah i should been more technical and made sure i was using the right term for the effect. So thanks for the correction.

  • MamaEagle
    MamaEagle Member Posts: 115

    Is that why most killers run it? It's one thing if someone uses a perk to make their game easier... It's another if EVERYONE is using it to make their game easier. Can it be countered? Yes, is it hard to counter it when your playing with random survivors? Absolutely because you can't do gens, save off hook, open doors and bust up totems all at once. I myself have never used Noed except here and there and still to this day never used a Hex perk and made it to red ranks with all sorts of killers being strong and outsmarting at loops... It's a crutch perk is what it is... A perk people rely too heavily on like Ruin to stack up a 4k because they feel entitled to it.

    You want to claim your a good killer? I think people should start playing without any hex perks at all and playing more of other killers besides Myers, Billy, Bubba and Doctor. You can 4k without any of those killers around red to purple rank and have no hex perks at all (not to mention I've never ran BBQ because my bubba never got past level 10 on PC or Xbox) then we can start talking about "good killers" and what not. But as it stands, anyone that is survivor rank 10 and up playing randomly is not going to have a fun and "fair" game with killers who try to constantly find ways to instantly down and find people.

  • kingoftheirish1992
    kingoftheirish1992 Member Posts: 159

    So does DS and dead hard. Have invisibly frames and a 60 seconds of God mode. People who think skill in a game is something to flex about need to realise what more important in this world.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Invincibility. Invisibility only happens on Wraith.

    DS is NOT 60 seconds of invincibility, it's 60 seconds of GO FIND SOMEONE ELSE. And can just be slugged. Or ignored. Eat it and you won't have to again.

    DH is very hit or miss, extremely easy to bait, as shown by just about every prominent DbD YouTuber/Streamer, requires the user to be injured and only usable ONCE before having a 60-40 second cooldown of no running.

    Now. How does that relate to what I said? DS is literally bad play on the killer's side if they get hit by it and to pull off a good DH is harder than the average killer gives credit for. Best I can do on average is waste an extra 2 seconds or make them miss one hit in thr middle of nowhere.

    I'm not saying that they're not able to be abused, but even their intended use is a much better sign of balance than NoED.

    5 totems for ONE Hex perk. No warning for the most powerful status effect in the game. Only perk that gives the effect with zero effort or warning. If you're going to attempt and debate me, then don't fall back on the "Buh survivors" strawman. I put NoED against other killer perks. Relavent perks.

  • kingoftheirish1992
    kingoftheirish1992 Member Posts: 159

    Yeah killers fault for survivor jumping into locker in the killers face. I eat plenty of DS and the salt that comes from killing those who use is so tasty. Survivors know there not using the peak as intended. Also playing survivor with out them and living is more rewarding than being boosted.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    There are so many questions that come to mind from your statement, such as "were you chasing them off hook before they jumped into a locker?" and this is also not the thread to be discussing this sort of thing on.

    I use DS to stop killers from tunnelling me out of existence because they can't put in the effort. I play solo. I got to red by using stealth, some running skill and doing what I have to in order to survive long enough to score a pip. I also never have to worry about eating a DS since I ignore people that have just been unhooked to go after someone already on a generator, or if someone unhooks in my face, they take the place of the other survivor.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I've always hated NOED. Always, I've always loathed it, hate it, absolutely abhor it.'s okay if killers have it, because they took a lot from them already.

    So, it's bittersweet, but I still hate it,'s okay if they have it.

    I don't know.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,772

    Where did I say it wasn't? I was talking about noed being anoyher great example of the power disparity between map-wide comms and solo survivors. What's your point?

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    So you think noed reward bad play but most of the survivor run desicive steike and this reward you getting down with a huge stun advantage borrow time reward bad teamplay because as a survivor you dont get punish for using this yeah seem fair to say noed reward bad play

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    NOED doesn't direcly reward bad play. 5 gens can be repaired even if the killer played well. Killers play with only three perks that match, and NOED just helps them out during the end game by giving them more power.

    However NOED can at times allow killers that played very badly to still win the game, and it is no doubt often used by bad players, but it doesn't necessarily always just reward bad play.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    My argument against the whole "3 Perks" point is still a) that goes for ANY Hex perk, since they can be cleansed at any time, then their effect is gone. Same with half of the Obsession perks and killing said Obsession and b) why not just use another perk that will help the WHOLE game?

    I'm not doubting that it can help a struggling killer, but I don't recall a decent killer needing it's power to deal with strong survivors. I can understand it on a few killers, and as part of a complete Endgame build, but as a regular perk slot and for it to be so heavily defended with all it's glaring issues is both baffling and in some ways insulting. I don't see anyone defending the original iteration of a perk such as Mettle of Man, after all.

    While I hate the perk with a passion, I do understand it's usage. There is also two simple changes that will make a lot of people less frustrated at this perk: Make it so that it is only activated by 5 generators being powered, just like Rancor OR make it so that as soon as Endgame is triggered, all survivors are notified of the Exposed effect, just like every other Exposure perk besides Devour Hope.

    Admittedly I'd prefer the latter option, and you don't need to add both into the game. It would be better if they were and not really a "nerf" that should be complained about, but more of a "quality of life" fix.

  • nicknack
    nicknack Member Posts: 253

    So i get that ds and bt are op in conditons but having adrenalin in chase is like a gamble of wether it will activate in time and DH just is awful with dedicated servers plus its not really that powerful

  • Ghost_Face_Main
    Ghost_Face_Main Member Posts: 618

    Why does NOBODY ever really look at it as a last resort perk? The gens are done, so what? The killer's goal is to eliminate the survivors, not prevent gen completion entirely. NOED just makes the EGC harder, making survivors have to adapt, but nah, killer bad survivor good. Even a "good" killer can get gen rushed you know lol.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Well kinda but I would argue that with most hex Perks you are very likely to get some effect out of it before it gets destroyed. Whereas NOED does guaranteed nothing until the endgame.

    I'm not a big fan of the perk myself, I'm just saying that people using this perk aren't always bad at the game. Any killer player, no matter how good, can lose all 5 gens to survivors and also have 3 or 4 survivors escape against them, and in their case, NOED isn't rewarding bad play, but is simply a perk to help those killers during the endgame in an exchange for only using 3 perks during the match. However there is no doubt that NOED also leads to many undeserved kills and wins against survivors.

    There are two reasons I don't want to see NOED go though. The main, actual reason is that it's the only real reason for survivors to cleanse dull totems. There is literally no other gameplay advantage for survivors cleansing dull totems other than preventing NOED. If the devs could implement a different usage of totems, I'd be glad to have NOED reworked. Like having every dull totem that still remains when all 5 gens are repaired increase the time to open an exit gates by like 5 seconds. This way, survivors would have a reason to cleanse dull totems and not just waste time doing so. However, this would be a buff to killer, which especially after the upcoming patch, is probably not needed.

    The other reason is it's a good argument against any nerfs to DS, which I don't want nerfed as well. Though to be fair DS doesn't have the potential to negate bad play nearly as much as NOED has, but still.

    However, a totem counter in my opinion is long overdue and is absolutely a necessity in this game, whether dull totems are only good for NOED or will eventually have a different use in the game as well.

  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806

    A lot of killers recently have realized how good NOED is and because people don't do the bones, it's very easy to get it activated and screw everyone over.

    So yes, do the bones.

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241
    edited April 2020
  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951
    edited April 2020

    Killers can't be expected to chase survivors, break pallets, break gens, hook survivors x4 because there are 4 survivors. You wanna complain that solos cant cleanse because of poor teammates but maybe its your teammates fault for being bad and not the killers fault for running a lategame perk.

    P.S never claimed i was a good killer, just that maybe survivors should be expected to be better than me than to have an easy win because you are mad cause NOED is so mean uwu

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138
    edited April 2020

    I had the guy calling me noed Billy noob. But i had rancor not noed . That alone proves how "not smart" people like you are.

    Noed alone is strong on killers that can easily get one shot ie spirit ,nurse, hag. Using noed on those killers is only being smart.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    Actually that's not true. I am rank 1 every season and run noed only to annoy people I recognize.