Would you like the next change that would solve many problems regarding this game?

The change that came to mind because of my other thread: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/143453/dear-developers-tired-of-constant-winning-4-kills-as-a-killer-rank-1#latest
SWF queues and SOLO queues need to be seperate based on ranks as well.
People are going to queue SWF if they feel like the game is too easy against solo players or just for killers that want some challenge while people that thinks the otherwise can play solo which is also going to remove possibility for them to face annoying swfs.
There wont be same amount of player in swf mode as in solo so it wont split up the playerbase.
Why killers should be forced to face swf unwillingly?
Would you like the next change that would solve many problems regarding this game? 16 votes
I dont like
I, for one, wouldn't queue against SWF willingly, and the majority of people won't ever want to. This would more or less make the game solo only, and would probably be a major detriment to the games playerbase.
Instead, how about we just kick up the groups average rank, or soon to be SR, and make it to where only the most skilled killers go up against the most optimal SWF.
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But instead you d rather go up against swf unwillingly?
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I dont like
How do you put options in a poll? I tried it but seems I am unable to do it.
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I dont like
There'll be a skill rating system soon, so that'll be a potential way to fix this. Also yes, I'd rather go up against SWF unwillingly if my chances of getting a kill on each of them are around 50%. If I was to never go against SWF unwillingly, then their queues would already be worse and they'd probably stop playing, meaning the game would lose a large part of the playerbase.
There's a dropdown next to New Discussion that should allow you to make a poll. From there it should be self explanatory.
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I like
Wait, now I feel like I messed up or read the poll wrong, was it create two separate ranks one for your performance in SWF and one for your performance in solo, or separate queues???
I can see a potential validity behind the idea of the former, if you're performing better in SWF you should be placed up against more skilled killers who are better equipped to handle that. While if you're not that great in solo queue you can still be placed with others in a similar "solo rank"
However, if we're talking about completely separate "ranked" modes for SWF and solo that's just dumb, you'd be splitting up the playerbase and creating unnecessarily longer queue times. Not to mention, nobody would queue for the SWF mode
If it was the latter I messed up my vote and did not mean to say yes
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There should just be a Casual and a Ranked playlist, like many other competitive games.
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You think killers that dont want to play against swf do not dodge possible swf lobbies?
SWF players if not getting a game they would just switch to solo queue for a while.
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Explain how does it splitting up the playerbase?
If i think solo is extremely weak i would be playing swf mode(as a killer) and if its empty since there are no one is playing currently i would just switch to solo.
It doesnt split up the playerbase as you can play both modes at any given time.
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I like
It splits up the playerbase because you are creating two different queues rather than putting everyone into one big queue. This is probably one of the biggest reasons why we haven't seen alternate modes or even a ranked vs. casual mode yet because matchmaking hasn't been perfected.
If you still don't get it, think about how much slower queue times are whenever a PTB is up, or how much slower queue times are if you're queued in the PTB. This is because the game's population is split between the live build and the Public Test Build which is testing out new changes.
It would be even worse than an alternate mode or a ranked queue because then you're deliberately discriminating against one group of the game's population or / against the other. Either discriminating against solo queue and that solo queue survivors are bad and too easy to beat as killer, or the more likely scenario: discriminating against people who want to play with friends as being toxic, sweaty, tryhards. This is a BAD idea and I did not mean to vote the option that I accidentally did
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I have no issues with slower queues at ptb time .
I think you dont understant that swf and solo basically is still the same mode for players it doesnt split up the playerbase queues. Its not like casual and competitive mode where casuals would unlikely to play competitive mode at all.
Its not like it would create players that main swf lol.
There wont be same amount of player in swf mode as in solo that s why it wont split up the playerbase.
Why killers should be forced to face swf unwillingly?
Post edited by Reborn2020 on0 -
how does sr will fix that?
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I dont like
SR, if handled better than the current ranking system, would make it to where the groups average is bumped up, meaning that only better killers would go against them. Due to this, the top killers would be handling more SWF, and less Solo. If SR doesn't make a groups rating higher, then it'll be the same as the ranking system is right now, except it'll probably be less busted.
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I like
You might not have a problem with it but many, many other people do. Slow queue times is one of the biggest most widespread recorded issues from the community, especially due to the recent SWF changes which queue groups according to the highest survivors rank. This unevenly distributes the population making queues for high rank survivors and low ranked killers very long because for the former so many people are queued up for ranks they normally wouldn't be in, and for the latter many survivors who would normally show up in their lobby just don't due to the survivors they're grouped with. While killers in high ranks and survivors (who are either solo or grouped in an SWF with people of similar rank) in low ranks are usually very quick or at least more quick by comparison to the other groups who have much slower and longer queues.
On top of this big issue you want to split the queue into two parts, slowing down both because less people will be in both. Not to mention, this doesn't account for which queue will generally have more traffic than the other because I can assure you that they will not be evenly split. I'm fairly certain more people queue for solo than SWF and as such the SWF queue even without being systematically ignored by many killers would still be really slow. Even more so, what about the survivors who don't queue with a fully equipped 4-man squad?? Do they have to sit there in an extremely long queue just to wait for another duo to join their lobby? How do you answer about 3-man squads, would it even be possible to queue as a 3-man? Because if they want to queue in the "exclusively" SWF queue which would only handle groups, doesn't have any solos, then there won't be an individual random to fill up their squad.
I cannot emphasize enough that this is universally a BAD idea, it raises so many other issues as well as questions that I guarantee it would do more harm than good. Regardless of how you try to twist it so that it might sound better than it is, it's not, and I am supremely confident the developers would never go for a decision to make a change like this.
Again, if I could change my vote (because I read the poll wrong. It was badly explained in the thread and badly supported in the comments) I would. So I'll do the math really quickly to reflect the real Poll response:
As of writing there are a current total of 13 votes, moving my vote over to "I don't like" this is the new breakdown:
"I like" 4 votes - 31%
"I don't like" 9 votes - 69%
Of course to account for any future votes, just continuously subtract mine from the pool who responded "I like" and add it to the "I don't like".
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Okay i think its terrible idea then. Please leave your opinion here then:https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/comment/1219140#Comment_1219140
This would be better i guess.