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Chapter: "Pranks On You" idea discussion

ThePoltergeist714 Member Posts: 31

The new chapter im trying to come up with is called "Pranks On You". And the new killer is "The Hoax". Not so sure of the survior now but ill come up with one or maybe the studio can help with that if they ever show interest in this. And just to assure im not quite sure about about the rest its just an idea that im not quite finished with. Maybe you guys can give ideas about his name for the antagonist.

Here is my killers bio and sorry if i misspelled words wrong and i dont even know if its put together right.

"The Hoax" is a killer who was basically a prankster before. In his teen years he was known for pulling off pranks in school and on people. No one ever took him seriously due to his tough pranks no one can handle but he just did it to be happy himself. His acquaintances at school called him the clown. One day he planned the worst prank ever pulled off at school. He brought a bag full of dead rats he caught himself. He sneaked into the school cafeteria early one morning and put one dead rat in each serving of food which he didnt get to put it on all of them. Too bad for him he couldnt see the reaction on people during lunch time. The cafeteria kitchen had cameras and he was being watched. The principal emediatly expelled him from the school. When he got home his parents werent happy with it, specially his dad who was a drunk himself wouldnt allow his behavior. His dad was strict and has beaten his son bad before for simple mistakes, but this one prank wouldnt slide. He was told to leave the house. His dad told him that no one wanted a clown in the family and punched him in the stomach and he dropped gasping for air. His mother was crying in tears and yelled to leave him alone. He got up and eventually left home running far, very far to the point he didnt even know where he was going. He stopped after 5 minutes of running and thought to himself if no one likes him why isnt there a real reason to kill people and not just a simple rat. He soon came back to his home after not eating nor fully resting for 1 month. His father was laying in the bed in his room and luckily he was alone. It was noticable his dad was sick he had a runny nose and immediately took advantage and slashed his throat with a pocket knife he had in his backpack. After taking his own fathers life, he looked through his parents closet. He had found a tux from his fathers wedding with overalls and an old cane his grandfather used to use before he passed away. He had an idea to tape his knife he carried to the old brown cane. He then went to his room where he searched for his last halloween mask he created himself, very funny but at the same time very creepy. From then on he disappeared and he made his way onto having a new passion..... to kill people. Many news reports started to show his murders and many of his aquantances started wondering that it was him who was causing all the murders due to his prank pulled off at school the last time and him getting kicked out of his home. Not even the Police were able to find the suspect, but as he left no trail of himself was found. His friends and other people were left with questions... Was it him who really killed his own father? Or as it all a hoax and made it seem like it was all him? With no trace he had been transfered mysteriously by an unknown force to a new place. It seemed to have been watching him all along. It enjoyed watching him kill.

Here is my idea on how the killer is going to look like. Maybe i can add some other stuff idk.

Ill maybe come up with a last perk. I havent thought about it yet.


"Uninvited Freak": You break in when its least expected and you are prepared for your daily dose of phyco behavior. For each time you catch a survivor working on an engine "Unexpected Freak" activates for a duration of 60 seconds. While it is active you are able to see the auras of survivors, windows, vaults, and breakable walls within range of 90 meter radius for a duration of 15 seconds depending on the duration you have left. Uninvited freak has a cooldown of 5 minutes.

"Handy Cane": What is more usefull than a cane to get back on your feet. You start off the match with 6 tokens. For each time you land a hit with your main weapon you get -1 token. After there is 0 tokens remaining, you recieve a 28% speed gain on your power and additional 2 second pallet stund for the rest of the match.