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Pig Buff idea

Basically I feel that the pig needs some changes to her abilities as her RBT and crouch are both currently useless/barely operable.

Crouch Ideas:

The crouch should be activated at the same speed as GF as right now it seems too slow to get any real use out of it. The ambush should also have its audio cue removed or changed to go off at another part of her ambush so it does not give away her position to survivors.

Reverse Bear Trap Ideas:

For starters I feel that the reverse bear trap is not game-changing enough for survivors, so I think one of these changes should be made to make her ability more fun and optimal for gameplay.

Remove gens activating the RBT, instead make it so when she attaches the RBT it automatically activates, but then has 3 minutes on the timer and the timer will stop when getting chased/downed or on the hook.

Make it so the pig can choose where the keys will spawn, but then there can be 2 keys max in a box and there will be 5 boxes to check, and maybe increase the timer to 3 minutes to suit this change so it is more fair for the survivors.

So far these are the main changes I want to be made but I will add to this later when I have more ideas and I've made sure they are balanced out for both sides. Critique is greatly asked for as I don't know what you guys would think about any of these changes being made.


  • freddymybae
    freddymybae Member Posts: 613

    her crounch is fine its a strong tool and for her traps just make it so survis cant see the boxes from the begining and also make the timer shorter because its way to long now

  • finitethrills
    finitethrills Member Posts: 617

    Look, maybe you're new here, but pig is only allowed to have nerfs. And those must always be done on mechanics of hers that no one has ever actually mentioned, and without warning, and occasionally without a patch note.