Why Bubbas Chainsaw prevails over Hit Immunity?
After unhooked, the survivor has a quick immunity to hits. If he is hitten, he sprints as a hit, but doent get downed.
Why the heck this does not apply to Bubbas Chainsaw? It downs the survivor just unhooked, while in the short immunity time...
Best Answer
Pretty sure it does, I believe that feature was made to counter-act that exact issue. Some Killers, like bubba, would just instantly hit the unhooked Survivor during their unhook, so this feature was made to prevent a Survivor from being instantly downed along with the Survivor they just unhooked.
The issue is that Leatherface can just wait a second for the immunity to dissipate, hence why you MIGHT still get downed, depending on the scenario you're in. If it's in the basement for example, than Bubba can just wait for the Survivor to unhook you (for example) and than down both of you afterwards. Before, he could just sprint down the stairs and down you both on the cusp of the unhooking animation being finished.
I guess what i'm saying is that the immunity frames for being unhooked are not long enough to avoid this. So unless they give the unhooked Survivor a few seconds of grace... Than this issue will still persist.
This thing apply to bubba. If he chainsaw an unhooked survivor protected by bt, the survivor gets protected and gain a sprint burst. If you get hit 2 times by the chainsaw, you will get downed, isn't it logical? Imagine bubba running the speed limiter addon, if he chainsaw you ONCE while healty, you will become injured, if you get hit TWICE by the same chainsaw you will get downed