If killer is the power role why there are less and less killers?

If the killers are overpowered, overbuffed power role as said in this forum nowadays than why the surv que times are bad because less and less killers playing and there are not enough red rank killers? This game should be full of red rank killers and full of purple/green rank survivors in this case, and killer que times should be bad because of everyone wan to play overpowered killers and go easy mode. I just can't understand it.


  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Honestly not sure, the game has only become easier for killers yet they're apparently "leaving" weird to me as all of a sudden I've gone to instant survivor lobbies and long killer lobbies, almost as if maybe matchmaking is just broken.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    "and killer que times should be bad because of everyone wan to play overpowered killers and go easy mode"

    So what you're saying is, if killers didn't have to rely on skill more would be playing? Got it.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    Survivor queue times are significantly shorter than Killer queue times on PC, in my experience.

  • kazakun
    kazakun Member Posts: 581
    edited April 2020

    There are people that left for all kinds of reasons. Didn't like some changes or whatever (nerfs,buffs,reworks etc). Some people probably don't like to go against people multiple ranks above them,get destroyed and get teabagged or whatever.

    I'm rank 10 and was in a match with some ranks ones...one stood there and teabagged me instead of leaving...and the other ran around and tried to flashlight blind me instead of leaving. That gets old. Just an example to say I personally know some people that left because of toxic messages etc. Maybe the game just wasn't fun anymore or they moved to other things.

    I feel like there was a time it was the power role,or at least felt more powerful. Now it's down to what killer,what perks,and/or how many thousands of hours have the survivors played. The ones that really loved the game did adapt,even if they complain from time to time. So I can't disagree with the other comments. The killer has more things to do as far as offense,but has more things to worry about. Survivor can only do gens and leave.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    because playing killer is so ez these days its not fun to play.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Tends to apply to really low rank killers, cause the game doesnt WANT. To put white ranks like me in with res rank survivors, but it has to

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    This game is survivor sided and anyone who doesn't see that is new or blind. No matter the amount of buffs killers receive it pales in comparison to the power the survivor hold. If the survivors want to rush the gens they will be rushed no matter what the killer does because you can't be in 4 places at once. The devs keep making it worse and that is why killers are "playing something else".

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    I'm not a white rank killer, so idk what the reason is. 🤷 I just assume killers are sweaty and no one wants to play survivor anymore. 😂

  • bgbomb
    bgbomb Member Posts: 434

    hey I am a survivor main now and I get red rank yesterday with my friends who dont even know what loop mean.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    So you surely have proof that there are less killers as reason for whereever longer queuetimes?

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    You already know the answer.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    Queue times have been bad for months and before lots of the recent changes. This topic has been looked at multiple times over that period.

    They first increased with the implementation of dedicated servers on pc as it changed how players were matched. This became true again when they first hit ps4 early this year and players stated queue times again increased.

    The other major change was swf using the highest ranked player. This alone caused a large imbalance. Take 40 x 4 man swf with only one red rank player.

    This means you need 30 more killers to fill the lobbies. At this same time lower ranked killers found queue times were also longer since it pulled more lower ranks out of that area's matchmaking.

  • swiftgiraffe808
    swiftgiraffe808 Member Posts: 43

    Just tried playing different killers to try and be fun. Well I can’t because the moment I’m ######### with them by missing a nurse blink, or missed a hatchet, or missed the shred etc... the survivors stop doing gens and start messing with me. Tea bagging, and shining flashlights at me the ENTIRE MATCH. Screw this, screw fun, now I’m pissed and out for blood so survivors are getting my best characters with all their best perks, sacrifices, and tunneling. EVERY game at least 2 survivors teabag and use flashlights even when there’s no one to save and they teabag like their awesome when it’s obvious I’m just trying to learn a new killer. They aren’t great for outplaying a crappy new killer. This treatment is why so many don’t play killer and why the ones who do resort to the worst thing they can do every once in a while. This treatment is ridiculing and because of it I’m gonna stop trying new killers and put on king and queen iridescent doc with BBQ, whispers, NOED, distressing. You survivors who ridicule and mess with killers this is what you create, have fun.

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192
    edited April 2020

    It's a stupid term used by both sides to justify being d**ks to each other, and justify copious cries for nerfs/buffs.

    It's just another way for both sides to wail "It's not fair"

    I don't mind the new changes, will adapt to them as i have every other change, but the whole mentality of "This is how the game should go for me and anything less is unfair" is just astoundingly ridiculous for a game that is supposedly populated by people over 18.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    The reason why their are more survivor's than killer's is because

    1. Survivor's claim that they wanna play with their friends so they can "Chat while we play" but what they don't realize is that
    2. Survivor is easy mode

    The most common reason I hear from survivor's on why they don't play killer is because

    1. "Killer is too easy" But they haven't hit purple/red ranks
    2. "killer is too stressful" Which I don't blame them but you eventually become numb too
    3. "I don't wanna get a taste of my own medicine" These are usually the survivor's that see from the killer's perspective, but refuse to play killer because they know they wouldn't like the things they do to kills done to them

  • swiftgiraffe808
    swiftgiraffe808 Member Posts: 43

    Oh and why don’t survivors just leave? Why do they wait EVERY SINGLE GAME. Not once have survivors just left the game as soon as they opened the gates. I have a bad game every now and then with the killers I’m good at and every single time survivors don’t leave. They want to chase me down or wait at the exit gates to tea bag. ######### is their problem? Just leave, you won. Get to another game and stop holding the killer hostage in a game they can’t win, that’s bs. I think the exit gates are ridiculous. Screw this end game timer. Once you power the exit gates anyone alive is out and anyone hooked is dead. Survivors hold the game hostage every single game.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    “less and less killers”

    Do you have an actual source for this, or is it an assumption?

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    From my experience as survivor I rarely get one of those. Most of the time I get killers that use ebony mori's or iri hatchets, or both at once.

    At the same time when I play killer I either get average mix of randoms or one of those totally not swf's with full meta sets and keys.

    Keys and ebonies need some serious nerfing.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Jesus. This again. How many different ways can it be said match making is messed up before people get it? Killers have never been in a better spot than they are now. Nearly everything they've complained about for years has been nerfed. Pretty much all that's left is maps and DS. The devs continue to work on the maps to balance out unfair structures. Leaving DS. Which I agree needs a nerf. Ffs killers have never had it easier and they're still bitching.

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669
    edited April 2020

    Yep. People who use this term are the ones saying “this is a horror movie game, I’m supposed to be the scary monster who gets to kill everyone!!!” Like you said, this is a PvP game. Some games youll kill everyone, other games all 4 will run out. Thats why the 2K is the balance point, which it should be. Nobody wants to play the kill simulator they envision this game should be.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I know that for me (PC, U.S., red rank survivor and purple rank killer), survivor queue times fluctuate throughout the day. If I get a game during the day, it only takes about thirty seconds (not more than a minute at most), but survivor queue times in the evening range anywhere from a minute and a half to three minutes or more, and I rarely get matched against red rank killers. However, no matter what time of the day I play killer, I usually get into a game in twenty seconds or less (half the time it only takes about ten!), and I rarely get matched against green or purple ranks, mostly red. I think this is due to the fact that a lot of SWF groups get together and play in the evening, and since red rank for survivor is pretty easy to obtain, there are a lot of SWF groups in red rank, and not enough red rank killers to go around, so the matchmaking pulls killers from purple, then green, and so on. Sadly, if they didn't do that, then it would take ages for higher ranked survivors to get a queue in the evening....

    They should make it so that you go back further on rank reset.... I only went back from 1 to 5 and that's only one rank away from red rank AGAIN. It's just way too easy to get red rank on survivor. If you're a Global Elite on CS:GO, then you probably deserve to be there, and the same goes for other competitive games. I'd love for red rank to be something to aspire to, rather than something you get in an evening by completing a gen, getting a couple unhooks and jumping out through the hatch. At least you have to try harder to get red rank on killer, although you will have killers who got there by playing scummy (camping and tunnelling, possibly moris). About half of the red rank killers I go up against play like a red rank should, and it's actually pretty terrifying!

  • badaB00M3R
    badaB00M3R Member Posts: 80
    edited April 2020

    All I know is all day I've been stuck at getting around 6-10k per match. Once, a survivor just let me sacrifice him at the end. In post-game, he said he felt sorry for me. He knew I didn't play poorly. He just knew I didn't stand a chance. I'll be happy to discuss tactics, show video, etc... It's just that something feels very wrong here.

    This hasn't been the standard for the past week, but suddenly, since two nights ago this is what it's been.

    All I want to do is play killer. If I can't progress, I'm not sure how long a love of horror flicks is going to keep me going.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    That really is super annoying. I myself wouldn't want to be forced out of the game as survivor because (depending on how close the killer is) I generally wait on the exit line and let the killer get free hits for points (without crouching or clicking flashlight), but sadly that's not the majority. I don't know why crouching up and down is so entertaining to these people, just like some killers feel entertained by hitting people on the hook, but it's just childish and ridiculous behavior. It's not like when you outplay your EQUALLY MATCHED OPPONENT on other competitive games and give them a little crouch-spam, toxic DbD players just take advantage of the fact that there's only one player tasked with stopping an objective from being completed by four other players, or (on the flip-side) the fact that you are at the mercy of the big baddie with the weapon.

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    The guy that was supposed to be done with this game...

    On topic:

    Let me break somethnig to you. Okay... Ready?

    Power role DOESNT mean EASY role in any way.

  • designator
    designator Member Posts: 124

    If you are playing against 4 solos killer is the power role. If you're playing against a casual SWF odds are killer is still the power role. If you're playing against a sweaty 4 man squad survivor is the power role but is arguably equal to the best killers (Nurse, Spirit, Freddy, Huntress)

  • badaB00M3R
    badaB00M3R Member Posts: 80
    edited April 2020

    Edit: Nevermind. Trying to reason with these people is just as futile as trying to level a killer. I'll just play survivor or face camp everyone I meet just to make sure I get at least some points.

    Of course, I won't because I'm a decent person. But... I'm sure they'll figure out something to do once they've run all the killers off.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666


    Not even worth my time, another thread to mindlessly complain about not getting 4ks.

  • badaB00M3R
    badaB00M3R Member Posts: 80

    This is an interesting assessment to me. I live in the metro-Atlanta area and play on PC. I play anywhere from 9am - 4pm and every single match as killer takes anywhere from 5 - 20 minutes. Today, I got up and did housework between matches. Once I went out, got the mail, came back in, gathered up some clothes, carried them downstairs, started the washer, walked back upstairs and was still waiting for a match. If I play from around 4pm-10pm, the matches start coming quicker. By 10 - 11pm, I get matched right away until I stop altogether at about 2am.

    For most of the last week, most of the matches were fairly well matched. The evening, quicker matches, mostly have me horribly matched. It's only been the past two days where nearly all of the matches have me far outmatched.

    It's just an observation about how different our experiences are in this regard.

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    I am on my second break from DBD, and it has been pretty good. I highly recommend it. This game takes a mental toll on you and it is deliberate. It was designed to frustrate you. Keep that in mind and you will enjoy it best by just going with the flow win or lose, and focusing on BP score events.

    The new upcoming patch looks interesting, so at some point I will dip my toes back into the horror.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited April 2020

    As for the "Rank reset should send you back further". It used too. If you were r1 the reset sent you back to rank 10. A rank 10 might get knocked back to 14. The closer you were to rank 1 the further you got knocked back after the reset. The devs changed that in a vain attempt to keep the highly skilled survivors in the red ranks so they don't harass newer players. Then they completely undid their work when they nerfed ruin. Thus making it easy to rank up. Now we have "red" survivors that don't even know how to reveal ghost face out of stealth or they can't even loop a killer. Rank means nothing in this game. Even before the rework it just reflected time played during that month.

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    It really isnt about killers leaving its just bad matchmaking i get put with green ranks as a red ranks killer

  • ShadowRain
    ShadowRain Member Posts: 607

    Not true, I get a killer lobby every 2 minutes

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    Yes, it seems people who play online games are only interested in whatever is the easiest to win with and not much else. So I would expect people to flock away from survivor and start en mass playing killer if being killer was OP.

  • Vampire
    Vampire Member Posts: 90


    makes one mistake

    gg ez

    survivors make a mistake

    DS, Dead hard, adrenaline, borrowed time, all that

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Simple reason: Killer is more stressful. Many come home and want to have a chill game, so survivor is the better option.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    You are wrong there buddy. Many and I dont play because we get tired and bored of only playing the top killers because weaker ones aren't viable with the current game balance. If weaker killers could get some buffs, and the broken maps and loops the corresponding fixes, i probably would return to the game. But as it is right know, i pass. I want diversity.

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    Why? It's simple... Because most people play DBD to hang out with their friends; not to play solo. Most people playing DBD are survivors, because you cant queue 4 killers.. It's not that difficult to understand and has nothing to do with killers.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Are we still misinterpreting matchmaking times as "killers leaving"?

    These forums never cease to impress me, not gonna lie.