Self Care should be removed or changed

Self Care is an extremely selfish perk that discourages teamwork. Whenever I see someone with self care, instead of helping out with gens or finding other survivors to heal them, they run off into some corner and heal, preventing progress. Even as a solo queue I've never needed to self care over finding another survivor.


  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I think it should be merged with Botany.

  • VoidOfBeing
    VoidOfBeing Member Posts: 15

    I just think it'd be better if you could only heal yourself with a medkit, and make a change to self care makes it so that others heal you faster, or make self care a one-time use.

  • VoidOfBeing
    VoidOfBeing Member Posts: 15

    But self care makes you unreliable as a teammate, and it's very easy to find teammates

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    No, as much as it can suck, a self care is needed in solo games where you are constantly paired with potatoes. I don't think the Devs would ever remove it from the game.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,178
    edited April 2020

    I use it because as a solo, it's too unreliable to hope that someone will actually help me. I get killed way too often without it because someone will unhook me and instantly abandon me.

    I've also started to combine it with that one perk that gives you extra speed in fixing and whatnot if injured, which is nice.

    If there is a teammate near to heal me, I'll go to them and have them heal me but I never want to be in a position where I have no way to heal because my team is being a bunch of dinks.

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436


  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877


    How does having this Perk make you unreliable as a team-mate?

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    When I play killer I love survivors that self care, 40 seconds of them not doing anything but self caring (I use sloppy butcher on some killers) but when I play as survivor I hate self care users because the instant that they get hit and escape the chase, they will start self caring and wasting so much time, I'd say it deserves a buff because as it is right now, I'd rather bother a teammate healing me to wasting that much time or just use Inner strength and that way I can also destroy noed

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    self care is useful when your teammates aren’t there to heal you like they should be. Smart survivor teams will get a heal any way they can. Why run around as a one hit noisy survivor when your team is near impossible to find a lot of the time because they’re hiding in lockers or behind a rock somewhere?

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    It also has some synergy with solidarity (I think) Either self care before or after healing someone else to cut healing time... or use a med kit along side selfcare

    But yea both good and bad... all depends on awareness

  • Con_Inc
    Con_Inc Member Posts: 137

    I’d rather use self care then run around the map looking for someone to heal me that might just take off or let’s a killer find two ppl at once. If someone is around I’ll let them heal me like I would them but me running around to find someone to heal could take longer if they are on the other side of the map or lead the killer to them if I get away but the follow my scratch marks. I tend to heal near a gen or totem anyways so I can work after I’m healed up.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Which Self care also combines wonderfully with a number of other perks. Botany knowledge, not only makes self caring faster but also makes healing team mates faster. Resilience [the perk i think you are talking about] being another, since you can always heal to 99%, to still keep that gen speed boost. Than heal up to full when in danger. Which resilience is not just good for gens but healing yourself or others while injured. Self care on it own might not be all that great but it combines so well with many different perks, which is when it becomes amazing. You can legit become the team healer, if you wanted to.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    So I have experienced what you are saying, but ive also been camped and a failed save resulted in an Injure so people healed up and actually were able to save me. Now of course there are some dumb selfish people but finding teammates is not so easy without perks, I've been injured and looking for another surv after getting out of a chase just to find thw killer. No matter what both ways can make you an unreliable teammate just stay injured on gens or risk running the killer healing should never be a priority unless going to save a camped surv or the gens are almost all finished

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,178

    Yeah, Resilience is the one I was talking about. One of these days I'll figure out the name of perks :D

  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    Lol. Why would you get rid of a perk that's been there from the beginning. Nothing wrong with Self-Care. It's a good perk. I keep it on because I'd rather have an option to use it if I need it. But to be honest I normally run around injured a lot and wait for heals from teammates. But there's just too many situations where I'm like... If I had self-care this would be easy. Feel like I don't really need any other perk in the 4th slot. So why not?

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147


    Please just no.

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    Self care is great when survivors run off after unhooking you.

    How about we just get rid of all survivor perks? Goodness, if it's not one survivor perk nerf, it's another.

  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789

    That's only painful when you're running Kindred and they CAN SEE EACH OTHER

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Yeah have it happen to myself from time to time. Where i go, wait that the name of the perk or that a perk in game? Than go look it up, to see what it does.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited April 2020

    If someone heals themselves with Self-Care, they're arguably enabling progress rather than preventing it, since that's 32 seconds that you can be working on a generator instead of healing them. It can be used inappropriately, sure, but it definitely has its place in terms of benefiting both the user and the other survivors.

    The only way in which it's really a selfish perk is that it denies others points in the Benevolent emblem, but personally I don't see that as evidence that it should be changed, because the emblems are badly designed to begin with and I don't believe that good mechanics should be rebalanced around bad ones.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    HEEEELLLL NO! Do you realize how many kills I've gotten from people being selfish? Survivors deserve the right to screw themselves over. And for the ones who use it intelligently they deserve the right to do so and profit from it.

  • Dccrasher
    Dccrasher Member Posts: 21

    Nonono, self care is incredibly useful for survivor. You killer mains just want to get rid of everything survivors hold good because you want to make killers more op!

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited April 2020

    I used to hate SC back in the day. An infinite heal in a horror game felt broken. Now that it takes so much time to self care, I don't mind it anymore. More time healing means less time repairing. The majority of survivors running it will get flamed by their own kind. It's kinda funny to watch.

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650

    And what happens when you are the only survivor, bleeding and grunting all over the place? I gonna have to disagree, self-care has its place. If someone else is avail great, but for solo, well it is better than being a constant insta-down.

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    I'm assuming you own the rights to this game or are a dev cause who would think they have the right to tell others how to play?

  • Ivaldi
    Ivaldi Member Posts: 977

    Not if they're dead?... Self-care+Botany+Resilience+Spine Chill is a good combo. Obviously there's better options like Inner Strength, but its a strong option

  • Snoot1Booper
    Snoot1Booper Member Posts: 34

    Damn I only play solo and ######### about teammates like. Just run iron will and do gens it isn’t that hard! Always I see the rank 1 potatoes self caring in the corner or urban around the hook being useless… I just kill me on the hook with such mates now! U wanna help the killer waste our time that others have to carry the ######### team? ######### that ######### I m out

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192
    edited April 2020

    Self care has its place and always will, in clutch situations it can be a lifesaver. Yes, as someone who runs a lot of aura reading perks (empathy, kindred etc) it can be frustrating seeing someone self care in a corner, but that is their playstyle and you have no control over that.

    I'd personally like to see more variaty being used when it comes to survivor perks, but I'm not going to call for DS, BT, Ubreakable to be removed. The truth is, you can be frustrated, you can see a better way to be a team mate with your perks, but you can't force people to play how you want the to, whatever you think of self care.

    Personally I prefer solidarity or inner strength for the time saving it provides me when it comes to self healing.

    If I were to ever ask anything of survivors it would be don't run all the way across the map to self care after I have unhooked you and you have a blue "We'll make it" buff symbol at your bottom right. I have given up on chasing people in order to get them quickly healed and back on gens.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    It truly is a fun build. Faster vaulting and ability to heal yourself and others quickly. Always run it when i get a daily of be chased by the killer for x amount of time with y survivor. With all the perks pairing so well with one another.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    If you can absolutely guarantee me that everyone playing this game can consistently hit their Heal Skill Checks, I'll vote for the removal of Self Care.

    'Til then, it's staying.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    I’d be up for a buff , even if it meant it was on a cool down.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219
    edited April 2020

    But is it more painfull than realizing that those 2 Claudettes dont come to unhook you, because they are to afraid to go in injured?

    Also, as a solo survior, i played without self care, and had several games where your fellow surivors just dont heal you. you finish a gen, they run away, and go work on the next. And it became clear why they did that, when the killer came and made a go for the injured one, while they run away.

    you cant put your thrust into random solo survivors, thats a lesson i learned over my time in this game, because a lot will sacrifice you for their advantage, and sometimes even for their amusement.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    It makes you unreliable if you stop to SC every time you're injured. In other situations it could be clutch, when used at the right time. I'd rather use a perk that benefits me when I'm injured, such as Iron Will, but SC has its place when used at the right time and if you don't want to bring a med-kit every trial. The issue is not the perk itself, but how survivors use it.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946

    welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay

  • FengIsChun_Li
    FengIsChun_Li Member Posts: 26

    Needing another survivor to heal you is very annoying and waste time that could be used to save hooked survivors or get progress on gens. Self care is perfectly fine.

  • MPUK
    MPUK Member Posts: 357

    The attitude that I must come and unhook you when injured really pisses me off. If there are multiple people still in the game and I know the killer is with someone else. Fine, I'll take the risk but when it is 2 people left, one on hook, why the ######### would I come in injured?

    Also, the self caring people are the ones who can keep taking hits to try and get you to wiggle out. Since I dropped self care for an exhaustion perk I have noticed I am a lot less willing to do that unless I am confident they can wiggle out because I can't just run after taking the hit and heal myself.

    I have run the killer for 3 gens in solo play, killer given up, used a medpack to heal myself. Dived in front of someone being chased on their final hook so I can take a hit, then gone to the other survivors to get healed only to be ignored(This was a 3man SWF as they all had similar names). They pop the final gen, run away leaving me injured. NOED triggers as one of them gets downed, bye I'm out of here, because you were too selfish to heal me in the hope the killer would go for me at endgame and it ended up with you being hooked. If I had self care equipped that game I would have healed and looked for totems.

    I use resilience to make back some of my healing time working on a gen, admittedly it isn't loads of time claimed back through it but it reduces the time I "wasted" self caring.

    Solo players can't rely on other survivors to help. The very idea that people with self care are selfish is ridiculous. Just because you see them self caring when you're on a hook doesn't mean you know what other perks they are running to make that time back or what hits they have taken to help out other survivors etc. Get over yourself and your elitist idea that you are the best selfless player because you don't use self care but you get knocked down in seconds. (This isn't aimed at the person I am quoting this is aimed at anyone who cries at people for using self care)