Distance of Hooks

Was curious if random or what but sometimes its horrendous especially on the new map. Will upload screen shots but there was a cross down the middle of 5 hooks,if I remember correctly, all 12 ft apart which is nothing when trying to wiggle off. It's not only map just wondering if this was a buff to killers I didnt catch. Maybe just extremely bad luck but would think yall wouldnt want that? Or am I wrong?


  • MabusHades
    MabusHades Member Posts: 38

    Dear God ofc that's alot of nerfs to survivors as of late which is making solo que horrendous. No wonder people party up in higher ranks

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    Flip flop + unbreakable lol

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
    edited April 2020

    It was never meant to wiggle off without any other effort. Everytime a chase needs to be repeated it is a huge disadvantage to the killer that can throw the game. For wiggling free you need support from other survivors by taking hits or running the right perks, and it is also fine that this effort doesn't work always because you could completely negate the killer's progress.

    The hook spawn points are fix and each map has a minumum of hooks. They have a minimum distance when being placed (not the spawn points). When creating the map, there are randomly spawn points chosen, and for every hook placed, the hook spawning points that are too close to this one are "deactivated", getting another random spawn of the remaining possible spots. When this procedure caused too many hooks to be blocked by minimum distance, the remaining hooks are randomly placed to the "deactivated" spots without any restrictions. That means there can be very few regions on the map where several hooks don't have the minimum distance

  • MabusHades
    MabusHades Member Posts: 38
    edited April 2020

    Really yall need 8 which I counted all 12 ft from eachother? Maps already small really need the axis for whole map riddled with hooks cmon now you cant be serious. To expect that teamwork often in a solo que gg it doesnt happen. This is why swf occurs because how else would you expect that? So usually it's just luck ig or relying on randoms to be that brave and cunning. Also flip flop seriously? I never see anyone rock because 9/10 high tier killer will hook you than let bleed get real....

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    So what do you want? Hooks more far away from each other so that the killer can't hook you and your mates, and everybody gets slugged half of the time?

    Because I see threads on a regular basis where players complain that killers use slugging to apply pressure instead of instantly hooking everyone everytime.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    As it was already written, you are not supposed to wiggle off. Wiggling is a) immersion (you want to wiggle free from that bad guy who is carrying you) and b) to avoid being hooked where the Killer wants you to get hooked.

    It is also a Core Mechanic of the game (Killers putting Survivors on Hooks), so it should never be too difficult to do that. If a Killer messes up with their Hooks, they can indeed have problems to find some nearby, if they already used them. But in general, this core mechanic should not be removed. This is why Sabotage is still not very strong (despite being buffed).

    I agree that on some Maps there are too many Hooks, because sometimes I almost can hold hands with another hooked Survivor. However, I think (and this is only speculation) that the Hooks are balanced around the worst case scenario - 4 people burning Petrified Oaks. Even in this case, there should be Hooks nearby so that the Killer can hook Survivors.

    (And well, most of the time I think the Hook Spawns are fine. There are some edge cases, but nothing too crazy)

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    I mean that's how it's supposed to be you're not meant to get off The Killers shoulder every time.

    Getting off-the-shoulder requires a lot of luck on your side or poor play on the killer side it shouldn't be something that you get frequently

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,531

    It's somewhat random. Each map has a required amount of hooks (based on the size of the map), and much like pallets it'll try to space these out as evenly as it can. Sometimes a map will have tiles that can't spawn a hook, and so the hooks will get clustered together a bit more. It's something that we can fix fairly easily, so please be sure to report those as you see them.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Hook spawns are random, but they also get placed (in all but 1 map) close enough to each other that losing a single hook via sacrifice will not prevent the killer from actually hooking someone. If you've ever been in that situation, you know how frustrating it is to have some absolute prick keep running back to the same deadzone every time they get off your shoulder and proceed to complain that you let them bleed out.

    However, they are also supposed to spawn far enough apart that sabo saves are viable. And, unfortunately, the Saloon has an entire row of hooks right next to each other that make it literally impossible. And also two corners that only spawn 1 hook each on average, which often creates the aforementioned deadzones.

  • MabusHades
    MabusHades Member Posts: 38

    Alright I understand what yall are saying I think I just discovered a dead zone on red forest for a corner spot but was only because the nearest hook had been sacrificed which seems to be when that really will happen the guarantee wiggle off. Other than that I guess it was mainly bad luck lately do think the random could definitely improve in some ways like max hooks distance consecutively not allowing up to that amount as i experienced. Mainly seems be new map I've had really close hooks

  • CasualConsolePlayer
    CasualConsolePlayer Member Posts: 51

    It is the problem for both sides. Sometime there are 3 hooks next to each other and sometime I can't bring survivor to hook because there is no hook in entire area

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    My gripe is that on some maps if you consume a hook on the edge of the map then if someone else goes down in that same area you literally cannot hook them at all. This happened to me on mothers dwelling before where everyone was dead but this one claudette and she would run into this same corner every single time she wiggled out, because I could not get her to any hooks due to poor spawns. Ultimately I had to leave, go find hatch, close the hatch and wait for endgame to kill her it was really stupid and I wish they would do something to fix it. One hook being consumed should not make an area safe from hooks.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    This is a difficult one to balance. If there are too many hooks then stuff like Sabotage, Flip Flop and bodyblocking become relatively useless. But if there are not enough, you get really frustrating situations where you can’t hook survivors in a certain area because the hooks are so awkwardly placed, and if the survivors figure it out they’ll run there every time they’re chased.

    I had this in the past on The Game - an entire floor with no hooks which made the match really annoying. I struggled to hook people in time and it was just down to bad luck so it didn’t feel particularly fair. Unfortunately, the random nature of the maps mean that there’s no way to please everybody.

  • ZaKzan
    ZaKzan Member Posts: 544

    lmao, with SB, DS, DH, BT, BL, Lithe, survivors want yet another, 5th chance to wiggle free of the killer.

    Actually, speaking of hooks, there are actually way too few hooks rather than too many. You can't punish survivors as severely and you are forced to slug if the entire team is SWF / decides to be altruistic and you got 1 person hooked and 3 people downed at that hook. You can't always hook all the survivors in this situation, despite you taking advantage of their mistakes, and unless you slug them to death or wait til one has unbreakable, you will have to take the wiggle and hopefully that doesn't throw the game entirely in the survivors' favor, off of a severe mistake that they made.

    There are actually too many things that reward survivors for making mistakes in this game. It wouldn't be as bad if there weren't chains of pallets and windows that survivors can exploit. A survivor can make a mistake, dead hard through your hit, throw down a jungle gym pallet, and buy another 2-3 minutes all when they would otherwise be downed. In this instance, the game was single handedly won by dead hard.

    As it stands, killers get punished way too hard for mistakes, yet on the flip side survivors get rewarded way too generously with mistakes. Just by running to a corner of a map instead of trying to loop the killer more in the middle will waste more of the killer's time without using resources and there are usually very few hooks out there, so you actually do have a chance of wiggling free. This strategy is a bit balanced because you are taking a hit / down in order for a chance of wiggling free, there is a trade off. In some places on some maps there is only one hook in these areas and if you remember where survivors are killed, you can take advantage of it. Again rewarding skillful play and also taking a risk.