For anyone that says dbd is dying

Quite the opposite.
And I believe this is only the steam players without console inlcuded.
Death is not an escape.
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It's not dying, but it's not growing either...
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Let's this game continue playing for years to come.
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I think the amount of players isn't the onky measurement to say if a game is dying or not. And especially now with many people staying at home it's just natural that more play DbD anyway.
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even with the quarentine, the game didn't have an increase in amount of players. this should concern the developers.
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if the game isn't dying but isn't growing, that means that it is losing players at a rate similar to the players it's gaining, which means that player retention is low, and player acquisition is high. This is not a good state for any game to be in, and is one of the portents of a dying game, as player acquisition doesn't last forever.
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That graph clearly shows it going from about 20K to about 50K
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the same chart shows that in 2016 the game already had peaks of almost 50k.
it also shows that in 2018 it already had 50k on average. 2 years. if this game were in a trial there would be crows flying above its head.
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Considering the release of multi-platform, and the fact that recently everyone is in quarantine, this isn't really exponential growth. Its still only at about 26k players average, according to the first graph in the last 6 months.
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If by 2016 you mean 2018 and if by 2018 you mean 2019. You do realize we have eyes, right?
I still haven't figured out how to find the graphs for averages instead of peaks, but the numbers for averages state it's well over 30K
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I can't imagine any new killers sticking around when their very first game is against red ranks. The game isn't dying but it's not in good shape either. Also the game hardly works on anything outside of PC. This is very bad.
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if you have eyes, use them. do you know how to read charts?
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Clearly better than you. The highest peak in 2016 was still under 43k. That graph clearly shows nothing touched 50k until 2018 even though the vast majority of 2018 was spent under that number. 2019 is where it shows a closer stick to the 50k mark but even that years falls under 50k when the peaks are averaged out. It's actually somewhat amazing that the facts are right in front of you, you bring them up, and then you arrogantly stick to an obviously incorrect point.
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So, what is this in comparison?
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How is the game not growing? Because of peaks?
Peaks mean nothing, all that matters is the average player count, representating the player base. A peak could be just because the game was for free or on sale for a while or they did advertisment / something similar like that.
On average the game more then doubled its playerbase since 2016.
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And if you'd read the chart a little bit more, you'd see that we're currently on a peak, not a decline, which means right now the game at the current point has just about the maximum amount of players that it can have, and it's starting a decline. Considering a new chapter was just released, this is not a good sign.
You should pay more attention to the peaks and notice the trends. With exception of a few instances, this game has roughly remained the same.
I guess it's a matter of perception, but I think more value is gained from the dips than the peaks. Over the 4 years of its operation, it has just about gained 1-1.5 players per day since it was first released about 4 years ago.
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I'm too lazy to do it now but I'm pretty sure that if you use accurate comparisons and analyses between same time periods from different years the game has either been stable or steadily growing since 2018.
But I'd save my breath if I were you. If people want to hate they'll hate, even if it involves deliberately misinterpreting data. This game "dies" every month according to some people.
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43k is closer to 50k than 20k as you clearly was putting as the 2016 number, so I was right and you wrong. You mad?
Also, vast mayority of 2019 and 2020 also was spent under 50k. Don't pretend you don't see the data right in front of your nose. Peace.
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You can tell someone is arguing in good fath when they drop something pithy at the end.
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Like he did earlier? You're right.
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Peak doesn't mean #########. I repeat: peak doesn't mean #########.
If the game peaked at 80k players every month but had 3k average players it'd be doomed.
Average players is what matters. I can't tell if you legitimately don't understand that or if you're trolling.
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Unlike you, I never made any claims that there has been a majority of time spent above 50K peak for any time period. If you actually bothered to read instead of only see what you want to so you can support you blind claims, you would realize that in the post you quoted, I actually said the average of 2019 was under 50K peak. So go ahead and feel proud of proving me wrong of a claim I didn't make while simultaneously proving me right to the claim I actually did make. I can see accidentally providing evidence and then making a claim the evidence doesn't support once, but you've actually done it twice in this thread which a step away from carelessness and towards idiocy. I can understand why you ended your post with "peace". They say ignorance is bliss and you must be swimming in enough to achieve peace quite easily.
He's not trolling. He doesn't understand cause he doesn't bother to think. I really wish they had a chart for averages too. It would be a lot more useful than peaks. And for people who don't want to look at lists of data, charts are simpler so that's primarily what they look at.
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This is how you lie with statistics :) Good job!
Let's ignore the fact that many more gamers are staying home. There was a 1.5 bloodhunt during the same period as well as a new chapter.
The largest peak the game has had was 75k but the average playerbase did not increase after that peak. Why?
The average playerbase ranges between 25 and 30k players. Which means the number of people who begin playing the game is the same as the number of people who leave the game.
The growth you're seeing now is due to some very specific set of situations, but there is no real growth. Only stagnation.
Keep an eye on your chart by the end of the year. The average players will drop to what it has been over the years and the game will continue to not see any significant growth in the playerbase.
There are many reasons for this, but it's irrelevant right now.
The game isn't dying...
But it's not really alive and kicking either.
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Bunch of armchair statisticians 🍿🍿🍿🤷♂️
The game seems to be in a good place. It keeps a team of developers on the job and it's own reputation is good enough to acquire licenses from popular franchises for our consumption. Their infrastructure is very healthy from what I can gather.
But you know what they say about statistics in the first place: They dont mean anything. They're just used to tell a story.
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And to put a button on this critique of the games health, I just bought Jane's new outfit today on PS4. The cosmetics and other content are available across all platforms. With a dedicated player base, the game can keep chugging along healthily with simple infrastructure and innovation. Dbd mobile is on its way. The game looks fine.
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Yknow whats actually dyin bleeding edge with its 76 active players
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I know you have a weird relationship with DBD and love having this anger towards it all the time, but I challenge you to average the entirety of 2019 vs any other year and tell me the game didn't grow.
DBD is slowly and steadily growing. It doesn't have to skyrocket. And the average player cares a lot less about the things that make you (or a lot of the forums tbh) tilted beyond reason about the game.
DBD is absolutely alive and kicking. Don't let your own personal issues with the game lie to yourself about that.
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That game has been dead for a long time?
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No, the average players in picture 1 are as follows:
30,347 (march)
23,421 (february)
23,258 (january)
23,102 (december)
23,463 (november)
Average of all: 24,718 players on average (which is lower, because I did not include the "last 30 days" number in this, as we are only 1/2 way through April and that would double count 50% of March).
You are looking at PEAK players, which does not denote the baseline for the game's average player count. If you were considering peak DBD players, even at 50k, they are 25k behind their highest peak instance of players.
And the only reason March/April have been higher is because of quarantine.
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It's more than double the all-time peak on console.
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Have you honestly been in quarantine for 5 months? The majority of the world hasn't. The big movements in the US didn't start till the end of March. Where are you from?
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I can disprove that, just look at the image in your post. Playerbase has doubled.
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I doubt its dying but I think many players have some issues. With that said, console is where these problems seem to persist. Now, the dev team has been focusing on the mobile version of the game and I have to say, it seems quite popular. As of now (I believe) there are over 750,000 pre-registered for the mobile version. Thats a lot of players and a lot of attention. Maybe this increase could be in anticipation if the mobile release (tomorrow, April 16, 2020).
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The love for the game is dying.
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And that's because we're doing a service to people by telling them to "stay away". There's way better games out there that don't have half the balance problems this game has.
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oh it'll probably die after the next patch.
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Wait until Quarantine is over.
I want to see the numbers that.
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World of Warcraft is dying according to Toxic Players for around 15 years.. and guess what? its still there...
But i do clearly agree, that the Fact that old Players do quit the Game a lot, even if rather newer Players are joining aswell,
doesnt really seems to affect Behaviours Decisions on the Gameplay expirience itself. And the Fact, that "some" Devs are really bad at their own Game, and some, according to their livestreams, are pretty succesful, but apparently doesnt have much to decide, do not solve the actual problems, the Game really has. I dont say DBD is a ######### Game, but yes, its so frustrating when something over and over doesnt work as its intended, and then they start to announce a "Bandaid Fix" after 10 Months, or simply let the Bug remain. And regardingless how Busy the Developers are, the Game does have a lot of Problems for years now, and feedback, except from the few Fog Whisperers, which "apparently" do have a strange Taste of the Game because it fels more then only a bit Survivor Sided, doesnt really seem to help either.
I hope i can enjoy the Game some day in the Future again, and doesnt have to regret all my Time ive dedicated onto it.
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I have every DLC and almost every cosmetic and I'm seriously considering uninstalling the game because I play solo survivor and killer on occasion but as solo I get left all the time and as killer it's a SWF bully fest which forces you to play in a toxic way, not to mention the toxicity of the SWF survivors. I'd rather get killed by 2 or 3 man teams on Hunt:Showdown to be honest. 4 man SWF is what's killing this game in my opinion...
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if you want to balance the game with SWF then make universal comms and buff killers. That's my biggest gripe. Discord is cheating. Killers are really strong against solo survivors but Discord is throwing a wrench into everything. Its ridiculous how you can get an easy 4k against solos with maybe a 2 man team but bullied when all 4 survivors can communicate freely