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General Discussions

who actually thought instant down axe was a good idea??

Member Posts: 254
edited April 2020 in General Discussions

I'd really like to understand why/who thought an instant down axe item would be beneficial to the game!?

who sat there and thought "i know, lets stick in another toxic item for survivors after waiting 5/10/15 minutes for a game for an average killer to be able to instantly down them with a single shot"

whats more worrying is the fact that after someone has come up with the idea a whole team of people have thought "that's brilliant! why don't we also add in an item that allows killers to kill survivors after a single hook, that would be a fantastic mechanic !! making DS completely useless allowing the killers to tunnel with no issues again (which DS was created to stop) what a fantastic mechanic to encourage more people to play after they've waited 10+ minutes for a game!

so yeah I just waited 13 minutes for a game just to be owned by an average killer that had this stupid item. It's like they're TRYING to make the game toxic and for people to quit.

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  • Member Posts: 906

    All you have to do is call her for a 1x1 chase to end your suffering earlier. Easy.

  • Member Posts: 425
    edited April 2020

    While were on the topic I remember a post by a mod,dev, or community manager talked about how to counter this can someone place the screen shot of it I would really appreciate it.

  • Member Posts: 254

    yep that's what i do, absolute waste of time

    that must be comical , i'd love to see them try to justify it..... best way to counter is get yourself down, get hooked and leave the game before you just get frustrated at an average killer.

  • Member Posts: 254

    theres no drawback to being able to instantly down survivors at range

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    You lose 4 hatchets. Meaning you have to run infantry belt to compensate. Which limits your build options. And as I already mentioned, weaker Huntress players need those extra hatchets.

  • Member Posts: 254

    seriously though, how are you hindering your build by taking infantry belt ?? you only have to be an average shot and you're going to down survivors.

  • Member Posts: 404
    edited April 2020

    All huntresses throw whales. If they’re not very good, they can still insta down without much effort because they land hits on you even when you’re clearly completely out of the way. But I will say... it is an iridescent add-on so it’s fair.

  • Member Posts: 569

    Boo hoo ds isnt fair and requires no skill neither does bt or unbreakable

  • Member Posts: 254

    non are broken ... DS stops killers from being toxic and tunelling, unbreakable if the killer leaves survivor on the floor who's fault is that ? borrowed time don't tunnel ... not hard is it ?

  • Member Posts: 666

    There was a time when this game was scary. Playing survivor was fun not knowing what killer you where going to go up against.

    Loading into a match and hearing the nurses scream use to mean it was going to be a hard . But it would still be fun thing to best the 5 blink nurse. Now now it is no big deal going against a nurse .

    If parole keep complaining about stupid killer powers this game w will no longer be fun will die.

  • Member Posts: 1,929

    bro, huntress was introduced back in July 2017...

    instasaw tinkerer billy was still a thing, real face camp was still a thing , old exhaustion, and much more busted #########.

    they didn't have any knowledge of balance whatsoever, so (considering that grinding was way heavier hence pink addons were much harder to obtain) it makes sense to have instadown hatchets (which were nerfed soon after).

    even insidious was introduced for adding jump scares, just to be badly ruined in its design.

    with that being sad, sure, nowadays it sucks, and it's gonna be nerfed, for sure (probably the just remove the chance to stack with infantry belt), but how much is gonna take before the huntress addons rework?

  • Member Posts: 569

    Ds punishes killer even when they don't tunnel and gives survivors free wins in endgame its 60 seconds God mode pure bs bt let's you unhook in a killers face it rewards bad plays unsafe unhooks unbreakable kills the only counter to ds and kills the killers best form of pressure all 3 are busted and op

  • Member Posts: 5,897
  • Member Posts: 425
    edited April 2020

    Nvm the post was about how there should be a tell sign that a huntress has iridescent heads

    Sorry I forgot most of the conversation it was almost half a month ago until I looked back on it.

    Ps it on page 503 this was torture I started at 150.

  • Member Posts: 3,398

    Uhhhhh whatever limit you're placing on yourself by bring 3 instadown hatchets instead of something else is already MASSIVELY OVERCOMPENSATED by the fact you're throwing literal nuclear bombs at survivors

  • Member Posts: 254

    so there argument to defend such addons is that you have a warning that it's coming ?? and that warning is one of the players has to go down ? haha, jesus christ! so 25% of your player base has to suffer because of bad designs that they don't want to change.

  • Member Posts: 3,022

    If she can hit you at range, then she isn't an 'average' killer player.

  • Member Posts: 1,893

    The people who thought up instant down axe are probably survivors who aren't potatos and can dodge axes.....

    Imagine putting in effort.....

  • Member Posts: 186

    Another post about iridescent hatchets.

    How original.

    Can’t wait for the next rant about NOED, been too long.

  • Member Posts: 254

    you'l take banking on the killer is an absolute noob to counter it ? any average killer will get a hit within 3 hatchets....

  • Member Posts: 1,752

    It's from a different time in DBD

    nobody who mains or is even half decent at huntress uses it. It's honestly a pretty boring addon, compare it to Myers who gets infi T3 and makes the game actually spo0ky

    It should be deleted and replaced completely

  • Member Posts: 4,188

    They did not predict that it would be used with Infantry belt.

  • Member Posts: 3,426
    edited April 2020

    As someone who is an average Huntress, you really start to miss those wind up add ons. I had one go of iri hatchets with infantry belt (had a rubbish day) and I absolutely flopped because it didn't feel normal. It's like The Nurse, most of her add ons harm you more than they help because the mess with your muscle memory.

    Regardless they need a nerf, maybe make it so that it also caps at 1 hatchet?

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    There's no dodging against a true Huntress main. Hoping for a bad Huntress map shouldn't be counterplay in a video game. She needs her hitboxes fixed and possibly less hatchets.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    I don't DC but I do escape the tormenting experience as quickly as possible.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    They do create a bloody bloodbath with Huntress in almost every match. I just think she needs minor fixing and small nerfs, not a major Nurse-like nerf. Fixing hitboxes and reducing hatchets would be fair. You do realize a Huntress can carry up to 8 hatchets!? That's nutty. If you want 5 hatchets you should need to use the add-ons.

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    It would be a really cool concept if they removed the extra hatchet synergy.

  • Member Posts: 254
    edited April 2020

    maybe in a perfect world where everyone is as good as you make out to be then it would be balanced. but unfortunately it's not an ideal world. You want a game to attract more players and the simple fact of the matter is that if you aren't putting a lot of time into DBD such as myself as I have other commitments then you aren't going to be as half as good as your amazing self... the game will then get frustrating when you're getting instantly downed by a stupid item with a half decent hunter and you will stop playing.

    it's a toxic mechanic that brings absolutely nothing to the game other than some easy downs for a half decent killer and a frustrating experience after waiting for a game for 10 minutes for a survivor... anyone that defends it are just on a high horse because they play too much DBD or they use the item themselves.

    You sound like one of those dark souls 'GET GUD' idiots.

  • Member Posts: 254
    edited April 2020

    there is literally no point in discussing anything with a 'git gud' player. In your brain you're an amazing player and if people can't play to your standards then it's their problem and you won't see any other point of view.

    the game hasn't got a massive player base, the mechanic completely puts new comers off from playing, it can be extremely frustrating being downed in 1 go even if it's a lucky hit you're still down and hooked. unless you're a GIT GUD pleb such as yourself then you can't play against it and even an average huntress can kill a team off rather quickly and leave a bad taste in the mouth for average/new players

    end of the day it's not a highly competitive game ... if you think you're a "good player" then you're a "good player" in a very low player base which does not really say anything does it ? if you were a "good player" in call of duty etc then it might be impressive with the huge player base and your GIT GUD attitude might actually make sense... but considering we want to be ENCOURAGING new players into a CASUAL game with absolutely no mechanics for a highly competitive game then we don't want toxic mechanics such as instant downs/kills after 1 hook that frustrate new comers and average players after they've just waited 10 minutes for a match ... it's a CASUAL game with a LOW player base, it's not Call of Duty.

    not really rocket science to look at it from that point of view is it ? i bet you're the kind of person that waits at an open exit gate or teabags/points after dropping a pallet?.

    maybe try looking at the game in a less selfish way that's beneficial for the whole player base and not just your amazing self which is #1 at DBD ? (notice the sarcasm from your arrogant attitude of being a fantastic player)

  • Member Posts: 254

    what sort of stupid argument is that? you're saying if the dev's removed instant down items then veteran killers would leave the game ? lol ?

  • Member Posts: 1,262

    You know why dieing sucks? Because it takes forever to get into another match and get back to playing sometimes 15-20 minutes from ready up to full load into another game

    You know why queuing takes so long as survivor and its instant to play killer ? Killers have very few useful or enjoyable tools to play and its mostly a stress riddled bullied experience that many have chosen to abandon

    So please make yet another ir hatchet noed post. Remove the last few drawback riddled easily countered mildly OK tools the killers have... that'll help

  • Member Posts: 1,262


    P3 huntress

    Devo 4 killer veteran here

    Yes. Removing the few mildly effective tools killers have does in fact get players to quit.

    Did you not notice how much longer the ques have gotten since the ruin nerf? And ruin didn't even last that long or work that effectively.

  • Member Posts: 826

    The oneshot hatchet was a cool idea in theory, risk it all with one hatchet, infantry belt completely breaks it though. I really hope they fix it some day.

  • Member Posts: 254

    i can get a game as a killer in under a minute... survivor 10+ minutes ??

  • Member Posts: 314

    idk I found huntress challenging, but never op enough to be frustrating. I think she's pretty well balanced. She feels scary to play against but like there's still a decent chance to win.

    It's possible to dodge and counter her hatchets. You need to duck/crouch in front of objects (directly in front, if you're not right up against them it doesn't work) and then her hatchets just hit the object. Works great around pallets.

    If you get the hang of looking behind you while running away it helps with dodging her hatchets too.

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    Queues have been like that since swf matchmaking change, not since ruin nerf.

  • Member Posts: 510

    Back in the beginning when she was released the hitboxes where actually model sized so the only way you could get those 1 shots was through skillful shooting. Now survivors have a hitbox that expands nearly 2 times there character model its a problem.

  • Member Posts: 254
    edited April 2020

    make it easier for one side ?? you are completely biased there is literally no point in talking to you about balance. You're the kind of player the devs need to ignore. You do realise that you're part of a very small minority that thinks the item is ok the way it is ? they will change it eventually its just a matter of when, the thread does not read "they SHOULD change the axe" because that is inevitable.

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