Ideas to combat toxic/unfun behavior

  • Tunneling

Tunneling and re-hooking a recently unhooked survivor should result in the survivor's hooked state returning to were it was when they were unhooked rather than progressing to the next stage

"The Entity is uninterested in offerings of suffering to the few and not the many"

  • Camping

If a killer remains within a certain radius of a hooked survivor the sacrifice progress should be slowed

"The Entity is bored by laziness in its devotees"

  • Gen Rushing

At the start of the trial 2 or more survivors working on a generator should provide significantly less benefit, this effect should slowly wear off after a period of time

"The Entity hinders those that attempt to end its trials prematurely"

  • Body Blocking Hooks

When within range of putting a survivor on a hook the prompt should appear even if another survivor is attempting to body block, when the animation is activated the body blocking survivor should be pushed out of the way

"A killers compulsion to please the entity allows them to easily overpower survivors"

  • Teabagging

Spamming crouch should apply the hindered status for a short period of time

"The entity punishes those that make light of its trials"

  • Flashlight Clicking

Initially turning on a flashlight should drain a significant amount of the charge, charge drain afterwords and charge amount should be balanced to maintain usage time for normal use

"The bulb requires a moment to warm up in which time the drains the battery faster"


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383
    • Dislike the 1st one cause it would make so that, unhooked survivors would try to be an annoyance for the killer even more seeing as they now would have "another immunity"
    • This was tested and was abused by survivors
    • The recent changes already target team up genrushing. Alone gen rushing is still a problem
    • This shouldn't be a case, body blocking is a legit strategy.
    • Okay i suppose
    • And this is actually a good idea.
  • AnnoyedAtTheGame
    AnnoyedAtTheGame Member Posts: 539

    Tunnelling - Nothing wrong with it. In my opinion only good players complain about this. Most matches in Dead By Daylight are survive with friends and they always work together to try and take the killer off the injured person. The survive with friends groups are to powerful to do anything about tunnelling. I don't think many players would not play killer if they couldn't hook the same person in a row. This would just make the survivors even more over powered that what they're if you took tunnelling out of the game.

    Camping - Nothing wrong with this again. In my opinion only good players complain about this. If a killer is camping a hook, they're not on generators meaning the team should be and like someone above said " Was already abused by survivors ".

    Gen rushing - I agree, gen rush is a massive problem in the game. but is being combated in the next update I believe (3.7.0) It's nothing major on gen speeds, but it's something at least. Needs to have more work on gen rushing in the future.

    Body Blocking - This is annoying because survive with friends will sit with 3 people in the way of the hook or door or anything so you're unable to get to the hook or hook the survivor and then drop the survivor. Body blocking so you can't hook a survivor should be combated by reduced healing and gen speeds for the next 1 / 2 minutes ii you take damage from blocking the hook.

    T-bag mid game- I've also asked for t-bagging to be gone. Rapidly clicking button to t-bag mid game should stop your character from crouching for X period of time.

    T-bag at exit gate - T-bagging after opening the exit gate and standing just close enough where the killer hits you and you auto fall through and win. This should be, if you stand t-bagging at the exit it will block and the survivor will then get a 99% speed reduction so the killer can get to the gate and then can hook you for free.

    Flashlight - Should have a timer of at least 10 seconds when it can next be used next to avoid spamming it.

    Personally, every pallet drop comes with a nice flashlight to the face. It's so much time wasted chasing the survivor for them to drop a pallet and then blind you then doing it all over again on the next pallet.