Now that infinites are fixed can we do something about camping?

I quit playing survivor because every single game i get a camping killer with noed even when im red ranks cause the game decides to put me with a rank 11 killer i understand camping is viable in endgame but it gets very unfun being tunnled and camped almost every game then get hit With noed cause i dont have enough time to do bones cause the killers following me for like half the game
If your gonna reply please dont call me a survivor main i play killer more then survivor
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I see the problem is for you more matchmaking. But the problem when designing a mechanic to counter camping: it should not help survivors when they make mistakes. Like for example running around the killer near the hooked person.
I have a general feeling when this type of mechanic Comes into the game, that survivors find a way to abuse it....
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legit strategy 🤣
You've been targeted for termination that's it (SORRY!) move on to the next game 🤗😂
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Yes, you fixed an exploit in map design , now do something about a legit stategie i dont like!
But maybe the fix of the one is the fix of the other. With chases being done faster, just going for the next survivor might show to be the better way than camping. So maybe it is fixed with that. We´ll see.
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Not really a legit “strategy” when survivors can complete their objective while you camp.
God Windows were a problem, but camping is also a problem.
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If they nerf camping, they should also nerf DS since you won't need it anymore
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Isnt ds anit tunnel? Shouldnt they nerf bt?
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I love face campers! I know it will be an automatic win for me or my team.
The only way for my team to lose is toxic teammates farming the hooked guy.
I always giggle to myself thinking 'easy' when I see face campers. :)
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Agreed but instead of DS making you escape make it that it makes go slower due to pain during 5 secs to the killer but doesnt drop you from shoulders and you can keep struggling
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Yeah I forgot about BT.
DS is supposed to be anti tunnel but we all know how most survivors use it. When they nerf camping, both should nerfed as well
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I have to think some people either extremely exaggerate their encounters with campers or i am just extremely lucky. Been playing this game for about 2 years now. Rank 1 killer and survivor. Yes I run into campers and tunnelers. But every game? I would have quit playing long ago if I got these killers every game, or 75% of games or even 50% of games. I guess I need to count my blessings.
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We need a compilation of thousand answers devs gave to similar questions: It is part of the game. You may not enjoy it but you have to deal with it.
I'd rather see Keys and ebonies rework first. I don't give two shits about killer camping.
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I'd say BT is fine. It's really only strong at end game by the exit doors.
DS should just deactivate after you touch a genny, that's it. I've said it before I'll say it again, you are not being tunneled if you're working on a genny.
I'm with most tho, hopefully the map changes will promote more fun game play and find less fun tactics fading out.
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This is the mindset of them campers and tunnelers
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Gen rush campers. Simple as that.
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Im the one getting camped because i loop the killer and they get triggred so they facecamp and my green ranks teamamtes arnt exactly very reliable
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Not all strategies are successful. It is a legitimate strategy, albeit and annoying and often unsuccessful one.
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With fixing the infinites, Bloodlust should be toned down.
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But that's a teammate problem, not a killer problem. Kindred is the most powerful survivor perk in terms of gen speed and people barely run it. Sometimes camping is the best play a killer has, and if survivors can't punish a killer for a bad camp, maybe they don't deserve the win. 4 gens should pop on a camp.
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It already has been toned down:, takes longer to accumulate and current t3 is old t2.
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But that is why it is a legit strategy. The majority of survivors are not smart enough to complete objectives while a killer camps. Survivors crouch and circle the hooked one waiting for the moment they think they can sprint in and make the save. For a killer camping is generally a way to ensure at least 2, if not 3, or even all 4 survivors aren't working on objectives.
I say this as a survivor main.... Nothing needs to be done about camping because the only reason it is a viable strategy is because of survivors playing stupidly. I get how frustrating it is when you are the one being camped, but camping wouldn't happen nearly as often if survivors didn't make it worthwhile. The answer to camping isn't to have BHVR make killers stop doing it considering survivors make it profitable. The answer to camping is survivors deciding to play like they have a brain in their head.
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1.5 years ago, yes. But with the recent changes it may need looking to be tweaked.
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Going off of your name and also a shot in the dark. I'm pretty sure if it happens that much to you, you must be one of those tbagging pallet survivor's who's sole mindset is to annoy the killer. If thats the case you deserve it imo. And if that's not the case you're running into a lot of killers who are tired of going thru that and just bait your team out.
Killer isn't all that fun anymore so if your adding to that fire then idk what to tell you
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Most toxic thing i did in the past week was click my flashlight once to bait a killer into a pallet i mainly get camped cause the killers i go against arnt the best so i run them for a gen or two then get camped
Its not me getting camped everygame its just killers camping my teamamtes or me hopefully since im reaching rank 2 soon i get actual decent killer's
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Camping is a legitimate but bad strategy, and I know what it feels like be camped and knowing what is going through a mindset as a killer when they are camping. I don’t like camping but in certain circumstances, it is justified(but very rarely). I don’t mind camping because usually I can run the killer until 3 or 2 gens then and I know my other teammates will get out!
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Just because it's a bad strategy doesn't mean the devs shouldn't do something about it. It's boring AF for survivors. No one wants to play gen repair simulator. If you want to camp as killer go play animal crossing and watch your flowers grow or something. You'll probably have a similar gameplay experience.
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Safe to say your a rank 20 freak who thinks hes good
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Is your user name supposed to be some subtle irony here? Can you post 3 games in a row where you were tunneling, and then camped? This rarely happens in ranks above yellow.
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My name dosent matter its just a name. I could probably get 3 games in a row but i stopped playing survivor unless its for rituals. Its not about me getting camped/tunnled. Its about how whenever anyone in my team gets camped the whole team go and crouch near the hook and Wait for the killer to leave instead of doing gens and unfortunately it happens frequently i only quit like 3 days ago im probably gonna try to get to rank 1 which could hopefully get me better killers since im currently rank 6. Im used to camping/tunnling but it got really bad a few days ago for no reasom
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I'm more concerned with bloodlust.
Now that there are less safe loops, bloodlust will just be a guaranteed hit in a lot of places. It's already a problem on Badham where most pallets are super unsafe.
IMO there should be 1 tier of bloodlust, a 7% speed boost that kicks in after 25s in a chase. That will help when necessary but prevent killers from relying on it too heavily. Then I would just change Beast Of Prey to have bloodlust activate 10 seconds sooner.
Camping isn't that big of a deal except in extreme circumstances.
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There would actually be simple solution if you hate getting camped: Change borrowed time and twist it around. When you use BT and you get unhooked within the killers terror radius, BT protects you from getting hit, not the way around that the unhooker must have it to protect the teammate.
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camping is not a problem
it can be, but if it is it's your fault if it becomes a problem.
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It needs to be made less effective. Right now as long as you aren’t against swf then camp, tunnel and NOED will guarantee you good results for little effort.
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Camping is still a valid strategy
Got genrushed 1 match, 4 gens done on my first hook, decided to camp
Camping turned my 1 hook into 3 hooks
Camping wouldn't be done if it didn't work
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I don't believe you.
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The devs call camping and tunneling legit strategies. However, there should be a larger punishment than emblem point reduction. The survivor should also get something for being out of commission for however long because of being camped.
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To be fair there are infinites in the game still. But even as a killer main I think noed should be removed entirely. Camping is annoying but I feel like until they nerf gen times they shouldn't do anything about it.
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Your name is literally "toxicNANCYmain" which is a survivor..... come on!
Also you are a drama queen claiming there is camping every match, that is confirmation bias at best.
BUT apart from all of that, what do you suggest is done that would not be game breaking then?
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I used to be a survivor main
Camping every match is a bit of an exaggeration but it happend alot past few days idk why
Litrally all i want is extra bloodpoints and a safety pip for the person camped
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I used to be a survivor main then started playing both sides and now im a killer main cause i hate solo q
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I had only one killer camp me yesterday and I played all day, and that killer was rank 20 so they just did not know any better.
But yeah, I see no problem with extra bloodpoints for staying on the hook buying your team time with killers in proximity along with a safety pip, it wont stop camping, it wont nerf this ermm "legit strategy" in anyway, but it will make life a little less frustrating for the camped survivor.
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Camping is a strategie while the god loop and then infinite are call exploit by the dev that the difference between the 2 of them
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If you go against a camping killer every single game even at red ranks, then I have some bad news. It turns out that god just hates you and there's no change BHVR can make to help. I can assure you anybody who isn't making crap up, wildly exaggerating, or hated by god doesn't have to deal with campers at any regularity in high ranks unless they actively go and do things to piss killers off.
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Im rank 7 getting put with green ranks and its not about me getting camped my Teammates too. Hopefully that was just a bad luck day i will play a few games today hopefully i get good killers
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Came in here to post this. Not only does it punish killers horribly for camping in terms of the overall game (remember, its 1v4 not 1v1) but it gives you a LOT of information any time anyone else is on the hook.
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In certain scenarios it is, but it is more than often used to simply annoy other players not to win.
It can become very exploitable without really playing the game.
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Not sure what you mean by annoying other players not to win. If killer is camping a hook, there's not really a reason for you to be annoyed because that's a free pass for you to do gens.
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Annoying meaning there is no other drive to do it than to annoy other players.
Why shouldn't the person getting camped be annoyed? They wanna play the game too.
At that point it is a straight up exploit. It's also not playing the game at all.
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I think you lack experience.
Watch the last game .Even optimal swf like depip squad couldnt do much against camping arond 3 gens.
When you know the game very well you realize how camping can be strong. Especially against poor solo players. Especially with perks that are going to help to know where everyone else : about to save or doing gens.
On topic: camping is viable strategy.
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In the video above camping around 3 gens is the answer for gen rushing gens that wasnt close to killer.
If you remove camping remove possibility for survivors to do gens that far from killer.