Cool tricks you can do

bilaueta Member Posts: 341

After getting more experienced at the game, many players learn their own tricks to do in specific scenarios to outplay their oponents, I was asking do any of you have one of your own? (Or you could not tell it since a wizard never reveals their secrets ;)

Im gonna do it anyways and see if maybe someone is willing to share their own.

I call this one, The Save the best for last bait. It's pretty simple, if you have around 6 stacks of save the best for last and a survivor is trying to make you hit a hooked survivor in order to get an unsafe unhook, or you are trying to secure a kill in the endgame, simply hit the hooked survivor. This works wonders everytime I've tried it, the survivor sees an opportunity and goes for the unhook but what they dont know is that due to STBFL you are fatser than them unhooking, so you grab them mid animation and boom you've got yourself a free hook.

This second one is called, more like Head-no, and tbh I think it kinda depends on latency. Anyways, if a survivor ds's you after grabing them from a locker and you see them go inside the locker again to get the double stun on you, don't panic!. In the split second you have between the end of the DS stun and the survivor jumping out of the locker go for a swing with your weapon. If luck is on your side (it was for me when I tried it) you will get stunned but the survivor will be downed during the Head-on animation, earning yourself a free hook against that one cocky survivor who messed with the wrong killer.

Let me know if you have any trick of your own as I want to try them out in-game (got bored and want to try new things)


  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    This one is only for one map but on the top floor of disturbed ward theres an opening in the floor you bait a swing then dead hard back and make the killer fall down

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    You can do the same on Hawkins too in the upstairs section next to the Gen room. Can't tell you how many salty killers I've produced from that!

  • bilaueta
    bilaueta Member Posts: 341

    Im pretty sure I would get facecamped for that but Im willing to try

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433

    You can sometimes lose bad killers on the hill by going around one part if you know which one i mean. You need to make sure that the killer doesn't hear your voice when you fall down,but you should rather slide down if ya get me. Won't work every time,but will give you some time pretty sure. Also on the harvester,left side when looking at it from the front,you can vault that window,fall onto that thing and if you play it properly you can't get m1ed. Obv ranged killers will get you but everyone besides them won't if you can play it properly and not get smacked. There's many more little tricks I could talk about,but the post would be too long :F

  • Kai6864
    Kai6864 Member Posts: 377

    Well one of my favourites is when vaulting a house window onto one of those balconies, run to the end of the long side of the balcony, then run back and window tech the killer. Most killers follow the scratch marks and jump down. Map specific, inconsistent method but consistent results.

    Not necessarily a trick but there are certain places where you can create massive distance on a killer because of ‘hidden’ vaults. A handful of players don’t know there is a vault on the Mother’s Dwelling main building, on the Gallows in Dead Dawg and next to the exit gate with the containers and the pallet on The Game.

    For more stealthy players, on the Harvesters in Cold Wind, there is a gap between a hay bale and what looks to be a small container of sorts. The hale bale’s collision box is square so you can tuck yourself up really close to it and the upper half of your body is completely invisible.

  • StutteringSpartan
    StutteringSpartan Member Posts: 255

    You can get hit, a cocky survivor tried that with me. Simple misdirection plays got him hooked.

  • The_Trapper
    The_Trapper Member Posts: 186

    On the asylum there’s a window in the conservatory bit that survivors often loop (has a tiny drop, the bit with the green window frames), as as killer you can actually jump off the balcony and lunge attack through the window from the outside.

    Demogorgon’s lunge doesn’t remove stacks of save the best for last.

    A fun trick as survivor is to throw down a pallet that stuns, flashlight the killer then use quick and quiet with lithe to completely confuse the killer. Requires good timing.

  • BeHasU
    BeHasU Member Posts: 830

    I do the survivor thing with q&q, lithe, iron will and dance with me. The killer lose me everytime

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433

    Then he misplayed. As simple as that,because if you don't misplay it,you DON'T get hit.

  • chaosdriver
    chaosdriver Member Posts: 74

    As hag place a trap in the center of a pallet. Once a survivors trips it wait until they drop the pallet and teleport. You will be on top of the pallet. Place another trap on the pallet and continue chasing around that loop. Once a survivors vaults teleport again and give em a free smack

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    Aim shock therapy like a dream snare or trap because of the firing delay, it seemed so bad at first because they didn't mention it was changed to work like that

  • StutteringSpartan
    StutteringSpartan Member Posts: 255

    You eventually misplay though, nobody can read another player 100% of the time. Especially in such a small confined area eventually you’ll get hit.

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433

    I can play that part very good,it comes down to practice and reaction time mostly. You need to play that part for quite some time in ur games to be succesful with it,you can't just get onto it for the first ten times and expect to waste time on it well.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    place a beartrap in front of the locker the DS guy is in.

    you now got yourself your own pet survivor! :D

    or they leave, get trapped and you slug them until DS is up. whichever they prefer.