Take the handcuffs off Pig or delete her from the game

I'm just going to get straight to it

-Trap timer should start as soon as survivor begins ANY action that progresses them towards their goal. Healing, sabotage, totems, door opening, generators. That's how "The Game" works in every Saw. This waiting till a gen pops crap is ridiculous. You shouldn't be comfortably destroying hexes with a trap on your head.

-Leaving with a trap on your head should absolutely NEVER be allowed. It makes no logical sense.

-Replace lunge attack with something else or make it a 1 shot. It's pointless. Your wind up is too long, and if you're close enough to use it and still undetected, you might as well stand up and attack quicker.

back to the first point, you only get so many traps, so why the hell did you make them useless? Not like they can be spammed. If you're playing Pig, it should just be expected that you're gonna have to get it off. Same as if you play legion, you expect that you're gonna have to mend, doc snap out of it, trapper look at the ground, hag same thing, the shape be vigilant, spirit listen, freddy wake up, etc.


  • EntityDrudge
    EntityDrudge Member Posts: 184

    I'm curious as to why you say no to the first one. What is not fair about it? Or how is it not in line with her lore? Or is she just a Pig skin with props on a generic killer?

  • MasonOliver123
    MasonOliver123 Member Posts: 255

    I think it should start when the survivors do an action (heal, cleanse gen etc) as this fits perfectly with the saw lore, as mentioned in my previous comment

  • memiieko
    memiieko Member Posts: 187

    I think we should start with her Terror Radius

    For the love of God make it 24m, SHE'S A STEALTH KILLER

    Then I think her crouching and stuff should be faster, yeah

    And then honestly? Rework of the traps because they're basically useless

  • EntityDrudge
    EntityDrudge Member Posts: 184

    I like the going to more than one box being mandatory idea

  • EntityDrudge
    EntityDrudge Member Posts: 184

    Yeah I honestly think ghostface works more like she should have than her. Right now she's a stealth character with stealth not even being her strongest attribute

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211

    My biggest complain is that the survivors can leave with a trap still sitting on their head

    I kind of get why that is allowed (a killer could just not put it on until the tail end and essentially end the game unless the survivor got lucky and found the release right away) but it seems awfully strange that the survivor can just kind of up and leave with a ticking time bomb sitting on their head. It's great that you got away from the killer but you basically only got away to have your head snapped off in a few minutes now anyway because the key to it is the place you just left...

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    Unless there was an update recently that I'm unaware of, Reverse Bear Traps with timers that started cannot be escaped with. They will instantly kill the Survivor. However if the timer hasn't started, say the Pig placed the traps on Survivors after the exit gate was powered, then yes they can leave. Due to the fact that there isn't a trigger for the timer to begin.

    Reading this post made me want to play the Pig so I did at Rank 1. Mind you, I only used her 3 unique perks and the Survivors were kinda potato. I got a 4k, but only at Ruthless status. I was unable to use Crouch effectively (I don't play her often) to ever get an ambush hit off and the mind game was minimal and hard to pull off (location was Coldwin Farm). Traps were surprisingly effective this time since Survivor's weren't getting them off immediately after the first box. However something to note is that I don't put traps on people until they have to repair 3 more generators. To me, it's a lot easier to hunt and kill people when the area they have to effectively work in is smaller and smaller.

    Had I gone against a better group of Survivors and had I not been so lucky, I would've definitely lost. I don't even think I'd scrape by with a 1k without camping at the end. Her add-ons are fantastic, I would concur that the base kit does need some form of a buff. Especially the crouching and ambush. I can't get points off ambush dash unless it's mid chase and I get lucky depending on the area or the Survivor is a potato/not running spine chill and they somehow let me strike them even after hearing that ridiculously long roar.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211

    I honestly didn't know that the timers didn't just start as soon as you got unhooked so that very well could be the case :D

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    Only way the Reverse Bear Trap can be triggered is if a Generator is completely repaired. And only while that timer is active will it kill any Survivor wearing it who tries to escape through the exit gates.I learned that the hard way when I put on someone months ago when the Exit Gates were powered (but not open), thinking they'd have to go to a box before they left. Nope, gates were opened, timer didn't go off, they still escaped with their head intact.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    -I'm okay with Trap Timer being set to Gen Completion. This encourages players to leave Gens unfinished when teammates have an RBT on their head.

    -Pig needs some serious help with the RBT's. Ruleset 2 should be base. There should also be an additional effect to an unactivated RBT so that her power doesn't become pointless once the last gen is completed.

    -Her dash attack is pretty much fine. It's great for saving stacks in STBFL. Speed up her windup a little, and maybe increase her crouch speed a little.

  • EntityDrudge
    EntityDrudge Member Posts: 184

    Yep your timer does not start until a generator is completed

    But to your other point, a killer could put it on at the end. But if I saved my traps until the end, that means no one had to deal with them until the end. It goes both ways. And isn't that like the ultimate Saw ending? You think you've figured the game out but then I put the bear trap on you and say Game Over. Just like the movie.

    After all I still have to catch you at the end to do that

  • EntityDrudge
    EntityDrudge Member Posts: 184

    You can still hatch escape if it's started. Just happened to me before my rant here lol. I put it on before the last gen and hooked her. Gen popped, team came and got her. I opened the door because they had 99d it anyway. They escaped and she jumped through the hatch with it beeping

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Tampered Timer is actually pretty decent, especially when combined with Crate of Gears to massively slow down the RBT. Good thing is as well that I find with the RBT is that most of the time it activates, you've just placed the trap/picking up the survivor. If it was changed to activate when removed from a hook, rather than reduced time, it'd be a pink add-on and used a lot more. Not an unwelcome change to me, though. Her current pinks are kinda underwhelming.

    I hate that people can just leave with a RBT on, but it now doesn't activate at Endgame, even though it should but count as an injured survivor for the purpose of the EGC timer.

    And no. Just no. Dash is fine. It's like saying "why don't we make Wraith's surprise attack a one-shot?" or instead of Ghostface stalking for a mark, he just one-shots people. Basekit one-shots are already infuriating enough.

    And good god NO. Do NOT make RS2 basekit. You want survivors away from your generators, and anyone who has any game sense will just do a generator and not care about the timer. It is an add-on that subtly hurts Pig more than it does help.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    I thought so. I couldn't remember because I haven't played her in so long. That should be addressed or fixed but I don't think anyone mentions it because she's not Killer you meet often. She's as rare as the Plague these days.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    Her Dash definitely shouldn't be a one shot. But it needs some form of improvement for it to be reasonable to use. The intended purpose of that Dash is to get that first sneaky hit. I'm aware you can mind game with ambush but that is very dependent on what loop you're at and it's typically not a good one. If Survivors hear me roaring the milisecond I begin charging that Dash meter, it defeats the purpose of that ambush dash. I'd be happy if she didn't start roaring until halfway through that meter. Or increased crouch speed/better viewing angle. Just something to make the other half of her power viable for gameplay.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Increase the charging speed slightly, kinda like John's Medical File base or maybe Video Tape. Move the roar back to the start of the dash, like it was on her release. Maybe reduce her TR back to 28m, again like on release.

    Most of what Pig needs are literally minor number buffs to everything except her RBT's and she'd be a top-tier stealth killer.

  • helix43
    helix43 Member Posts: 180

    Her dash doesn't need changing, you can use it to mind game loops. I've been able to shut down chases fast with it.

  • SpookyStabby
    SpookyStabby Member Posts: 621

    Thanks, friend. That just makes me feel even prouder that she's my number 2 killer. :3

    Gonna chime in with that post somewhere above that, yeah, RS2... I don't get it and even go so far as to avoid it in the blood web.

  • EntityDrudge
    EntityDrudge Member Posts: 184

    That is not it's intended purpose and is just a weak validation in my opinion. In this game seconds are precious. Why on earth would be wise to in the middle of a hot chase, crouch, wind up, and hold? Those are inputs you're doing. While the other player is just running. That's not prudent at all. And highly unreliable. I doubt anyone would be able to successfully replicate getting hits off of crouch and dash mid chase back to back

  • SpookyStabby
    SpookyStabby Member Posts: 621

    Yeah, I gotta say the traps feel pretty weak. Either make them activate on first action survivor takes OR reduce timer slightly and remove the killer proximity freeze on them.

    I hate to brag but I have no complaints with the death lunge. I rock that ######### and it's HILARIOUS to see people in the middle of something or sneaking around and then freak out when they hear the snorting snarl and do this weird circle dance because they're trying to escape while figuring out where I'm coming from at the same time. I probably hit with 98% of those. :3

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    I'm not massively against it, I guess I just enjoy having three RBTs activate at the same time when the fourth survivor decides to do a gen. Even funnier when they start queuing up at the same box. But that's more personal preference.

    I would like to see some pig changes but mostly just not having the RBT ever come off on the first box and some add-on improvements/changes. Like your idea about any progress starting the timer could be an add-on, I don't think the devs would make something like that base anyway but the option would be interesting.

  • Lazerboy88
    Lazerboy88 Member Posts: 518

    So is Ghostface and wraith? But they are both 32 meter, Myers is the only stealthish killer with a reduce terror radius except in tier 3, everyone else with a reduce or different terror radius has it because either they are ranged (deathslinger(not sure why he has a small TR) huntress(she has 20 hum and 20 TR) or hag because she is just 110? Point is all the other “Stealth” killers all have a 32 meter terror radius still so pig is not alone.

  • memiieko
    memiieko Member Posts: 187
    edited April 2020

    First of all Ghosty and Wraith can easily and quickly mask their TR indefinitely unless burnt or revealed, their movement isn't hindered either.

    Pig comes to a SCREECHING HALT and has to crouch slowly. (And quite audibly too)

    Myers is also understandable but why shouldn't Pig also be allowed to sneak with a reduced TR, 24 Meters would greatly reduced the distance and time needed crouching

    Deathslinger has a small TR because he's a limited range killer and Huntress has a FORTY meter hum not 20, so no she's not a stealth killer

    Also Hag has one of the most powerful abilities that require her to corral people into them but otherwise she doesn't have much so that's why 110, but 24m

  • Alphaphalt
    Alphaphalt Member Posts: 259

    Pig main, no to all of these for good reasons that the devs (even them) have said before.

  • helix43
    helix43 Member Posts: 180

    Crouching and charging up a dash attack only takes a few seconds, it's also a hell of a lot quicker than looping the survivor around that pallet wasting 3 times more time. Her traps also puts the game to a grinding holt, so you have penalty of time.

  • EntityDrudge
    EntityDrudge Member Posts: 184

    No her traps do not. You could essentially 99 all gens before one even activates.

  • helix43
    helix43 Member Posts: 180

    Yes, but then the you can just use perks like pop or ruin to counter that. In my experience of playing pig the past few weeks is, survivors will either completely forget about the 99% gen, which allows it to completely regress. Or they'll try and rush gens, resulting in 2+ plus traps activating at once, which ends in one or 2 head pops.

    Do you actually play pig much? Because it honestly sounds like you don't, or you play her poorly.

  • EntityDrudge
    EntityDrudge Member Posts: 184

    Just lol. I don't play her much or I play poorly, but you're the one who thinks survivors have 2 head pops in a game. She is weak. Survivors know how to counter traps just like plague. Head pops almost never happen. Because people know they're weak rules. You must play her at level 20. I play her even though she's handicapped simply because im a Saw fan.

  • Lazerboy88
    Lazerboy88 Member Posts: 518

    I said 20 TR and 20 Hum because honestly the hum doesn’t matter when you are in the TR you hear mostly the TR while in 20 meters of huntress, and 20 meter outside the TR you hear the hum, yes you hear the hum from 40 meters from her I understand that.