Separate rankings per killer?

I wanna try new killers but as a purple/red one I can't unless I want to spend a few games getting tbagged by red rank survs and getting gg ez baby killer, its not fun.
Im trying to learn ghostface and other killers, so any idea if we're getting a separate ranking or something per killer?
I dont mean like rank 20 per new killer, thats not fair for new survivors.
perhaps just get put down a colour? if you're red killer than purple when you activate a new killer? or something.. im unsure but i know this idea can be tweaked.
It's not confirmed, but was mentioned along with the MMR system they talked about. Once their new ranking and matchmaking systems were setup and functioning they said they might work towards individual killer rankings.
But it'll be years to come.
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That would be so nice to have.
I still hate all green shirt claudettes after the one I encountered as a baby ghostface
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I don't see how that would change anything, you'll still get matched with the same red rank survivors that you get in your other killer games. To me it just seems a bit pointless to have a feature like this.
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It's nice in concept, but it would be a pita to implement in a fair way. Core skills are transferable across all killer characters.
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It was mentioned once. They also said that hidden matchmaking is already on but none of my teammates is capable of finishing a single gen anyway.
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Yes as long as they have milestones (they all increase to a certain point when you pass a certain point with an individual killer)
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I don't think it'd be unfair still. Say this update goes live and you're rank 13 killer. Your main is Huntress, who you do great at. You rank up quickly on her.
The Freddy you just bought? Also rank 12. Yes, you're still going to get high rank survivors, but if you don't know how to play him, so you'll rank down a bit to get the feel of him.
Ideally though, perfect world situation, they would rank you by hours played on specific killers.
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Honestly what's killing it for you is the illusion that rank matters. Ya some of the purple and red rank survivors on average are more skilled then green and below, but with how survivors pip that's not always true. If you want to try a new killer best I can say is just play them and have fun don't think of winning as getting X kills. Set yourself a goal for each match as this new killer.
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like most people said they have spoke about it, however i personally feel it should be split into 2 categories which is based on the speed of the killers so killers like hag,nurse,deathslinger,huntress and spirit should have different ranks to all the others. i wouldnt want every killer having their own ranks because you could just swap out killer each time and have easy matches till reset but having them in groups would eliminate that and give those harder killers to learn a different level. but ghostface shouldnt be hard to learn, just use stealth get free hits, stealth some more and repeat and youll do fine