Huntress and Iridescent Heads



  • GrannyonAcid
    GrannyonAcid Member Posts: 476

    I hate Huntress. Obviously this add-on is really OP. But it's one of those things... You never see them. I don't think most people that play killer would enjoy running this. It's pretty much an automatic win. So the survivors aren't going to have fun and the killer isn't going to have fun either. That's why you don't see this ever. I've played against it maybe 1 time.

    I just want it so you can toss a pallet down without getting hit by a hatchet. I hate that aspect of her. You feel like there's nothing you can do but get hit sometimes.

  • Raulillo
    Raulillo Member Posts: 179

    The combo it's OP (3 one shots). But the iridescent hatchet by itself is not a big deal, you avoid one and have a killer that can be looped endlessly.

    The thing is that people don't know how to play against huntress and when one carry iri is GG

    The addon change how you have to play, it's more about knowing when to release the hatchet and force you to mind game with it. But it's true that i would prefer another condition like only one hit if throw from X distance.

  • DisappointedUser
    DisappointedUser Member Posts: 420

    they've already said it's likely to be 32m, which is crazy long, but whatever. I don't know why they won't just do it already.

  • Raulillo
    Raulillo Member Posts: 179

    I would remove the "only 1 hatchet" thing if its that long. You can react to a throw at that distance.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,533

    Again.... removing the stacking is all iri needs...

    Also it is not 100% accurate... the Huntress still needs to be able to hit the shot to down you

    Yes it does mean less points for the huntress using it... so take it in stride

    So again it's not iri head BY ITSELF that is the issue

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,533

    If they did make it distance related... what would the survivors do?

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    I don't use them but I don't think they need changing. I mean everything they do Hillbilly does better. And he doesnt have to reload.

    If anything changes, either a minimum range, 20meters max, or decrease her movement speed to make getting point blank shots harder and more time consuming.