Came back to this game after 1 year +


And seriously I am having a blast with Itz they changed a lot of perks and even tho some are still overwhelmingly present , looking at you DS, they did some balancing !

And the community is still the same pocket of super toxic people but most of that is overblown, 3/4 of my games as survivor or killer end in GG WP.

Also goddamn they did my boy Freddy good, he feel so good now and I know y'all hate him but damn was he not fun before but thematically he was on point and now he got both.

Oh I also play the spirit why is everyone pissed at her ? She's so ######### fun to play and she looks amazing, so ######### scary but somehow people here seems to say she the most OP killer in the game???

Anyways already got 50 hours in (90% survivor BTW) and seriously if you are bummed out of DbD take a break, I am really freaking enjoying this game now .


  • brubli
    brubli Member Posts: 214

    for the spirit part, a lot of survivors find her to be unfair due to that fact that she has little counterplay in the way that you have no idea what she is gonna do. Same reason a lot of people are disliking fighting deathslinger. Chases with her can feel un-interactive because unlike the huntress or nurse survivors just have to more or less guess when she would use her power and if they guess wrong it's at the very least a hit.

  • drimmalor
    drimmalor Member Posts: 909

    Welcome back! There's a lot of new content since a year ago! It's really cool to think about how much the game has changed since then.

    Taking breaks is important; I would play the game nonstop for months on end and nothing felt better than coming back even after a few weeks off.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    A lot of people aren't saying spirit is OP because in the grand scheme of things she isn't, she's just incredibly boring to play against for almost everyone considering she has 0 real counterplay and it boils down to guessing based off nothing until you eventually die. Not very rewarding or interactive gameplay imo. Aesthetically I can agree, her crackling sound effects and the way her idle animation looks is really cool looking. Fun to play as though? Well that's up to you. If you think she's fun to play great, I personally like more interaction and interesting chases when I play killer and Spirit isn't about that. I liked her when I started playing killer for the first time, same as Freddy. But then they grew really stale because not only was I getting so much value out of such little effort, their powers kinda fell flat and I realised there's nothing unique about them and I was only having fun because they were strong.

    But anyway rambling aside welcome back, this next midchapter update might be enough to keep you playing for longer this time

  • UseTheValve
    UseTheValve Member Posts: 350

    Yeah I can't wait for the next mid chapter and I guess it's up to everyone's taste, I used to love nurse but she was also super hard to get into and that's kinda what got me into her, it was a real challenge playing her and I rarely won, I've tried her and damn she even got harder I'll probably get around to playing her again but damn she's a even harder one now, any other killer you recommend?

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
    edited April 2020

    Welcome back! More then glad you like the game at the current state. I agree with all your points. Have a nice stay

    EDIT: 1 thing i want to mention: The reason so many hate spirit is because it is just a guessing game when she is using her power. That is frustrating for many.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Spirit is an easy killer to pick up and is as strong as Nurse. She is infamous for being picked up by bad killers for easy wins. Same goes for Freddy, but not AS severe because he costs money. Personally, I think Freddy is way more boring than Spirit but Spirit can get boring after a dozen games against her in a row.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    You can't say the game's fine just because a good few of the killers are fine.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    But shouldn't they be different tho. I mean different power is going to provide different strengths and tactics.

    My point was why hate on these killers, when they have they have the strengths that most killers are asking for?

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318
    edited April 2020

    They said their reason. They're boring. Everyone has their own reasons for their opinion, and the strength of a killer alone should not dictate your entire attitude and opinion. People criticize the devs for doing just that with the Nurse rework.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    They complain because there should be no "weaker killers that get less kills". You should be able to win just as well with every character. Lately devs have proven they want to maintain a balance between killers.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Also stronger killers are not inherently more boring to use. People say Freddy is actually enjoyable to play.

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Freddy and spirit are boring to play as aswell. No satisfaction to down survivors cuz it's ez af

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I understand differences in power, but there shouldn't be such a difference in performance ceiling. Thanks for the nice conversation. You make good points.

  • UseTheValve
    UseTheValve Member Posts: 350

    Totally disagree with you there's how easy is it ? I mean I get to face off against rank 6's and sometimes 4's with better knowledge of the map and they sometime know how to loop, So basically it's just Nurse then because she's on a whole lot of level compared to all the others, maybe Oni?? I didn't play him. I mean I don't understand why everyone in this game is extreme to one side or the other.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335
  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Nurse? Nurse is difficult af. To become a deadly nurse you need to put in hundreds if not thousand of hours into her. Spirit? 3-4 games and I was already slaying 4ks back to back to back.

    Freddy? Basically bloodlust on demand. Loops are nothing.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Hey! Welcome back to the community! I'm so glad to see a thread that is more positive about the changes on this forum every once in a while.

    I will say this though, don't take what the forum says as the majority opinion. I know a lot of people not on this forum that does have fun against Freddy and Spirit, or have fun playing as them. Have fun with what you think is fun and challenge yourself with what you think is challenging.

    I hope we meet up in the Fog someday, you sound like a pleasant person to play with ^^

  • UseTheValve
    UseTheValve Member Posts: 350

    I really try to be, most of my games end in GG WP, sometime we even explain what the killer did wrong and they actually ay thanks, seriously like you aid this forum makes DbD more toxic than it actually is for the vast majority of the game (rank 20 to 9 so far). But thanks and have fun in the fog.

    Also the new western map I forgot it's name is ######### awesome, really seems like BhVR are getting better at making maps.

  • UseTheValve
    UseTheValve Member Posts: 350

    That's what I'm saying so basically there is nurse and then every other killer, because Nurse is on a whole other level. She used to be my main and I still love her ;.; Her new skin are amazing too.

    You get the hang of Spirit faster that's true but I would say the skill ceiling is still pretty high while the bar of entry is much much lower. Like would you recommend a fresh new killer to start off with Nurse? I would totally recommend he master killing with another killer before even thinking of touching the nurse.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    So people want to buff other killers , so downing people with them, becomes easy af?

    I don't get the logic to that.

    All killers should be the same strength, strong killers are boring, buff weak killers to make them strong killers, that will then become boring?