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General Discussions

Why do people get so mad when they lose?

Member Posts: 1,816
edited April 2020 in General Discussions

Alot of other game i play like overwatch or fortnite when people lose they really dont care

But in dbd people get so triggred when the lose I've had killers and survivor's message me post game insulting me but in other games i rarely get messages unless its a gg



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  • Member Posts: 86

    Is this bait like your other posts or comments?

    Jokes aside, I believe there is always going to be some extra level of saltiness when people are playing asymmetrical games like DBD. There is also the factor that there is a lot of things assumed/considered to be polite/sportsmanlike to do but aren't requirements, which may tilt some players in the game if those aren't followed.

    Also OW community is known for being salty and extremely toxic on competitive ranks. I think it may be an extremely anecdotal experience of yours to not correlate it to toxicity.

    Or you might be BM prone, which would be also one of the possible answers to your question.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Mostly because people play it way to much

    It's a very addicting game which leads to people who play it constantly

    Which in itself is ofcourse not a bad thing but no matter how you look at it this game has tension, which often leads to frustrations

    And people just let those frustrations build up, to the point that everything frustrates them

    Imo DbD is a game best played on the side, having a more relaxing game to play after a frustrating dbd game makes a world of difference

    The "Play Civilitation" meme actually has a big truth behind it

    I can't remember the last time i got annoyed or frustrated at this game

  • Member Posts: 2,803

    Because it feels personal in this game, unlike many others. If you’re killed in a game with 20 other players it’s just like, oh well I got killed. In this game it feels like you’re being hunted down specifically, or like you’re being bullied by the survivors personally, or whatever.

    More people would benefit from brushing games off because 99% of the time it isn’t personal since they don’t know you. They click their flashlights at everyone, or face camp everyone, or play like a sweatlord against everyone. Just move on.

  • Member Posts: 1,262

    Yeah I think this & Xeno's explanation's cover it.

    A.) It's a tense game. Tension can lead to frustration, especially when you get a string of bad matches where you tried your best, but it didn't pan out. Funny enough, the first time I hit rank 6 I was drunk and laughing my ass off. The best way to play this game is relaxed, but that can be hard to do. Still, you make better judgement calls, even drunk apparently.

    B.) Taking things personally. It can also be hard not to do when someone says you play like crap, singles you out in a match, your fellow survivor's throw you under a bus, etc. Hell, then you might even have a Twitch audience watching if you made a mistake? That's not a nice feeling.

    So yeah. Best thing to do is just relax & ignore folks. Close your chat box if it bothers you enough. Play something else if you get frustrated. Stardew Valley is like the anti-DBD in terms of community & relaxation.

  • Member Posts: 621

    Some people take it seriously to an extreme. (Playing on Switch) I always leave feedback on how much fun I had and thumbs up players almost always, only report for DCs and excessive trolling.

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    Depends on the match.

    If I get camped or tunnelled out of the game instantly, I'm going to be pissed because I just spent 5 times as long trying to find a game as I did sitting on a hook or lying in the dirt, rather than actually playing.

    Flashlight at pallets, endless.y teabag or show toxicity towards me when I don't and I percieve you as the type of person who is out to ruin my day just because I felt like playing something besides Survivor.

    It's also as xenotimebong said. One person is purposfully targeting you with a game space of 5 people. I'm guessing we've all had those chases where the killer's gone after us for 5 minutes straight as gens are being worked on and internally screamed "GO AWAY! THERE ARE GENERATORS TO PROTECT!"

  • Member Posts: 159

    It's human nature to hate failing at anything in this game it is way to easy for one side to blame the other people or looking for fun but Mr.Cota says frustration keeps use playing the next game. I get frustrated by somethings but not the reason I keep playing. For my fun and the fact I've put $300+ dollars in to the game is way I play but not everyone is me and will not stay forever.

  • Member Posts: 1,454

    Well I can’t speak for everyone but I’ve seen people feel that way cause they feel cheated. Even if they wasn’t.every game has some bs camping keying mori and ds and others you feel like man I could of caught them if not for that .... and ya you probably could of but the other players had different plans.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    Overwatch must have changed. When i used to play comp, if your team loses. There is a good chance that in game chat or messages you'll get bad mouthed from somebody else.

  • Member Posts: 3,426

    Still the same, any match I lose I get a message or two from a Hanzo or something getting angry at me because I played Zarya.

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    Idk, maybe because games are such a hassle. In Fortnite you're instantly back in a new one and there are no investments made into each game.

  • Member Posts: 1,522

    Because the game is just built to allow for so much trolling once you know you're ahead.

  • Member Posts: 1,514

    This response is completely off. This game is different from others. I think the asymmetrical nature has a lot to do with it. Especially as Killer, when you have 4 people antagonizing just you. That is a lot to deal with. Since the OP is "toxicnancymain" I am sure they are referring to disgruntled Killers.

  • Member Posts: 416

    I agree, the biggest problem is the asymmetrical nature of the game. There is no balance, and no one likes it. Granted since survivors make up most of the playerbase they also bring most of the toxicity. So then killers retaliate and here we are now on this wonderful merry go round of toxicity. The same thing happened to Evolve/Evolve Stage 2, it was a great game. But the asymmetrical nature of it made people complain about balance when it was already fairly well balanced.

  • Member Posts: 8,223
    edited April 2020

    "Alot of other game i play like overwatch or fortnite when people lose they really dont care"

    Uhhh.... 🤔🤔🤔🤔

  • Member Posts: 261

    If you mean the killers, I do know why they are so angry, becauz the entity will punish them.

    As for the survivor, you know, "death is not an escape".

    Everything makes sense.

  • Member Posts: 1,138
    edited April 2020

    Because they play a lot. Look at that streamer Tru3talent. He gets so mad when he lose and then make those videos claiming the game is unbalanced. They cant accept the fact they are not perfect at their life career.

  • Member Posts: 1,816

    I dont play comp. Guess that's why i dont experince toxicity in that game

  • Member Posts: 94

    Salty survivors, it's just a different breed. I get mad when I lose as a killer, but I don't message anyone. If I had a good game as survivor, four or five gens done, couple unhooks and I die, I do not give a single #########. If I die with not even one gen done, I just see it as a time waste. Survivors seem to forget that there is no W/L ratio or K/D in the game, so it doesn't even matter, how the match ends. Only determines how many bloodpoints you get.

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