Genuine & Productive Dead Zone Tips!

Ps4. Survivor Main - rank 3. Killer rank 13.
I believe the new Rift starts tomorrow on PS4 which means that cosmetic hunters like myself will be returning to the game! With that I have been looking at the new changes and what they mean for Survivors - they are what they are, this isn't a critique post.
Instead, can any Survivors or Killers discuss good dead zone tactics? When there are no pallets, windows, or even good walls and corners for miles around and you find yourself in a chase... What's a girl to do? Even the slowest Killer is faster than the Survivors, running circles around a stack of tires or a car lasts for a few seconds at best. Let's all discuss genuine and productive methods here!
Survivors - what do you do in times such as these? What are some good counters? Outrunning is obviously impossible so how do you extend the chase or get away?
Killers - what are some tactics you've seen that have been effective? What makes for a fun and engaging chase for you in dead zones?
As always with my posts I ask that we all stay positive and constructive! Be kind to each other, be kind to the devs, and happy gaming. <3
Doesn't the rift start on the 29th?
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Nothing you can do at all. Run straight through to have at least the chance if you reach the next tiles miles away. If youre already injured: get rekt.
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I'm praying to god you haven't exaggerated over the past few days...
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It's called a dead zone for a reason. If you don't have an extra hit left in you, you're dead.
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It seems you are correct! I read somewhere on the forum that it was the 19th.
As for the other replies, again I'm looking for us to share helpful tips only! There has to be something that can be done. Otherwise how is that any fun for anyone? What's the point of a chase if the Survivor has no chance for an escape and the Killer just has to press 'forward' on their remote/keyboard? That seems boring for everyone.
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Same answer that killers get when they ask what to do about certain loops: "Just don't be in that area."
It sounds snarky, but that's how it is.
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Same answer killers got with god loops and old infinites i suppose
Don't get chased there
As an actual tip running Windows of Oppertunity the first few games on the new maps should let you learn better where not to be
Should be easy being a Kate main and all
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When I'm playing killer if I notice a large deadzone i'll usually try to 3-gen so that the patrol area includes the deadzone and then trap any other surrounding tile on the board. Only way to counter it i've seen is just genrush the deadzon gens so there is no reason to be by them in the first place.