When does the midchapter patch go live?

I'm really hoping it's this Tuesday and not the other one after. No reason not to release it on this Tuesday because ptb is over,they can't get anymore data from it,but someone said they are gonna be doing 3 weeks instead of 2. So dunno :/
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Around the end of the april.
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28th April I'm shooting.
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So it is that 3rd week? Ugh. Why do they do it tho,when ptb is over? They make 0 logic to me :/
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To check if everything is fine (I hope so) and eventually listen to feedback and balance some changes that were maded.
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Because they need to time to review any feedback and make any necessary changes.
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@undeadcookie @Ihatelife I see,thank you for the response!
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We've not released any date publicly for the Mid Chapter Patch, so it's all just guesswork at the moment I'm afraid.