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The most insane swf story ever

Member Posts: 475

So playing on ps4 with two friends and a random against a prestige 3 leatherface during rank reset on cathedral. This guy chases one of my friends for practically the entire game and starts peculiarly following him once all the gens are done. He appeared to be intentionally missing swings but as an exit gate is opened intantly downs my friend and starts reving up the chainsaw over a slugged and helpless pizza dwight. My buddy checks the pause menu and realizes that a mori is in the game and that we probably are not getting him out alive. After he fills up his recovery meter he moves around with the fully reved chainsaw massacre antagonist staying right on top of him.

A quick look at my perks and a wicked, completely evil smile crooks across my face as i prepare to explain the sweatiest and most vile headon play a survive with friends crew could ever do.

I tell the other guy on my stinky swf (playing tapp) to prepare to pick captain pizza time off the floor with a reving leather face looming over. The downed dwight gets in front of a locker i placed myself in and we spring the trap, head on heal dwight and we take off running. Completely shocked by what was happening, the leatherface in full tilt revs his chainsaw and runs into a wall with it bumping and losing everyone. At the exit gate, a tbag flashlight clicking party like no other ensued and 4 survivors escape.

At the results screen we notice that the killer had chainsaw move speed addons and an ebony mori, so he was up to something, but then notice the perk that makes all of the leathers actions up to that point make sense. BLOOD WARDEN. This perk is important for 2 reasons. 1) He didnt just hook my friend because the exit gate was opened. He planned to wait until the timer was at about 25% and lock us all in with bloodwarden. This of course would have killed every survivor in the game from the end game collapse, netting a very cheesy 4k.

His diabolical plan was foiled my swf and headon. The second reason bloodwarden is important is because if you didnt know, bloodwarden gives the killer aura reading of survivors standing inside of exit gates. So when his diabolical plan was foiled by a far more sinister swf sweat gland explosion, he got to watch the t-bag party from afar.

The End

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