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I hope the next patch makes things better

Lavos99z Member Posts: 117
edited April 2020 in General Discussions

I'm getting tired of getting stuck in games where survivors do the most BORING possible things to win. It's literally hold M1, hold W, throw down all the pallets, god loop us, rinse and repeat. It's unfun, it's a survivor sided game, it's time for everyone to acknowledge this. The ONLY time it's killer sided is early ranks. Stop saying otherwise. If a killer gets to red ranks, it's because they're good. If a survivor gets there, it's mostly because they are good at mundane tasks. Be objective before you say it's killer sided. Play killer long enough to realize it's really not...please.

Post edited by Lavos99z on


  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    You literally contradicted yourself. You say it’s survivor sided game yet they have to do the most boring things possible to win. How is that survivor sided? Killers have ebony Mori’s, one hit downs, its Not fun for survivors to come in and be a part of your Mori montage. Nice bait.

  • Lavos99z
    Lavos99z Member Posts: 117

    I can tell you're a survivor main who has never touched killer. Moris are a guaranteed safety pip or depip game. There's no point in using them other than to see what the kill animation looks like or if you've had a series of bad games and can manage to get at least two downs.

  • Lavos99z
    Lavos99z Member Posts: 117

    So you have a lucky streak going for killer then, good for you. IT's not about who is good or bad at the game. It's about recognizing facts. The game is survivor sided, and I mean it should be for the most part. But I want it to be a more FAIR game, it's too heavily skewed right now. Go pay attention to notable DBD names on Twitch instead of believing what Reddit dips say. Your elitism is not appreciated.

  • Lavos99z
    Lavos99z Member Posts: 117

    And FYI, I'm all for the next update. That's my entire argument. All of this will HOPEFULLY stop so that the game will be more fair for killers. If you're one of the lucky ones who has relative success as killer, cool. Most don't, most have left. That's why killer queues have been so short.

  • Lavos99z
    Lavos99z Member Posts: 117

    Suppose I'll just play Resistance until DBD sorts its sh*t out. Love the game, hate the player base acting entitled and toxic.

  • Lavos99z
    Lavos99z Member Posts: 117

    You're missing the point, it's not about "good or bad". It's about the game not being balanced correctly. After next update, it likely will. Don't be thick.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    Nah, I play the worst killers to challenge myself and it’s still easy enough with some of the top tier killers. Mori’s aren’t balanced though. Nobody benefits from that. You don’t get pip for Mori’s lol you’re not filling all categories wth do you mean?

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720
    edited April 2020

    Hits, hooks, downs, you need those. Mori’s give you too much of a short cut imo that people don’t get much out of the match. It needs to be removed 🤷‍♂️ Everyone loses out . Plus it’s just deflating to play Both sides. Keys aren’t as bad as Mori’s . 3 iri heads are unnecessary too

  • Lavos99z
    Lavos99z Member Posts: 117

    That's why I don't use moris, most good killers don't. I'm just fed up with survivor behavior. MY ENTIRE POINT REVOLVES AROUND THAT. I just want them to get it in their heads that this game, up until this upcoming patch, has been skewed too heavily to survivors.

  • Lavos99z
    Lavos99z Member Posts: 117

    Again, statement I made was over your head I guess. It's not about skill. It's about balance. The game has for a long time bene skewed to survivors. The skew increased in more recent times. That's why the patch is coming. Are you just intentionally trying to grief here?

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    what survivor behavior 😂 I don’t think you can blame them

  • Ellen_DeGenerator
    Ellen_DeGenerator Member Posts: 11
    edited April 2020

    killer is not getting easier. did you people wonder why survivor queues are 5-10 minutes now?? no one wants to play killer because genrushing is absolutely disgusting now without ruin, you have to be an amazing killer to make it work and play absolutely optimally, one chase can cost you 3 gens at the start of the match.

    it is so survivor sided at the moment. there was a reason people used Ruin, it was neccesary. then they removed old ruin and now gens fly.|

    as someone who plays both killer and survivor to a decent level, how are you so blind?

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    What you can blame is what’s in the game and how it impacts people’s ability to have fun and stand a chance without wanting to give up or stop playing.

  • leyzyman
    leyzyman Member Posts: 355

    Ok, I agree that this game can be survivor sided at times, and I understand that survivors can get to red ranks easily, I dont have any issues.

    But I dont agree with the "most BORING way to win". The only way for all survivors to win is to hold m1 on 5 generators and open the exit gate. What should they do, just sit there and expect to let the killer win?

    I will give a counterargument to that: KiLleRs ArE sO bOrInG. ThEy OnLy HiT sUrViVoRs AnD hOoK tHeM, rInSe AnD rEpEaT!

    See the issue, that is literally the way a killer wins (whatever stupid win condition is in the game for killers).

    I understand that this game is hard for killer, and that playing against swf deathsquads are unfair AF, but you cant just say that survivors using the only things that they are given at base is unfair.

    Honestly, with this new patch, this game is gonna become more killer sided against the game's main group: solo survivors. Swf is still gonna be broken, but against the 4 man solo team, killer will have an easier time.

  • Lavos99z
    Lavos99z Member Posts: 117

    That's about the gist of it otherwise. It's not fun for the killer right now, thusly more people are not playing killer. It's too stacked against us. The odd man might be able to get somewhere in the midst of this if they're lucky and have godly coordination. A lot of people aren't playing 5k hours of DBD like a certain person above is.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Never ran ruin always been rank one, always had consistent +2 kills, I think a lack of skill on the killer side is the biggest factor in this game, there just aren't very many good players playing killer.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    This is a balance issue and only good for the game. There are issues where one side cannot compete as well due to unlucky map generation. Even the survivor streamers recognize the inbalance of it.

    It’s not the survivor player’s fault for using what’s available. And if the PTB holds true, it won’t be available.

    The posts talking about players not picking killer is true by the way. The ones who remain and compete well are the ones who choose the tactics that allow them to win. Because it’s what’s available.

    I think this game is getting honed down. Looking forward to what’s next.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666
    edited April 2020

    But I want it to be a more FAIR game

    Nah mate, the way you put it sounds to me it sounds you want easy 4ks and not really balance.

  • Lavos99z
    Lavos99z Member Posts: 117

    Totems exist, chests exist, other things exist on the field. I honestly wish the developers added something ELSE for survivors to do, as it gets boring. I haven't personally been having luck either way. It's either as killer I get stacked against smurf players or as survivor I get the potatoes. The matchmaking has no sense of balance either, I feel bad when I get paired against rank 20 survivors as a purple/red rank killer. They should have prioritized that. I am hoping upcoming matchmaking changes are sufficient.

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    You could easily say the same of most survivors. I am a consistent rank 1 killer, and I can tell you most survivors are absolute potatos. You only feel the imbalance when you are facing competent solos/swf.

  • Lavos99z
    Lavos99z Member Posts: 117

    Seems like every game I play is against SWFs though. I had an Object game and that's what just threw me off. I always come in to full lobbies of people who are friends on Steam. I play solo as survivor and do pretty well usually too but this is just a travesty. It doesn't take much to be a decent survivor at all.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    So what you're saying is... you only face the imbalance when you're playing survivors better than you... lmao

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    That doesn't sound very considerate, if you really believe that dbd needs to do justice for killers then you have no reason to wish injustice upon survivors or to insult their playerbase. Btw, no one is going to cry about losing infinites.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Weird. It's almost like this feeling of imbalance has the same definition as facing someone who is more skilled than you. Perhaps you should rephrase your statement to prevent confusion?

  • Kabu
    Kabu Member Posts: 926

    Senzu.... You've played DBD far more than the majority of people on the forums. So, what is your point exactly when you state how good you are at the game? It's like when someone uses popular twitch streamers to try and make a point. DBD twitch streamers are NOT the average player and neither are you.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    The average player isn't a competitive player. Shouldn't the game be balanced around competitive players?

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,356

    If it makes survivors cry, then maybe the survivor queue will won't be so long, anymore. All I wanna do is meme around when I play survivor (solo survivor is rarely fun, often because of poor teammates, and doing gens is soooo boring, so I have to make my own fun), but given how quickly I die when I play like a big dork it's not worth sitting in that ridiculous queue; I spend more time waiting than playing.

    I hope the game gets more balanced just so that I can queue up as either survivor or killer, choosing who I want to play rather than which role has the shorter queue. Unfortunately, necessary balance = playing killer is only 1/4 as fun as playing survivor, otherwise one side will have an excess of players.

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994
    edited April 2020

    I 4k in about 99% of my matches with my main (Nurse). At best, a handful of survivors are as good as me. My point is that kill rates are skewed to be so high because most people are bad at the game.

  • Ellen_DeGenerator
    Ellen_DeGenerator Member Posts: 11

    killer is drastically more difficult than survivor but i dont think its explicitly a lack of kiler skill. im a rank 13 killer, i purposely deranked to not play against red ranks because im not ready and i still only ever play against them with very few exceptions. its not a learning opportunity its incredibly frustrating.

  • OperationMintyHippo
    OperationMintyHippo Member Posts: 406

    All those survivors who literally do nothing impressive and only hold M1 yet get to red rank more than likely aren't great at looping killers. Those should be easy wins. So with this god loop update you'll see more survivors in their rightful ranks by also eliminating those survivors who only know how to run infinites.

    Don't be upset with the survivors for doing exactly what they're supposed to be doing. That's not their fault.

    Plus gen speeds got nerfed along with map sizes. Things are about to get incredibly easy for killers. Relax.

  • Lavos99z
    Lavos99z Member Posts: 117

    Sorry all I'm just majorly depressed and three guesses why (the virus lol). I'm kinda on the angry side too, I just want some good games.

  • Lavos99z
    Lavos99z Member Posts: 117

    I've changed the discussion header to reflect what I mean, I'm sorry :(

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    So you are tired of matches where survivors do their objectives and you're hoping the new patch makes it so they....don't? Because doing generators and getting chased by the killer "IE: throwing palettes and looping" is kind of the whole deal for survivors. Sounds like you're really hoping the new patch makes it easier to curb stomp people. Cheer up, it will. Also, if you think the game is survivor sided, you clearly didn't play it two years ago to know what survivor sided really was. :)

  • Lavos99z
    Lavos99z Member Posts: 117

    I played it a couple years ago (2016 actually) and it was definitely killer sided. It was way worse than it is now for sure. But still, there are nights like this where games just aren't happening. However, we have to acknowledge that the game is obviously survivor sided, and that's how it should be for games like this. The easier role should get a bit more benefit, but not THIS much. There's so many combos for survivors to do that just straight up own the killer. That's what I'm talking about.

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704
    edited April 2020

    its funny none of your matches are againts swf or true red ranks teams not to mention,and lets just ignore the dcs

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    lmfao ah yes, you can tell from my screenshot none of my matches are Vs SWF. Of course, as expected, a killer comes in here and tells me that my back to back matches with 0 dodging were just bad survivors and that none of them were swf, and yes, people dc when they get stomped on, you're acting as if the DCs are the reason I won.

    I'm sorry that someone who this forum often labels a survivor main is just better at killer than the killers, and pretending like theres some huge skill gap between purple and red ranks is laughable.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,288
    edited April 2020

    This honestly cannot be pointed out enough - I have seen Threads on this Forum where people mentioned Survivors like no0b3 or Ayrun and wanted the game balanced around that Level of Skill. But when you show them that Streamers like Tofu or tru3 are consistent with their 4Ks, it is always "those are doing it for a living, you cannot compare them". (Just for reference, someone posted stats for tru3, FarmerJohn and OhTofu from 100 games on Twitter. tru3, despite all his complaining, had an average Kill Rate of 3K, FarmerJohn 3.23K and Tofu 3.34K)

    Hell, I have even seen a Thread where a Rank 11 Killer lost a game vs Red Ranks (because of this "awesome" Matchmaking) and they wanted to balance it around this Level of Skill, while Survivors are still measured by people like no0b3 or Ayrun.

    In general, balancing for the highest Level is not smart at all, if something is balanced around those 1% of Players who are in a highly coordinated SWF-Squad, all Survivors below this Skill Level can basically skip Playing. On the other hand, if the game is balanced around those 1% Killers who are super-strong and get even higher Kill Rates, other Killers could basically quit the game.

    Balancing around high level Players does not work.

  • 1saltypug
    1saltypug Member Posts: 117

    OP didn't even unlock the grand sacrifice till Jan 12th of this year and their earliest achievement is sept of 2019 really doubt their ability to critique the both sides especially when most of their survivor achievements have been recent and rank 5.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,459

    What hand holding? I mean I do think killers are in a fairly good place right now and even more so after the upcoming patch but I wouldn't call improvements to the game's balance hand holding.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    I've been playing since 2017. It was way more survivor sided then. It's been skewing killer sided for the better part of a year. The only exception of which is a high ranking swf team using comms. I don't play SWF and the majority of matches are not SWF, so I respectfully disagree. This game is currently killer sided and is only getting more so in the next patch.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,459

    I think the only reason this game seems killer sided to some is because of the messed up matchmaking, and the fact that potatoes can reach red ranks. In general the game is pretty fairly balanced at the moment.