New killer perks

csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

So now that maps are getting reworked and shrunk, i would say bliidlust is gone next patch. With that i propose new perks

Bloodlust - The chase fuels your obsession for blood. While in a chase for 10/8/6 seconds, activate this perk. Gain an increase of movement speed for 1.5 seconds. This perk is on cool down until a survivor is hooked.

Breakthrough - You taste victory. Gain a token whenever you would break a wall. After 4/3/2 tokens, walking into a breakable wall during a chase automatically destroys the wall.

Mindgame - Your supernatural evil plays havok with your prey. As a chase progresses your red stain expands. After 10/8/6 seconds your red stain is a 360 degree circle around your head. Taking any action resets the stain.

Numbers would need tweaking most likely. Thoughts?