Gens should be removed

To start off I know this will never happen just what I think the perfect version of this game is. Gens are a boring activity and just take away from the horror aspect of the game. There are 2 things survivors enjoy doing and that is running and hiding. Then there are 2 things killers enjoy doing and that is catching and finding. Gens ruin the experience of all of them. Matches should just be a set time of 15 or 20 minutes before the exit gates become available to open.
Without Generators, survivors can just locker hop for 15 minutes, and the killer will have no idea where to look for anyone.
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I, too, enjoy hiding in the same locker for 15 minutes, getting out occasionally to avoid stillness crows, or hiding behind a rock at the corner of the map while the Killer searches aimlessly.
You're right that people like Killer-Survivor interaction, you know what game mechanic exists to cause Killer-Survivor interaction? Generators.
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Generators might be boring to do but they're still the objective that actually lets the killer find survivors more often, and perhaps more importantly gives both sides something that both worry about at the same time. Survivors want to finish them, killers want to prevent them from being finished and therefore they tend to run into eachother around generators quite a lot 😄
Without generators the best tactic available for survivors would be to just full stealth until the timer ran out. And not the potentially exciting, oh-man-he-almost-found-me stealth someone might experience while actually being put in risky positions by trying to complete generators. I mean locker hopping, sit in a corner and spam the point emote to prevent afk crows for 15 minutes stealth.
Not to mention that IF the killer finds someone and hooks them they'd have far less reason to leave the hook. And the survivors would have less of a reason to even bother saving them, as it's not like they need the incapacitated pair of hands on the hook on generators or anything. So there's be less reason to actually interact with eachother.
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There's a game mode I suggested a while back that goes something like this:
The match has a timer at the top of the screen. As the timer progresses, the very dark map brightens gradually because survivors are trying to survive the night until dawn. If the sun comes up, the killer loses. No exit gates. No hatch. Killer has a finite amount of time to do his dastardly deeds.
There are several giant sundial relics around the map, crumbled and broken. Repairing them goes like gens, but it's optional. Repair a sundial to double the speed that the sun rises. Repair another to triple the speed, and so on.
Base match time is 1 hour. 1 repaired sundial reduces it to 30 minutes max. 2 sundials: 20 minutes max. 3 sundials: 15 minutes max. 4 sundials: 7.5 minutes max. (I say "max", because some time will be used up in finding and repairing the sundials.) In light of this, no more repairs should be possible after 4. At this point, survivors need to wait out the remaining time and survive until the sun is up.
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This isnt a hide and seek gameplay.
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No. Gens are there, take it or leave it.
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*Laughs in Iron Maiden*
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Just because generators make a hotspot for killer v Survivor interaction doesn't mean it's the golden and only way by any means that is bettered by nothing else.
You don't see generators in a 1st person shooters multiplayer to make the objective portion of the map be more active for both teams. You get different models, domination zones, flags, bomb sites. That's because there are so many ways to force player v enemy interaction. Even Deathgarden did it differently from making Survivors cash in their blood at a blood post.
I think the game would be a lot more fun more often without generators. If it was a game based around survival for players then it would remove a lot of the frustration there is with teammates being useless or a liability to the team.
Surviving a timer would be far easier to balance than it is to address gen times everytime you release an update and tweak some things.
People shouldn't be shaming new ideas due to "how will they balance that" arguments. I am pretty sure generators will still be the main objective in 5 years time but there is no harm in suggesting changes which are good for the game.
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My Dad has been playing hide and seek with me for the past 28 years. While it was fun at first I really just want the game to end.
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Immersed players are the bane of my existence
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*laughs in Calm Spirit*
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I agree, they are bad for the environment. Killers love nature but survivors don't, that's why we hunt them
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There are indeed more ways to force enemy/player interaction but you NEED to force it. In a game where one team is incapable of fighting back and the asymmetrical solo player is a powerhouse however, you essentially require some kind of environment where the team needs to metaphorically stick their hand in the oven and expose themselves to risk. Comparing it to first-person shooters isn't really a good one at all, I would invoke other asymmetrical games. (for some reason Spy Party springs to mind even though that's a very different game)
Surviving a timer I would argue is actually harder to balance in a game where one team is incapable of fighting back and is hiding from another player. You need to come up with a way to force interaction despite the objective being hiding, whilst still being fair and fun, and it would take a LOT of work to make that possible. I would say that's harder to design than an asymmetrical stealth MP game where the "stealth" team need to break cover at some point, as opposed to trying to figure out how to make the cover less absolute whilst giving both sides a fair chance.
I would also argue it wouldn't really solve issues of "my team sucks", as if several of your teammembers die early that's still a huge disadvantage, as someone being found has a higher likelihood of being you. Even if you hate Generators, you have to admit that walking up to them and holding M1 IS something essentially anyone can do and it's a fairly intuitive objective to take care of that means one bad player can still contribute to the team.
I understand if my post came across as harsh (I even thought to myself "eh, maybe I'm being too condescending in this post?") but if someone's going to put zero effort and say "remove generators" without taking a second to think about it and its ramifications I don't think it deserves much of an in-depth response, especially when their thread really can be summed up as "I want more killer-survivor interaction, therefore we should remove the mechanic that makes that happen".
Maybe my original reply was too mean-spirited, but I would've been a lot more receptive to hear this out even if it was just "I don't know how you would balance this, but I don't like generators" instead of the obviously terrible idea of just replacing Generators with a 15 minute timer.
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Lol that was pretty funny
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I did state in the beginning that I know it will never happen. If the game would have started out with no generators and instead had more perks that helped the killer find survivors and catch them it could have worked out. They could have had more entertaining things for killers/ survivors to interact with like things that give survivor or killers power ups. Some killers have this but the majority don't. Also if people are worried that survivors would just hide the whole match they could just make it where crows are more responsive to staying in one spot for too long. People who play this game for the the joy of hiding from the killer are instead messaged toxic stuff like "Why weren't you doing gens trash can?" But like someone said gens exist either take it or leave it. I'll take it since I still enjoy the game but it could have been so much better.
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No it wasn't to mean spirited just my sign in was acting stupid so it took a bit to reply to everyone.
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I was going to 10 but I said 15-20 because survivors would have more time to run or hide. I was honestly just being way to nice because killer mains would complain that they can't get a 4k in 10 minutes. Which honestly they shouldn't and survivors shouldn't expect to get out every game. This was supposed to be a casual game but instead it has more sweat and salt than Rainbow Six Siege and I thought I would never say that about another game.
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Is it cause you saw samination new video too?
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I don't even watch their videos this was just my own thoughts. I don't think the game is survivor or killer sided ever. Anyone who thinks that is entitled. I just think that gens could have been replaced by something more interesting that still would cause chases. At the same time people who like the suspense of hiding can enjoy themselves without getting hate mail from their teammates.
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Honestly that would make me drop the game it sounds extremely boring that way.
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10 minutes is the average time of a match. Not enough time my butt. The game could of had more interesting objectives that helped survivors survive and killers kill. Also generators take up way too much space and not being there allows rearranging the map to be more fun during chases.
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I've had a group of survivors play Hide and Seek with me before. You don't have to do gens! You can get into a SWF and see who can hide from the killer the longest. I had a group of survivors do this. Luckily it was on The Game Map, so it wasn't absolute hell. I've had another match, two survivors left, they both stayed hidden for such a long time. The match lasted way longer than it should've. And that's when it really becomes a problem. I just wanted out of the game at that point, even though there was no way they were going to get 2 more gens done. Couldn't even find them to tell them "DO THE DANG GENS". Eventually found one of them. Happened to find the hatch, and got the 4K.
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I did say that matches should be set to 15 -20. But will change it to 10-15 instead. I also said in a below comment that crows should be more responsive to people staying in one spot for too long. A set time on a match will prevent them from lasting too long. Even though most people these days like playing those slow paced battle royale games that have matches last as long as 20-30 minutes.