Can we please do something about hatch 'tech?'



    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    No survivor is ENTITLED to an escape. No killer is ENTITLED to a kill. Hooking the second to last survivor does not guarantee the last survivor the hatch. Removing the hatch would just remove a mechanism for some what balancing end-game, since it is dominantly in the Killer's favor. So no, removing the hatch is not an option, nor would it alleviate seeing posts about it. Probably quite the opposite.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I'm just looking for where it says that this is the killer's whole job. Once I find it, I'll be plenty disillusioned.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Ok, well then it's not the survivors job to escape either, so please hang around and do other things so I can hit you.

    What? None of this makes any sense? No, it does not. Stop being obtuse just because you want to argue for one side.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    I will defend that, absolutely. Why should a solo survivor having a bad team and/or a toxic killer mean they automatically have to die? The hatch is there, in part, to provide a means to escape in a situation where you're 1v1 with the killer, as the killer has the complete upper-hand at this point.

    The notion that the hatch is a free escape is stupid. You still have to find it first, which in itself is dangerous and stacked against you, since the killer is faster, has already been traversing then whole map with a higher likelihood of seeing it spawn, and if the killer is close to it when you find it, they can block you from being able to enter, even though you cannot block them from being able to close it. If the killer has killed all 3 survivors with absolutely no gens done, something has gone horribly wrong and it doesn't mean its that survivors fault by any means.

    I have definitely been in a match where, for example, an insta-down killer decided to face camp the first hooked survivor and two idiot teammates run in to save and get themselves hooked as well. There I am, sitting on a gen, watching them with Kindered hang on a hook to death. A few seconds before the last guy drifts off in the Entity's grip the killer can be seen finally leaving to go shut the hatch - something that hasn't spawned yet so I had no opportunity to locate it before hand. So there we are...a killer who can run around the map faster than I can and without worry vs. me. It really comes down to RNG at that point. More often than not the survivor doesn't find it and ends up dead anyway. The entire mechanics of end-game are totally stacked against the last survivor, so if by some miracle the survivor does get the hatch - they earned it. There is nothing entitled about it.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    It shouldn't be an "automatic" anything, which is think is the point here.

    People arguing for survivors seem to think that they're absolutely entitled to escape if they had a "bad team" or "mean killer" or something.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Escaping isn't the survivors' job, and I personally make sure to perform my duties such as generators, healing, and saves. How is it obtuse to explore the many facets of this game?

  • Pulvoriser
    Pulvoriser Member Posts: 48

    It's literally the killers job to kill, hints the name "killer" placing people on hooks gives the most bloodpoints, this is literally on the load out screen. To say a killers job isn't to just kill is kinda a oxymoron statement because anything a killer does is with the derect intention of gaining a kill, be it chase gen smash or breaking obstacles.

    Y'all realize at least 60% of the killer base stopped playing because of toxic players and unbalanced nurfs to the game which makes playing as killer all but enjoyable. 10min+ wait times for survivor games vs immediate killer games.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    Farming is uncommon and generally not considered a "proper" game

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    Gee whillickers, if only I knew what the term "Killer" meant. Do they do research on curing cancer, or perhaps deliver mail?

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    I dont think I would go so far as to say it was INTENDED the way its currently used, but it happens and there is nothing to stop someone from doing it. That is true.

    Again, as I already mentioned above, I am not promoting disconnecting (although I think if you're paired with someone who is dead set on ruining the match for people, you have every right to leave), but I completely understand why people do it - especially in SWF. And as my statement suggested, it's merely a recommendation that if you dislike the DC for hatch dynamic that much, sweat a little less in an end-game situation that's already heavily weighted in your favor, and people are a lot less likely to do it. DC isn't going anywhere, so attempting to stop people from doing it is outside of your control. The only thing you can control, as the killer, is how YOU handle your side of the game to get the results you want.

    Also, Killers slugging to 4k is not the killer out playing you. Everything about this scenario the killer has total advantage. You cannot out play someone when you already have the upper hand. The only person in that scenario that could be out played is the killer. You can cry "entitled survivor main" all you want, but there is nothing entitled about wanting a fair shake at end game. Killers have already taken entitled one step further into straight on privilege, as everything that happens organically in end-game is now killer-sided: hatch, EGC, etc.

    Your response is honestly boring. This is basically the opinion that any killer who downs 3 people deserves a 4k, which is a fallacy, and giving the only advice killers know how to give: "git gud". Which is very easy to say coming from someone who has all the privilege.

    Also, behavior in this game has gotten so wretched for solo survivors that your entire build is based solely on countering killer's obnoxious and unjust play styles. Seriously. Who wants to run BT, DS, Unbreakable, Kindred every ######### match because all killers do anymore is camp, tunnel, and slug? It's boring as all get out. So do spare me the recommendation of what survivor perks to run to counter the cheap killer tactic of the day. I already know it all too well.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    Thats equally obtuse. To say, "Well if the killer is trying too hard"

    like #########?

    You realize how ridiculous that sounds?!?! Let me throw in something similar for comparison....

    "If you get a sweaty SWF group the killer wouldn't have DC'd if you guys weren't so sweaty" <---- Passing the buck and rage quitting or DCing in either scenario or justifying it is goofy as hell...

    Killers get sweaty try hard survivors all the time, survivors get sweaty try hard killers all the time <---- Instead of making excuses for either side to DC when confronted with difficulty why not raise the bar to the level of play you're confronted with?!?

    This lazy mentality people have around here is the real toxicity. Be better....

    This ######### forum man yall.... I'm....

  • Deadbylag
    Deadbylag Member Posts: 23

    Anyone play for fun?? I'm tired of see killer who want just kills if they have to facecamp they will do it and don't give a chance to that person to play. And I see survivors just repearing like bots to scape. DC to give the friend the hatch sucks yes, but the rank don't give you anything, the blood points u can gain more at next match... The game still need a rework, cause 90% of match are campers, tunneler or Gen rushers

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,952
    edited April 2020

    i agree that "hatch tech" shouldn't be a thing, but can you honestly consider escaping via a teammate dc a win?

  • PuckGOA
    PuckGOA Member Posts: 27

    Just keep playing. 1 game or more not turning out the way you want it doesn't matter in the long run. And popping means less now than it ever has. Just get those points. You got 25k points. Be more happy with what you have than with what you don't. It really is the best way to enjoy this game.

  • Ratchetcooper
    Ratchetcooper Member Posts: 17

    Ok you see them but they can be really butts and close the hatch right in front of you then hook you and then pull you away and make you crawl for freedom then Nope denied I dunno what rank you are but I've been purple and they dont care all they care about is 4k and gg ex or get gud when they know they have the upper hand

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    I like your quote, but that's not what I said. And no, nothing about what I said is ridiculous. You're welcome to be of the "git gud" opinion, but its short sighted and fails to acknowledge the inequality of this game in end-game scenarios, especially for solo survivors. But you do you, booboo.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522
    edited April 2020

    Yes, harassing a survivor at the end of the game is unacceptable, I agree. If a there's one survivor downed and the killer carries them to the hatch, closes the hatch, and then stands there while you bleed out, that's rude as hell.

    Just "trying hard" or using certain addons or playing a certain killer is perfectly fine, though.

    Lord knows that flashlights piss me off occasionally, but I don't call them "toxic". They just happen to be annoying to me personally.

  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687
    • Generators -> Exit Gates -> Escaping
    • Hook Saves -> Teammates doing Gens -> Exit Gates -> Escaping
    • Heals -> Longer chases -> Teammates on Gens -> Exit Gates -> Escaping
    • Totems -> Removes Killer Perks -> Easier Survival -> Generators -> Exit Gates -> Escape

    Almost EVERYTHING a survivor can do aids toward their survival, so it's pretty obtuse to say that their goal isn't Surviving.

    Now, lets do the exact same thing for killers.

    • Start Chases -> Get Hooks -> Get Kills
    • Kick Gens -> Stall Surv Objectives
    • Slugging -> Forces Another survivor to come -> Stall Surv Objectives
    • Break Walls/Pallets -> Make the map more dangerous -> Easier Chases -> Get Hooks -> Get Kills

    The majority of actions that killers can do stall survivor objectives or aid them in getting kills. So how is their goal not to get kills?

  • DisappointedUser
    DisappointedUser Member Posts: 420

    1 time? This is quite a common “tech.” And your response is hilariously stupid. The game almost requires red rank killers to 4K to get a pip. Don’t be an arse.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    It’s at least a 5 minute time out for hatch tech now. Take solace in that.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    You're all equally entitled.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Don't act like you've never done it.

    No one is holy here.

  • Nysos
    Nysos Member Posts: 19

    So i don't see a problem with slugging and yes I'm a killer main. But if I'm not "entitled" to a 4k games why are survivors "entitled" to survive? Point neither sides are entitled to ish. Does it suck when a survivor DC's giving the hatch absolutely, but no difference with sacrifice/ no struggle on hook. Getting slugged sucks but both sides "abused" certain aspects of the game. If Devs had a problem with it they change it like they did with survivors vaulting the same window. Also there are perks for getting slugging if you're really worried about it. Though i will say everyone should get a multiplier for dcs it really hurts both side in my opinion

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Maybe don't play toxic, forcing them to slug. Or, you know, relying on the survivor sided hatch mechanic.

    This isn't a one time issue. This happens quite often. The penalty does nothing if people really want to dc. Never has, never will.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    First off, don't call it a tech. This makes it seem legitimate, like the Tractor tech. It isn't.

    Second, I completely agree. It should do something like a husk or a bot would be great.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    No one has said that, at all. In fact, the only thing I've said is that survivors deserve a fair shake, which they do.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    Yes, this OP gave one singular example of why they suddenly think the DC penalty isn't working. So no, my response is dead on. And no, the game doesn't require red rank killers to 4k to pip, although I agree that the rank system is broken AF - along with the match making system. You try not being an arse. ;)

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    I never play toxic. Also, no one ever forces anyone to slug - slugging is a choice made by the Killer. And the hatch is 100% killer sided. Good try tho.

  • Shorty_Hutch
    Shorty_Hutch Member Posts: 22

    Honestly I find a lot of these forums funny because i literally play for fun lol I still enjoy the thrill of out smarting either side (respectfully). To me, thats the real purpose of the game. And if you come across a camper/tunneler/locker camper etc just deal with them as your skill allows and move on. Maybe consider a different load out :)

  • Jacksansyboy
    Jacksansyboy Member Posts: 174

    It depends, sometimes you have games where the killer is terrible, but with a little tunneling, they get it to 2 survivors dead with 2 gens left to go, then after looping the killer until the other survivor finally finishes 1 gen, you go down. Then the killer walks around for another 20 minutes just slugging and looking for the survivors as they keep healing, one goes down, gets slugged, and drags the game out way too long. Doesn't sound like that was the case here, but killers dragging the game out needlessly is the same as survivors teabagging at the gate until forced out like before endgame collapse.

  • ephellon
    ephellon Member Posts: 19

    Oh. My ######### God. These comments justifying DC'ing are hilarious. "Do you know how hard it is to solo queue?" Not that hard, you're just bad.

    "You're petty for slugging." DC'ing for hatch is petty; DC'ing period is petty (I've done it twice, but way before the penalty system started. I'm petty).

    "How dare you kill the survivors as killer." Implied in the title.

    "It's one escape, stop being so privileged." He played the game how he was supposed to (i.e. kill the opposing team), they essentially cheated him out of deserved earnings--the survivors were privileged for not getting 1HM (1 hook & Mori)

  • Cable2486
    Cable2486 Member Posts: 249 take shots at this person for sounding privileged while complaining about Mori's? Mori's are the only sure way to punish swf and sweaty gen rushers. Plus you're playing a game where a killer doesn't actually do any of the really killing without a special item or add-on, which are consumed upon use, but all Survivors get to keep they're items, ALL toolboxes are essentially just Brand New parts that get refilled every match, and NOTHING has been done about the Repair speed perk to item synergy, even though Killer perk synergy has been screw six ways to Sunday? Get real.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I dont like slugging for 4K. Its boring for the slugged one. Though I dont care if its a toxic SWF, they dont care for others, so why should I not slug for 4K.

    I dont mind if the last Sur escape through hatch when I already have 3K if they have at least 2Gen done. Though if they didnt finish a sinlge Gen, the last Sur should not able to escape by any mean. There should be a reward for 3K at 0Gen done, and that reward is the last Sur.

  • Cable2486
    Cable2486 Member Posts: 249

    You're missing the point - only one of the two abusing to the DC is being punished. More often then not, it's a swf team, and one find the hatch, so the other just DCs or Sacs and let the last go free with no ability to stop them, and no punishment for abusing it. It would be better if they would lock out outsides comes and had in-game coms that the Killer could hear within proximity, like FT13 has. It would make it WAY more fair for killers, and put stress back into the game for all these Survivors that claim it's too boring. That, and a punishment for not completing all Totems as a second objective that prevents escaping.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Survivors already have a fair shake. Theres 4 of you. If you get to end game and you are the last one, why should you automiatically be just as strong as a killer? I would agree with you if this was strictly a 1v1 game. It isn't. You have a chance to survive. A small glimmer of hope after failing to fulfill the requirements needed to complete your objective.

  • BlueSwifts
    BlueSwifts Member Posts: 20
    edited April 2020

    I believe you are taking this idea of "objective" in the game and trying to be too in depth. Like, "the killer walking around the map is an objective!" or something. Take a few steps back, the killer is literally supposed to kill all four survivors while all four survivors try to escape. We don't need to say "you need to hit them! survivors need to run!" I mean come on -.- The killer doesn't win because they kicked a gen. The survivors don't win because they pulled someone off a hook. If you wanna say blood points are an objective, well no it's the progression system. But why do we get vast amounts of blood points? To get stronger builds to either sacrifice the survivors or to help survivors escape.

    Slugging is not "poor play" nor is it toxic these days. Many games you will find yourself needing to do so if you're really going for the 4k to begin with. Take the third guy and spirit them away, now the fourth gets hatch... That's just one simple scenario I'll gladly offer more as will others 😉 Tunneling is also a pretty ineffective strategy in the long run. If survivors are coordinated to begin with then protecting the tunneled person isn't impossible.

    Gen rushing very much exists, no one is here to call it toxic or anything. The gens just get done too damn fast! Did you know that speaking in the most optimal scenario, the gens can be finished in just under 5 minutes... Yeah, and survivors were upset when high rank killers would run Ruin every game which got nerfed...

    Well to touch on your last point, play style is the point of toxicity in any game... I don't get this point being made here. Just sticking to DbD for simple examples sake: If a survivor throws down a pallet which offers me the killer head trauma and then starts bagging, why? That's just toxic play and any survivor bagging my Ghostface should expect to be slugged and bagged for twice the amount of bagging done to me, I'm counting 😤

  • Lazerboy88
    Lazerboy88 Member Posts: 517

    doesn’t matter if they slugged or not, a survivor dcing is a worse player then a killer playing the game.

  • SpicyTopRamen
    SpicyTopRamen Member Posts: 68

    Honestly, if the player wants to DC and get the penalty on top of losing his bp and pips just so their friend can get hatch, who cares? They're losing more to the game then you are. Plus if you would have just hooked that survivor before going for the 4th one, then you would have gotten your hook points.

    I'm not condoning the person who DCed, because I honestly think the killer is there for the same reason the survivors are, but I know that when I'm playing survivor I would rather get killed on the hook than waste time getting slugged.

    I am curious what happened to the husk mechanic though. That idea was mentioned by the devs and we haven't heard anything since.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Its more about the whole point if DCing i think.

    Slugging = toxic = DC

    Freddy = DC

    Spirit = DC

    Moris = DC

    Camping = DC

    Iri head = DC

    Tunnel = DC

    In all those situations the only thing that can be said to be against the rules is DC. It's cheating. Plain and simple. I personally Dont slug for 4k. If i find last guy as someone is on hook so be it. I don't care that much. Some people do. They arent wrong for it. DCing is against the rules. Those players are wrong

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    My point was that the killer is rewarded for farming, also known as not killing the survivors.

  • SpicyTopRamen
    SpicyTopRamen Member Posts: 68

    I completely agree! I see people at red ranks DC like crazy. Best you can really do at the moment is take it for what it is and report anyone who does it intentionally.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Another thing being slugged is 4 minutes of boredom max. DCing is 5 minutes minimum. Just wait it out. It takes less time

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Oh so that's what it says in game. Funny, it doesn't say kill the survivors but instead says to chase and hook them.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Yes. Thats why killers lose points for moris and if im not mistaken get no points for letting someone bleed out.

    Slugging means you chased. Nothing wrong with it if you plan on hooking that person before they bleed out. Now leaving all 4 on ground to bleed out i would say is toxic. Or refusing to hook someone while also not allowing anyone to pick them up while not chasing anyone else is also toxic. Not cheating. Just scummy.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Agreed, there may be a bleedout timer but in my opinion it is still toxic to not even attempt to hook survivors and instead letting them bleed out.

  • Doomspooge
    Doomspooge Member Posts: 184

    Funny you should mention the old hatch. It's been a while but if I remember correctly the go to survivor defense for the old hatch stand offs was "Just slug the 3rd if you want to 4k." It amuses me how opinions on things change as the game changes.