Why DbD mobile is significantly better than PC

Let’s start with progression. The bloodmarket is so good, you can buy what you want without having to efficiently spend to get perks and you have a better reason to get purple and red items/addons allowing you to use those more often.
Perks are even better, you play the character to level them up giving you experience with those perks and the need to kind of start from the bottom adding another level of progression and satisfaction.
Balance, all the controls are new but using them to their full potential is actually a skill like in every other game, like using the run long to be able to turn and hit as killer. And the best thing in any thing of DbD. You don’t have to hold the button to repair the gen, that is so welcome.
Not to mention the implementation of bots. Honestly the bots play better than most players I face. You can abuse the killer AI in some places, but you can’t 360 that guy like a breeze. Speaking of whic
Challenges, every day you get new Challenges with various rewards and a long weekly challenges with huge rewards and you are actually awarded shards and most importantly auric cells, so this is the first time you can get licensed characters by grinding. and I think the amount of time to get those cells is like 2 times the time of PC grinding for shards for 2 original characters. And with the rate of shard game, grinding for cosmetics especially the good ones is actually fesable while being able to... have a life.
Anyway, this is just me saying go drop any DbD you got on console/PC and play Mobile it is so much better.
Wait wait.
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Yup, bots that will do gens and won’t go down in 2 seconds. Amazing right!
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Yep my friend deleted game in the middle of a match lol and his character came and healed me and did 2 gens with me he even escapes LOL
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Yeah mobile has a LOT of things that are really nice QOL changes
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It's significantly easier for bots on phone considering how whack the controls are, a bot is likely to play at around the same level
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Yeah, but you have to use mobile phone controls.
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I wonder if they had different people team on it 🙄🤣
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If only we could tie our accounts together. I don't care for the idea of starting all over or buying stuff I already own.
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For the serious DBD mobile gamers
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Playing on mobile still sucks to me though, no mobile game can address that.
Also, the more progress i make on PC, the less motivated i'll be to start all over on a new platform.
Good for you that you enjoy it!
I'm even jealous mobile's got bots.
But nah, not worth it to me to start a mobile save.
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Well, I think the better idea would be to bring some of the improvements over to PC.
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The bloodpoints market and bots would be great QOL additions to the original DBD. Rework the Shrine of Secrets so it not only offers players a chance to buy 4 random perks, but also 10 random survivor offerings/items/add-ons and 10 random killer offerings/ad-ons.
It'd also be nice if the game allowed players to sell perks/items/offerings/add-ons for 50% of the original bloodpoint price.
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I had the same issues with the controls. Someone on their mobile forums was giving their review of the port and though I did agree with a lot of what they were saying, there were somethings about the port I found odd.
One of the differences between the two versions that I find odd is how the huntress's humming works.
On PC, it's non-directiontional but here you get a little indicator to where it's coming from. It could be that they used an older version of her before her humming was changed. The indicator kind of just flat out tells the survivors where she is during the session.
The only other thing I don't like are the controls. I don't find them much of an issue on survivor. The third person camera is generous enough that I don't find myself swiping frantically while playing and the button to quickly look behind you is pretty nice as well.
Killer though, at least to me, feels like I'm operating a crane. I'm having to spin my camera looking for survivors, faking directions/moon walking. Autorun is at times helpful, but you can't strafe while it's active and if you some how walk past a survivor, you'll have to stop and slowly turn. If you walk into a group of survivors, sometimes your camera will lock onto different ones depending on their distance. This can be jarring when your in a chase with an injured survivor and all of a sudden, your camera jumps to a Claudette (that you didn't even see) crouching in a corner. Then there are things like tapping the edges of the screen will turn your camera in that direction. The same edge where all the interaction buttons are. The killer role has always been about time management, but it feel(s) like so much of it is wasted fighting the controls.
Over all, I think it's nice. I'm super amazed at how they were able to downsize the game. I admit that the major issues I have can't be fixed due to it's medium. It's a mobile game and controls like one, but its definitely still worth a try.
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Can't deny that it's generally nice to have it on phone, it just means more people will find out DbD is a thing.
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And what about us poor consolers?
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I figured console players can just go play the mobile version. Basically the same thing, right? 😛
Sooo kidding. I assume that whatever makes it to the PC would also make it to the console. But, yes, definitely, the improvements should go to the consoles too. 😁
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Most kind! :)
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It is a completely different team than the console and PC devs. So they have their own freedoms letting them do what they want. For the most part. They do still want it to be a similar experience.
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I mean the biggest thing i like is that its a free port. Anyone can play it if they have the medium to do so (ie a medium-strong phone/tablet/even pc or hell anything that can run android at a decent enough level.) It's also got so many ways of earning that of which we already have in the game, and whilst i expect that will level out and get slower over time, it doesn't objectively feel "pay to win" to play it as survivor or killer. The bots and other adjustments are just icing on the already good escape cake that is dead by daylight mobile and if it weren't for the shoddy internet connection i have at work, i would likely be non stop playing it throughout my 30min breaks!. will never truly be able to compete against console or pc (i mean it is mobile) but with how they've done it, it sure as hell tries and does a pretty good job imo.
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Lmao i restarted 4 times. Twice on playstation and twice on xbox.
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Good for you i guess.
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If they bring bots to pc/console people can ddos their teammates to get an upgrade
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Idk how anyone can think that mobile is better than pc/console. Yes mobile has got some nice features such as the ability to earn bp and shards through quests, but remember that on mobile you only start with 3 survivors and 2 killers. The bloodmarket is so much worse than the bloodweb as it takes way longer to grind through all of the levels and makes spending bp frustrating. Also remember there is only one bloodmarket for all killers and one for all survivors, which makes the variety incredibly small and finding specific addons or items that you want so much more painful than needed. The bots, although fun at first, will become incredibly boring and repetivite the more you play the game. I bet you within 20 hours of playing mobile you will want to come back to pc/console.
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The only thing I want to be fixed about mobile is that the killer bloodmarket is almost always trapper related, even if you have other characters.
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The market and players and leveling is better. The execution of the game play is horrible and this game will die unless they enable full BT controller support.
i don’t think you’ve played much if you think mobile is overall better.
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Dbd on mobile sucks because it’s just to easy and the controllers also suck.Nintendo switch is definitely better in my opinion.
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As someone said, it's a mobile game and plays like one. Comparing the control of a mobile game to the PC/console version isn't really fair. Comparing it to other mobile games (Identity V especially) will give a better perspective.
Anyway, I would love to try it, but it's not available in my region yet. I know there are ways to bypass the region-lock, but idk if the progress will carry over when they eventually release it here. I'll just wait for the official release.
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you forgot the best part, free shards and auric cells in daylies and mystery boxes