Dbd is the best game ever!

juvia Member Posts: 9
edited April 2020 in General Discussions

The people in this community are so full of respectful intelligent criticism its great! Kudos to u all.


Post edited by juvia on


  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I'm gonna agree with everyone else and say: the killers make the lobbies

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    First of all, rank 1 player on both sides, Xbox too.

    Over the last week, it takes me about 5 minutes to join a game as survivor, and about 10 seconds to join a game as a killer.

    People do care because new killers are coming up against experienced survivors.

    Survivors are the power role at the moment, but not by alot.

    Also the reason why lobbies take long-ish is because not alot of people want to play killer anymore. It's too frustrating and hard for alot, and many switched to survivor.

  • juvia
    juvia Member Posts: 9

    Whining about whining lol My major complaint is this game should fix the errors just to get into a lobby with friends/family, as in joining each other without getting errors. Or entering a killer lobby we only get 2 out of the 4 of us.

    We dont get these errors much on PC Duh ITS ON XBOX which is where we play the most. Also when we get into the actual game with a random survivor they quit cus they get hit first or the killer quits cus we finished too many gens.

    But also killers have way more advantage with perks, weapons, hooks are hella close. The list goes on. IN MY OPINION.

    My kids are teens and have more fun playing as the killer cus they're OP. So no it doesn't make sense to me why people complain about being a killer when kids can do it and have fun.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I'm seeing claims but no facts or evidence. I guess I shouldn't have expected more from someone who just expects everyone to agree with them always. So tell me, how is matchmaking a noticeable issue except for when it comes to queue times?

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,160
    edited April 2020

    From my experience, DbD right now goes something like this: killer plays match, gets stomped by higher ranks, has crappy time. Killer plays another match, gets stomped by higher ranks, has a crappy time. After a few rounds of this, the killer stops playing. Now wait times for survivors are even longer.

    Anyway, the choices are: fast lobbies where killers get put up against survivors way out of their league, leading to killers getting tired of it and they stop playing killer, which will ultimately lead to even slower lobbies (this especially chases away new players); or, slower lobbies where killers and survivors of similar skill levels play together, not chasing players away, so when new players join they actually stick around, leading in time to faster lobbies. It's a choice between instant gratification or long-term benefits.

    Also, the few times I bother to play anymore, I get complaints from survivors because they had a "boring" match. They blame me because they waited thirty plus minutes in a lobby for a match in which they had no fun even though they all got to escape. So, bad matchmaking does seem to negatively affect survivors, too.

  • Flatskull
    Flatskull Member Posts: 332

    The main issue is that survivor itself isn't so much the power role anymore. The actual survivors base mechanics and perks and just changes to the game on both side have fixed a lot of their issues. The real power role is SWF because once they coorderinate to do anything you're just buggered. Because 4 people doing ANYTHING together...means a killer who can only hit one person at a time then has to wait to hit another is out attritioned even when all logic would dictate that these survivors lining up to get hit and standing in his face should be in the kill zone.

    Good example is when all survivors team speak and gang up on a hook and crouch at it. Hook blocking a hook. Logic would dictate that standing in front of a killer like a tool and letting him slap you would leave you in a bad position but they know you can't do jack. Especially since a killer lacks the ability to push survivors out of the way, allowing for essential SWF body block armor. Body block armor meaning when via coordination and info they should no t have thanks to swf and comms they essentially become a bulwark of hits that you can't navigate around at all. Which is why they all heal in your face.

    Another example is when every survivor also has an aura reveal perk of the killer like OOO and you're basically screwed since everyone now knows everything.

    But swf will never be rectified or punished even though it goes against the very core concept of uncertanity and fear the game is built on. It was literally called "an anti-social multiplayer" once upon a time then they added a social feature. And it's the most broken thing in dbd and always has been.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    And yet I'm someone who people always do agree with aslong as they remain unbiased.

    Anyways, I've got two examples here from over the last week on both sides of me facing someone who I shouldn't have. Found the game in my average 10 seconds and got against this lobby:

    Same thing happened today but on the other side. Playing survivor trying to get back to rank 1, as I was grinding bp before going to survivor, and came up against this:

    I genuinely felt bad after this match...he never even tried to use his chainsaw.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    I would agree with this, but the one reason I don't, and I rarely say a bad game came down to swf is because I'm a solo myself, and I've played with many, many great team mates. Many people say the solo experience is horrible, yet usually I get one-two good loopers and a good team in general.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I already knew matchmaking was bad, that wasn't my question. Can you read my comment again?

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    "So tell me, how is matchmaking a noticeable issue except for when it comes to queue times?" Am I missing something to this because its 12:30 at night, or did you miss type something?

  • juvia
    juvia Member Posts: 9

    I dont know man. My main complaint was DBD needs to fix the main lobby with friends. I knew coming into this forum would get all the die hards riled up cus Ive heard hard core players are very toxic.

    I am ignorant tho cus I only play as the survivor. My kids however have more fun as killer. We get creamed more when we are in a group than I do in random lobbies. We also however get body blocked, camped, weird killers that take the game hostage which sometimes can be fun cus we get a random hatch win from the killers back. Lol

    Anyway didnt want to start arguments with people just want the game to get its BUGS FIXED

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    How is the matchmaking issue not applicable to queue times is what I meant to say. Definitely my bad.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,112

    You want "evidence"? What are you, the FBI? People ought to be able to speak their experiences without having to screenshot everything. The discussion poster would be "nothing but claims" since the argument is "Killer OP" and that's it. You'd be plain ignorant to not have heard by now that survivors wait 5 minutes, and killer waits 1 minute (both are accurate approximations), to get into games. But no, just disregard comments left and right due to them failing your special standards.

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    I play on mobile sometimes and it seems to be around 3 minute wait time for a lobby. Same with normals around 3-4 minutes for me atleast sometimes more. You wanna know why? it's because most are playing the PTB with the more balanced maps and stuff, atleast a few killer mains

  • xCarrie
    xCarrie Member Posts: 982

    I get what you mean and yes lobby times are terrible but you’re fighting two topics in your argument. first you’re saying the game has too many errors and long wait times, but you’re also bringing up killers are op and need to quit whining about matchmaking.

    like waffles said. killers make the lobbies. without killers matches wouldn’t exist, so killers can have the right to complain about it. what you’re saying is basically “killers are op no matter what, get over it. who cares if you’re just starting out and face red ranks? don’t be a baby and talk about it.” it’s one sided.

    so yeah wait times plus errors are bad and need to be looked at, but that doesn’t mean you should tell certain killers to shut up and suck it up.

  • xTalon32
    xTalon32 Member Posts: 413

    "So tell me, how is matchmaking a noticeable issue except for when it comes to queue times?"

    I don't know if I'm misunderstanding too but he did answer your question. You wanted evidence of bad matchmaking excluding queue times, which he provided in those pictures.

    Can you clarify what you mean?

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Evidential claims backed by good knowledge or community agreement will also suffice. I'm using evidence with a more connotative expression most of the time, sorry if I got you mixed up 😁

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Hope my above comment helps, it's a response to Cheers

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    You see, there is no way to prove that is or isn't applicable to matchmaking. I don't know if it's bad matchmaking, or if it's that it's taking so long a certain side to join a game that it spreads its range in ranking for who can join the lobby.

    The best way to prove it is survivor, which I might try, but as of now I don't think there is a way to prove its relevancy.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,160
    edited April 2020

    We all want the bugs fixed in this game. If you didn't want to start an argument, you could have left it at pointing out the bugs you've been having and how they've negatively affected your gaming experience. It becomes an instant argument-starter when you claim others are whining about a problem that's "not important" (yes it is). Both the bugs and the problem are important, and both need fixing. "Whine whine whine" as a title is meant to get people riled up, that's the only effect it could possibly have.

  • juvia
    juvia Member Posts: 9

    I said I couldnt see the links. Anyway the errors in que lobbies are ridiculous. I mentioned killer whining cus thats all I see in my google feed. The game should run pretty smooth by now with less errors to group up as survivors. Anyway didnt think Id get this much crazy feed.

    This community is nuts.

  • juvia
    juvia Member Posts: 9

    I put whine whine whine cus I said Im tired of seeing people complain about being the killer when the game itself has many bugs that need fixing.

    I didnt expect so much salt from people even tho I have heard that this community is very toxic with a lot of aggressive veteran players.

    Tell me how do I edit my title to get you crazies off my back lol

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Well since the relevancy can't be proven, wouldn't it be immoral to claim facts based around this? We can have opinions all we want but I would hate for someone to be mislead by a statement that wasn't well thought out, researched, or phrased. I feel there is a minimum amount of care that should be taken, and that by taking this care we can maintain a professional environment for debate and opinion. This care can be best described as "say what you mean". I'll admit I often slip, but after repairing my errors there is no one that is worse off because of it. Thank you for responding to my comments and taking part in this discussion! I respect your opinion, and I relent that it is well justified and a shared sentiment in the community.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,160
    edited April 2020

    No idea how you change the title. I barely post here anymore because I haven't played the game in weeks... months if you don't include memeing around to occasionally do a daily match. Neither survivor nor killer is fun. I might load the game up when the next Rift goes live, but I doubt I'll stick with it unless they actually fix matchmaking. Between the matchmaking and some of the bugs, it's not worth playing. Given that there are many bugs that players have been pointing out for literally years... well, don't get your hopes up.

    Also, this thread hasn't been aggressive or toxic; you have received a very tame and respectful response to your post. Go look at the thread about "hatch tech," you can see the toxicity rearing its head there.

    Edit: I thought your original post was trying to bring more attention to the bugs in this game, but after you've edited it it doesn't mention the bugs at all. It's unlikely bugs will get fixed in a timely manner, but they'll never get fixed if players don't even bring attention to them. Now I'm sad. :*(

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    It's probably for the best we don't state facts around something without evidence. I too wouldn't want to mislead someone by saying something (which I probably unintentionally have many times). Its better that some members in this community can actually talk about many positive things while giving constructive feedback and having good chats about our opinions like this, rather than having alot of posts that are off someone who is biased in some way. We all make mistakes sometimes, it's natural for us to do so. Usually I'll try and fix it, but even the occasional time I'll slip up and not recognise it until the damage is done. I'm glad you and I got to share our opinions on the matter. I too respect your opinions (not only on this thread but on many others that I see you on), I'm glad we have many member of the community like yourself who like to speak their mind while also respecting others.

  • drimmalor
    drimmalor Member Posts: 909

    Closing this as the intent of the thread has been changed and isn't staying civil.

This discussion has been closed.