Matchmaking is Awful

What is the point of ranks if it’s completely ignored when matchmaking? I’m trying to get back into this game and when I last played I was a rank 1 killer. Now I’m making my way up from rank 20. At rank 12 every single game I play is against no worse than rank 5. It doesn’t affect me because I’m good enough to beat them, but how is it even remotely fair or logical to throw a green rank player in with rank 1’s every single game. It’s very possible that since you’ve nerfed killers to the point that almost every one is a potato, that there are almost no killers playing because they are tired of being bullied because you refuse to balance your game. It’s remarkable how much worse this game is since I left 6 months ago. It’s a joke.


  • xTalon32
    xTalon32 Member Posts: 413

    This has been discussed to the point of.... well we won't go into that.

    They're working on it.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited April 2020

    The main issue is that throughout 2019, this matchmaking problem happened several different times. Then it came back again November 2019, and by December 2019 I threw in the towel and left.

    Come back now in April 2020, and the precise issue that was here in December 2019 is here again.

    Exactly how long do they need to work on it? Never mind actually get it right? And folks have faith in them being able to implement a Hidden MMR system? I sure don't, not effectively anyway. Only then, they can claim "working as intended" without too many people able to prove them wrong.

    BHVR have proven themselves to be incapable of handling a matchmaking system.

  • RareOmen
    RareOmen Member Posts: 143

    I agree with you, all the second chance perks that survivors have is crazy. I’m not saying they need to be nerfed or removed but they need to make it fun to play killer instead of just getting bullied and trash talked each game.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    It actually changes depending on the time. At Eastern Daylight Time I see more of those issues during the day, specially during the afternoon. Late night, the quality of the killers skyrocket along with their ranks. I can only speculate what happens, but I think the ratio of survivors to killers goes up by a lot during daytime. I might not be really a matchmaking problem, rather a killer shortage as mentioned.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    I don't disagree. I came back specifically to play Killer. Know what I did after two days? I downloaded DbD Mobile, instead. Yeah, the controls for Killer suck, but right now I am playing that and Overwatch, instead.