Wait Time

TheDG Member Posts: 2

I’ve been wondering why the wait times are so long on xbox. The game has a solid fan base I assume. I sit and wait for survivor games for 15 mins or longer just looking. Does this happen to anyone else?


  • TheDG
    TheDG Member Posts: 2

    That’s really unfortunate. I wonder if they have any plans to address those issues.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    I agree. I don't see how a hidden system will help. Players will have a bad match experience and if they complain, it will be even easier for others to tell them to "just play better". And we won't have any idea whether the new system will work or not.

    The current ranking & matchmaking system is part of the problem, but the main problem is the gameplay itself: A lot of people feel that playing killer is no fun (including me, I'm a survivor main for a reason).

    I don't think that the upcoming changes will help a lot, but we will see. The changes to gen time are a drop in the ocean. I'm curious how the map changes will turn out, but I don't have that much hope.

    Also, I have a feeling that moris, NOED & Billy will receive significant nerfs in the not-so-distant future. If that would happen, it would worsen our current situation.

  • Kuhthulhu
    Kuhthulhu Member Posts: 12

    How about to give the side, that is needed (mostly waiting as survivor for a killer to join) a Bonus of bloodpoints

  • Kuhthulhu
    Kuhthulhu Member Posts: 12

    Or you could give them few shards as reward. Or to make it even more rewardable to play the side wo is needed give them few cells as reward.

    Or another idea, but i think it wouldnt help much, crossplay.

    Is ps4 and xbox already crossplay? That would be a start.

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688

    The waiting times for survivors are bad and in my opinion, I think a lot of people don't play killer. For example, I player killer, but much less than survivor. If my friends are online, we always play survivor together and they don't play killer at all. My friends say playing killer is too stressful and I agree that sometimes it is, especially because nowadays ranks are all over the place. I played a match today with me, rank 10 killer going against 2 rank 1 and 2 rank 2 survivors. I had a miserable time, for most of the match and while I play one match as survivor, then go for another one, I played one match as killer, go so frustrated that I switched back to survivor again.

    Survivors need to stop and realise that Killers are essential. Guess what, you can't play a match without a killer. So, when there are balance changes that benefit killers, we can't just complain until those changes get reversed, because the game needs people who want to play killer and we are losing them. Also, be less toxic to killers that didn't do anything toxic to begin with. I get people t-bagging me at the start of a chase, after they throw down 1 pallet. Why? Or flashlight clicking? Playing killer is already stressful, there is no need to make it worse.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    Exactly. It was a major reason I stopped playing Killer nearly as much when I last played. Now, did the bad manners hurt my feelings or make me mad? Not in the slightest. But it just got tiresome to constantly deal with. It's like being in a room full of screaming, irritating children. Finally you have enough and just leave.

  • Kon
    Kon Member Posts: 76

    i deranked and stay around 12-13 and dont kill survs anymore, just dbl hook. so i get average/chill/new survs cause im sick of all the toxicity and verbal harassment in higher ranks