When reporting a bug, please follow the template provided, otherwise the report will be declined. The information requested is vital to allow us to correctly reproduce and then fix what you are reporting.
Matchmaking continues to search after Unreadying
Lately i've been noticing that if you queue(ready up) for matchmaking and then click the unready button, there are times where matchmaking will continue to search even though you stopped it. This can lead to you being put into matches unwillingly, forcing you to depip while also most likely being reported for AFK'ing during the match.
Hello @Ivaldi
Just letting you know that I have pinned in the bug section a template on how to report your issue. As of today, I will go through the threads and I will ask the community to follow this template. Like this it would be easier for you and for us to get all the info needed.
When you have time, can you edit your thread and use this template : https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/146040/important-use-this-template-to-report-your-issue#latest that would be super helpful, then we will be able to edit the status and proceed with your issue.
Thank you so much for your help!
Have a great day!