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Buying new killer-suggestions and reason welcome! Edit-killers bought now, thanks all

Teethgrinder83 Member Posts: 99
edited April 2020 in Ask the Community

Ive decided to buy a new killer but can't decide which one (I'll end up buying them all at some point but I've bills and moneys tight atm lol). Anyway I already have the nurse, the hag, the Dr, the huntress, the plague and the deathslinger (as well as the basic killers). I'm stuck between the nightmare, the oni, the pig and the clown but I'm certainly open to others so if anyone has suggestions and their reasons then that would be great!

Post edited by Teethgrinder83 on

Best Answer


  • JnnsMu
    JnnsMu Member Posts: 249
    edited April 2020

    I would honestly recommend the Cannibal if you don't have the teachable for BBQ and Chili yet. The killer is trash but the perk will significantly help your blood point gain and waiting on it to show up in the Shrine of Secrets is just a little unreliable. Otherwise, I can definitely recommend the Nightmare. He's really strong without being too complex. Oni and Pig can be fun too but they take pretty special playstyles so you're the only one who can decide if they're for you. I would recommend to stay far away from Clown. The Pop Goes the Weasel teachable is nice but it's not as big of a staple as BBQ and the killer is just awful.

  • Teethgrinder83
    Teethgrinder83 Member Posts: 99

    The thought did cross my mind to buy the cannibal for bbq & chilli but I decided against it because a) as a killer I'm pretty sure I wont bother with him much at all and b) atm I'm getting plenty blood points when I play as the Dr so decided against it. I'm glad you mentioned that about the clown because I was gravitating towards him. I reckon I'll go ahead and buy the nightmares dlc though-I just don't read about many people playing with oni and so I'm still intrigued with him. Thanks a lot for your help 👌

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314


    If you're looking for someone who you can really enjoy, than buy the Oni for sure.

    The Oni is pretty easy to learn once you know what to do, his power is very strong when used correct, you can control his Demon Dash with a lot more precision than Billy, and he's overall a solid Killer to use in any rank. If you're looking for a Killer to get perks, than get Leatherface or Plague for BBQ & Chili or Corrupt Intervention (And Infections Fright which is insanely good on The Oni).

    The Doctor is also a solid choice as well, since his buff made him a lot more manageable in-game. If you're looking for someone that's great on the stealth side of the killer role, than you can try Michael Myers or Ghostface. Both of them are really scary to face in-game if you know how to manipulate their powers to your advantage. Plus some Survivors will be more prone to paranoia when facing you, so they'll mess up a lot more because of this (sometimes).

    All in all, go with The Oni. The Oni in my opinion is a perfect balance of strength and fun! Not too strong but not too weak either, a solid choice.

  • RareOmen
    RareOmen Member Posts: 143

    I would go with The Nightmare, He can be a savage when you learn what perks are good for him. Everyone else, you can wait for their teachables if you want. Clown is cheeks except Pop and maybe Bamboozle if you know what you're doing.

  • Teethgrinder83
    Teethgrinder83 Member Posts: 99

    Yeah bbq & chili I see always pops up in forums and vids but since I keep hearing he isn't the greatest of killers I thought I'd just hold off till later before I bought him. The Dr is definitely my main for now, I feel pretty confident playing him and I agree he's a go to for farming BP. I'm keeping my fingers crossed bbq will come up to buy with shards but I've heard too that it's pretty rare. I ended up just buying the Pig and the Nightmare because I really couldn't make my mind up lol I've only had about 6 games with the Pig and I think 3 with Freddy and I won't lie, I'm finding Freddy hellishly difficult to get the hang of lol the Pig I'm doing alright with despite it being very early days playing with her, I feel comfortable but Freddy I think will take a bit of time to be used to although once I am I can see him being a worthwhile killer. Unfortunately my partner is working nightshifts atm and my xbox is in the bedroom so I can't play till she's at work 😂 thanks for the help!

  • Teethgrinder83
    Teethgrinder83 Member Posts: 99

    That's what I decided in the end-gonna take a lot of games to get the hang of him i think though lol thanks!

  • Teethgrinder83
    Teethgrinder83 Member Posts: 99

    Oni will be my next killer I reckon-I'm really intrigued with him, thanks! 👍

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    Freddy is the strongest Killer. If you play him too much though, you will get bored of him because there's not much to him. If you're looking for a challenge that is still fun, The Pig will be your best bet. Oni is lots of fun. Clown is bad unless you need perks.

  • Teethgrinder83
    Teethgrinder83 Member Posts: 99

    Yep I decided to just buy Freddy and the Pig-I'm finding Freddy pretty difficult to get the hang of but I feel that once I do he will definitely be a strong killer, lots of map pressure-im enjoying the Pig, she's been easier to get to grips with although it's still really early for me to say too much on how I'm doing. Oni will be my next buy for sure. Thanks!

  • badaB00M3R
    badaB00M3R Member Posts: 80

    You're welcome!

    I don't know if this will help, but the way I've learned Freddy was like this: I focused on becoming used to one mechanic at a time.

    I focused on practicing his teleport power first. I would manually patrol gens on one side of the map until recharge, port to the other and manually patrol until it recharged again. I found Whispers to be very helpful while getting used to how his teleport works.

    I ignored snares at first because they take a little more thought and instead used the dream pallet addons. The trick here is learning to try keeping survivors asleep or, at least, watching their sleep timers and adjusting for who you are chasing. I was able to place dream pallets quicker than snares and only top tier players seemed to know which was which.

    Then, I got into using the dream snares, which I am still learning to use effectively. They take a little longer to prepare and the trick here, as far as I can tell, is anticipating the loop and dropping it when the survivor isn't looking. I think this just takes practice.

    I found trying to learn all of his moves cumbersome, so breaking them down into easier to digest pieces made learning him easier for me.

    Pig is fun also. I forgot about her. Believe it or not, I have a harder time lining up her ambush and figuring out at what points I am hidden since I can always see myself.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    No problem, glad the suggestions are helping you out.

  • Teethgrinder83
    Teethgrinder83 Member Posts: 99

    That's a great idea, it makes so much sense when you mention it but it didn't occur to me to break it down like that lol unfortunately I've just moved to a new flat and still to get WiFi so haven't been able to play but when I get back online that's exactly how I'll go about things with freddy. For the very little time I've had with him i actually found the projections more awkward pure because it was a little jarring when you reappear and it felt hard getting my bearings but as I said before I've only had a few matches with him. Cheers for the suggestion, I wish my wifi provider would get me back online so I can try it out! Haha